Dundies and other news

The Dundies

It took a bit but the Dundies for last year are finally complete! Please check out the 2021 Dundies page for all the top stories, favorite moments, and the always entertaining Create Your Own Dundie awards!

Top Lists

The Top Lists are temporarily unavailable while we retool some of the parameters to improve them. Several sort options are available on the Titles Page if you are interested in looking at statistics like Most Reviews, Longest Word count etc. These sort options are available under the Most Recent/Alphabetical drop down.

Reminders on Multiple Accounts

At MTT we ask you do not create and use multiple accounts. If you are having issues accessing an account you already created or you want to change your penname, please contact the admins at and detail your issue.

Anyone found to be creating multiple accounts (aka sockpuppet accounts) in order to inflate the review/rating numbers on their own or another user's stories or to gang up on/harass other members will face disciplinary action including possible deletion of submissions and temporary or permanent account suspension.

--MTT Admins on October 16, 2022 05:21 pm 1 Comments
- darjeelingandcoke on October 16, 2022 06:19 pm