Reviews For Paint By Number
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Reviewer: pamelamorganhalpert Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: January 12, 2010 05:36 pm Title: Chapter 2

Oh my goodness, teacher Jim is rather sexy. Is that wrong to think? I'm sorry, but... never mind. No one should ever have to say sorry for thinking Jim is rather lovable. Right?

Alright, that's over with. On to the story itself! I LOVED this chapter, the fears and thoughts of Jim's seemed very realistic as were the situations that Claire was going through. Again, I love how the daughter is Claire, which is my name, too. It is so perfect, and I love Claire and Jim's relationship.

Great chapter, and I can't wait for more to come!

Author's Response: Oh, teacher Jim is rather loveable. Glad you're enjoying this, and look for an update with in the next day or so :)

Reviewer: ilovetoJAM Signed [Report This]
Date: January 12, 2010 04:14 pm Title: Chapter 2

yay normalness =]

Author's Response: :) Glad you like! More to come soon!

Reviewer: NanReg Signed [Report This]
Date: January 12, 2010 06:14 am Title: Chapter 2

I didn't want this to end!  I'm sucked in, JHalpert.  I hope you can update again soon.

Author's Response: Thank you so much NanReg! I appreciate the review immensely, and I promise more to come soon.

Reviewer: Hannah_Halpert Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: January 11, 2010 07:17 pm Title: Chapter 2

That was SO cute. I love teacher Jim, and teacher Jim mixed with Daddy Jim is just too hot for me to handle :)

Can't wait for part two :)

Author's Response: Aww thank you Sally, it'll be up soon enough. Glad you're loving the combo, I am too!!

Reviewer: Deedldee Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: January 11, 2010 06:25 pm Title: Chapter 2

Another great chapter! The way you evoke the emotion of the situation for both Jim and Pam without overstating it is just wonderful.! I love the relationship that Jim and Claire share. And I really feel bad for Pam too! Would love to know more about what she's been up to, and also more about how Jim and Sarah met. I'm totally hooked on this story. Very well written and the flow is perfect with the way you broke away to a snippet of Pam and back to Jim. The sadness undertone kind of sneaks up on me in this chapter for Jim and Pam, and really took hold when he had his memory of Sarah at the end, I really felt the emotion there, and it's so subtle. Great job! And also for Claire. I love how hesitant she was when she asked about the Halloween plans. I really like this, and can't wait for more!! Hope you don't mind me gushing, but this story is one of those stories that I am quickly hooked on and I'm so happy you updated so quickly!!

Author's Response: Deedldee, thank you for this lovely review! You don't know how much it means to me to read such a lengthy review with so much good things to be said. I was very, very nervous about this story thinking people wouldn't like it because it is an AU. I'm really glad you're enjoying it, and I promise an update soon. I've been taking my time with this, but it's just coming to me naturally, and I can't thank my beta's enough for helping me through plot and such. Claire's relationship with her Dad is based of course off Jim's character, but my own relationship with my Dad at that age, and I think that's what giving me steam. Thank you so much for all of your kind words, and I'm so glad that it's flowing well ect.

Reviewer: Noodles Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: January 11, 2010 05:57 pm Title: Chapter 2

Yay for the update. Any chance we'll have Jim bump into Pam anytime soon?

Author's Response: :)'ll come.. just when the time is right.

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