Date: February 16, 2024 06:29 am Title: S1 1904: Letter
I love waking up on a holiday and seeing a new fic— you never miss the holidays and it’s impressive! You totally wrote this in a lovely Victorian style! I can just imagine Jim and Pam at their respective writing desks with fancy stationery. Is this what was in Jim’s Christmas card? Cause it’s pretty damn good! And depressing. But we know they’ll get there! I must say, in true Victorian times I’d imagine it would be very inappropriate for Pam to be writing an available male suitor when she is betrothed to another… I hope Victorian Jim would know that and keep that hope in his heart. Lots of love friend!! Happy Valentines Day!
Author's Response:
Well thank you very much!
Yes, I like to think they were both at mahogany desks with quills writing away!
Date: February 15, 2024 09:51 am Title: S1 1904: Letter
OMG this is so lovely K, you've nailed the heck out of this style.
Author's Response: Oh thank you so much!!!
Date: February 15, 2024 08:42 am Title: S1 1904: Letter
So this was quite charming. Fitting for the era no doubt. I could also see a modern Jim and Pam writing these to each other just for fun as well.
That Jim wrote out his true feelings first in such flowery language then crossed it all out was quite fitting as well. Onwards to more.
Author's Response:
Thank you!
The crossing out was my first challenge! Luckily that worked out ok!!
Date: February 14, 2024 06:49 am Title: S1 1904: Letter
Fancy James and Fancy Pamela, I can only imagine the British accents.
I don’t know how you have the energy to write another fic but well done you. I am deeply fascinated by your ability to produce yet another masterpiece that… okay my vernacular won’t cut it, lol.
Author's Response:
I imagined them with British accents too. Oh wait. Maybe that's just the voice in my head
You are too kind. And I don't know where I get the energy either. I need more sleep.