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I can do tomorrow!
May 29, 2018 05:41 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Oh darn I just made plans 😭 Does tomorrow night work?
May 29, 2018 05:40 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Are we chatting tonight?
May 29, 2018 05:27 pm [Delete] [Edit]

BT: Yass! Those two fics made me totally ship them. ❤️ I mean yeah there's definitely a little JAM deja vu with them but hey I'd hardly call that a bad thing.
May 29, 2018 04:50 pm [Delete] [Edit]

NLM-I just read those two Pete/Erin off site fics you recommended last week. New obsession. I fully intend on adding to the sadly short list of fics about them!
May 29, 2018 11:05 am [Delete] [Edit]

Those deleted scenes were great!
May 29, 2018 07:04 am [Delete] [Edit]

It's honestly criminal they cut that during S8 when they so needed more scenes like that
May 28, 2018 07:54 pm [Delete] [Edit]

NOM—that deleted scene on the insta!! 😂 What I wouldn’t do for a supercut that includes all the deleted scenes. That is hysterical.
May 28, 2018 07:04 pm [Delete] [Edit]

On top of all the recent updates, John gave us a little Memorial Day gift in the form a new vid on his twitter and Insta, check out him and his buddy "Dave" at the forums 😆
May 28, 2018 04:53 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Y’all, you guys are just the best. It’s been the best day, getting so many emails about new reviews. Thank you guys for reading and sharing your thoughts, I love y’all!
May 28, 2018 02:33 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Happy Memorial Day everyone! Sitting down to do some reading here and I’m excited for all the updates :)
May 28, 2018 11:25 am [Delete] [Edit]

Two new *sexy* stories to boot! ;-) ;-)
May 27, 2018 07:56 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Holy cats. 2 new stories today?!? Happy Memorial Day reading everyone!
May 27, 2018 07:54 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Great pic, AG! Two of my favorite people.
May 27, 2018 04:21 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Oh yeah I know it's a proximity thing but still, Jimothy's all grown up. And yes the current facial hair situation is 👌👀💯
May 27, 2018 11:02 am [Delete] [Edit]

Well, Emily is filming a movie with him right now, so it makes sense
May 27, 2018 09:56 am [Delete] [Edit]

Great pic, AG! I keep forgetting our little Johnathan is kind of a big deal now, just casually hanging with the Rock
May 27, 2018 09:32 am [Delete] [Edit]

Hi everyone !
May 27, 2018 07:54 am [Delete] [Edit]

Someone please swoon with me over the pic of John and the Rock that I posted in the forum
May 27, 2018 07:15 am [Delete] [Edit]

Ooh-So many things to read today! :) And Squirrel is still a squirrel, I took a vacation day yesterday. Maybe Tuesday!
May 26, 2018 09:14 am [Delete] [Edit]

Yay, I finally posted my beast of a chapter. And I see Comfect and BigTuna also updated posted today, so win-win-win!
May 25, 2018 09:44 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Yay!! Also, is Squirrel still Squirrel, Coley?
May 25, 2018 08:58 pm [Delete] [Edit]

May 25, 2018 07:22 am [Delete] [Edit]

Just wanted to say the next chap of Safe And Sound is very nearly done, despite it fighting me hard! Look for it soon!
May 25, 2018 12:48 am [Delete] [Edit]

Ughhhh Coley that’s super frustrating. Oh well. Be will remain Squirrel for now :) Also, I totally did not spend every break I had today checking to see if you’d posted...
May 23, 2018 07:07 pm [Delete] [Edit]