October 8, 2019 marks the 10 years since Niagara aired, so let’s celebrate in grand MTT style with some new fics! Write a story relating to Jim and Pam’s wedding and/or 10th anniversary in some way. You can cover things we saw like the boat ceremony or the actual ceremony, things we wish we saw like the reception or the wedding night (wink wink) or imagine how Jim and Pam will be celebrating their 10th anniversary.
submit to this challenge and get a special banner on your story!
Categories: Episode Related, Jim and Pam
Characters: Jim, Jim/Pam, Pam
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Categories: Jim and Pam, Present, Past, Future, Episode Related
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Drama
Warnings: None
Challenges: Niagara Ten
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 9208 Read Count: 3692 ePub Downloads: 4
Categories: Jim and Pam
Characters: None
Genres: Fluff
Warnings: None
Challenges: Niagara Ten
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1614 Read Count: 1206 ePub Downloads: 0
I miss you, come back to me. I wish you'd come back to me. But nobody heard. And the world turned and the world turned and the world turned.
A journey with Pam Beesly from the summer that Jim leaves to the fall where he becomes hers forever. Based on the lyrics to The Gabe Dixon Band's "And the World Turns."
Categories: Jim and Pam
Characters: None
Genres: In Stamford, Inner Monologue, Married, Oneshot, Wet Pam/Jim
Warnings: None
Challenges: Niagara Ten
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3534 Read Count: 1813 ePub Downloads: 2
Jim finds inspiration for his ten year wedding anniversary gift in the last place he ever thought to look.
Categories: Jim and Pam
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Fluff
Warnings: None
Challenges: Niagara Ten
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1259 Read Count: 1140 ePub Downloads: 1
Categories: Jim and Pam
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Fluff, Oneshot, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: Niagara Ten
Series: Gold Mine
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3928 Read Count: 1244 ePub Downloads: 1