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Who's around for a chat this weekend? Either Friday the 10th or Saturday the 11th works for me. Also is there a better time than 8pm Easter US for the international contingent?
Apr 7, 2020 08:05 am [Delete] [Edit]

...also, I forgot Borneo, by afore-mentioned Sophia Helix!
Apr 7, 2020 03:35 am [Delete] [Edit]

DG, how do you know you’re 35% through the archive?
Apr 7, 2020 02:38 am [Delete] [Edit]

Thanks for the suggestions! I promptly fell asleep after asking last night but I'm sure I'll be browsing these all tonight ;)
Apr 6, 2020 08:05 am [Delete] [Edit]

Recently I've just been reading fics in order of length, I am 35% through the archive!
Apr 6, 2020 07:32 am [Delete] [Edit]

Prob. not new to you, but: June 10th; Would you still love me?; The boy next door; I always wanted to be famous; Open; Truth and Consequences
Apr 6, 2020 06:38 am [Delete] [Edit]

its a personal mission of mine to see and harder still to make noise by sophia_helix get more beans. If you like Jennas bits of Pams backstory on office ladies youll love this fic. Find in Featured
Apr 5, 2020 11:09 pm [Delete] [Edit]

I love rereading pretty much anything and everything by Talkative, sophia_helix, callisto, and Stablergirl (and many others but those come to my mind right off)
Apr 5, 2020 10:59 pm [Delete] [Edit]

"Squirrel McPants," "Terra Incognita," "Tomorrow's Going to be a Brighter Day," "Eleven Dollars," "Stolen," "Ten Years." Hope that helps
Apr 5, 2020 09:55 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Guys, hit me with your favorite older stories. I need something to read.
Apr 5, 2020 09:12 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Episode 2 of John's Some Good News is up. Lots of fun.
Apr 5, 2020 08:27 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Getting caught up on all the new updates over the last few days! Hoping to add one of my own by the end of the day. Great job everyone!
Apr 3, 2020 08:42 am [Delete] [Edit]

Quarantine has meant constantly watching The Office in between writing fics, so not too bad over here. Hope everyone else is staying sane and healthy!
Apr 2, 2020 05:38 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to keep eating Starburst jelly beans while working on "Silver Wings."
Apr 2, 2020 05:05 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Hope everyone's staying healthy. I for one am very glad for all the updates. Siting in an ambulance at night all the updates have helped me keep my spirits up.
Apr 2, 2020 05:05 pm [Delete] [Edit]

I think I fixed it, thanks NLM! :)
Apr 2, 2020 06:14 am [Delete] [Edit]

You can try making sure the font color is set to auto (not black) and the background is set to no color. Or I’ll just deal with it in the morning 😆
Apr 2, 2020 12:21 am [Delete] [Edit]

It’s probably our dumb editor, when you copy paste something it copies all the formatting including font and background color. I don’t know what program you write in but....
Apr 2, 2020 12:20 am [Delete] [Edit]

...if anyone can help me figure out how to fix it so it's readable in all of the skins, I'd appreciate it!
Apr 1, 2020 11:16 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Hey guys, I've tried uploading the newest chapter of Cosa Nostra 3 times now, but the formatting is still messed up and I don't know why. It's readable in the paper airplanes skin...
Apr 1, 2020 11:16 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Another thing to do in lieu of April Fools Day is read “A Fool’s Bargain” by fasterthansnakes which is great sexy angsty fun. Find it in the Featured section of the homepage
Apr 1, 2020 08:54 am [Delete] [Edit]

I feel like we as a society collectively decided not to do April Fools this year but if you want to relive last years, select Pamalan in the theme menu at the bottom of the page 😆
Apr 1, 2020 01:28 am [Delete] [Edit]

Stanley is in a Cheerios commercial and every day, his voice distracts me at least once from whatever I’m trying to do.
Mar 31, 2020 09:20 am [Delete] [Edit]

John’s Some Good News and Animal Crossing are the load bearing pillars holding up the highly unstable building that is 2020 >.< oh and MTT of course 😉
Mar 30, 2020 09:11 pm [Delete] [Edit]

I'm still not entirely sure what jams are but I love that he's wearing them with a suit and tie. I agree, best part of 2020 so far
Mar 30, 2020 04:03 pm [Delete] [Edit]