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@WishYouWould definitely a college AU!
Sep 4, 2018 08:19 am [Delete] [Edit]

Which should I work on: college AU or cute married-life oneshot?
Sep 4, 2018 08:14 am [Delete] [Edit]

Ask him if he would truly pick Dallas Keuchel over Grenke. Serious questions only.
Sep 3, 2018 01:40 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Or how would Jack Ryan be at selling paper.
Sep 3, 2018 10:42 am [Delete] [Edit]

If you wanna keep it Office related, maybe something like how do you think Jim Halpert would fair in Jack Ryan's position? ;-) (there's a little bit of Jim in his portrayal I'd say)
Sep 3, 2018 10:03 am [Delete] [Edit]

BTJ that's very cool, we're all jealous, at least I am! Qs - what's something you were surprised to learn about the CIA or a big misconception about them. Or - most difficult stunt?
Sep 3, 2018 10:01 am [Delete] [Edit]

Thanks, Clover! I'll add that question to the list of potentials :)
Sep 3, 2018 08:02 am [Delete] [Edit]

NLM - totally agree about 'bar too high'. I now measure most love stories against P&J and no one compares.
Sep 2, 2018 10:14 pm [Delete] [Edit]

BTJ, let us know when it will be televised!
Sep 2, 2018 10:13 pm [Delete] [Edit]

BTJ, how exciting! The Jack Ryan series really educated us/humanized the Syrian refugees & the whole middle East situation. His thoughts on that?
Sep 2, 2018 10:11 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Attending a live conversation between John Krasinski and Stephen Colbert on Tuesday night. Any ideas on a question I should ask during the Q&A portion?
Sep 2, 2018 06:19 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Home from two days at a renaissance festival! Always fun walking around with a sword on my hip. Hopefully I'll be able to catch up on Jack Ryan tomorrow.
Sep 2, 2018 05:53 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Wish I talk to whoever dressed Abbie tho they gave her a couple horribly shapeless sweaters, makes S1 Pam look great! But they make up for it with a generous number of shirtless JKras scenes
Sep 2, 2018 03:28 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Got two episodes left, agreed clover, I started watching for JK but the rest of the story is pretty compelling. John and Abbie's chemistry is fine (J+J just set the bar too high!)
Sep 2, 2018 03:24 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Yes. Yes. Yes.
Sep 2, 2018 02:15 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Anyone else binge-watch Jack Ryan? This is NOT my cup of tea, but between JK and a pretty compelling story, it drew me in. Sparks between him and Abbie Cornish? IMHO - no. My short review.
Sep 2, 2018 12:43 pm [Delete] [Edit]

FYI in honor of Jack Ryan I'm refeaturing Comfects Asset Management for about a week, then we'll try to a switch out of featured stories
Aug 31, 2018 04:54 pm [Delete] [Edit]

ha, no problem, I got that you were just giving me a hard time ;-) and now I'm better informed on the EMT/Paramedic difference, win-win-win
Aug 31, 2018 12:59 am [Delete] [Edit]

Kidding of course in case tone of voice didn't convey over text on a screen. The difference between EMT and Paramedic mainly is I can do a lot more stuff than an EMT can
Aug 30, 2018 11:33 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Paramedic thank you very much! Just got done with a gun shot wound call too.
Aug 30, 2018 11:12 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Hashtag "Nightshift EMT fanfic writer/reader problems" 😆
Aug 30, 2018 09:43 pm [Delete] [Edit]

To tired to write, eyes getting sore from reading, and the Fire Dept. radio will not stop cutting in with static! Blah!
Aug 30, 2018 09:22 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Ha! NLM, now I only have ONE WIP! Ha! :)
Aug 30, 2018 03:55 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Gah! Invincible Summer is finally--FINALLY--finished. I kind of can't believe it. Missed 30K words, but still...what a great experience. Thanks to everyone who took it with me! <3
Aug 30, 2018 03:52 pm [Delete] [Edit]

I was looking forward to catching the premier of Jack Ryan too, sadly I'll be out of town and offline all weekend. Two days at a Renaissance Faire! Great excuse to walk around with a sword!
Aug 30, 2018 01:38 pm [Delete] [Edit]