Date: February 16, 2024 07:36 am Title: S6 1972: Morse Code
Was this in pen clicks or blinks?? I love the little mistakes they’re making too. And I’m sure your Morse code is excellent and correct— I didn’t check! Did they have this exchange at work? Did Dwight just lose his mind??? You’re so damn creative!! In awe!
Author's Response:
Ah thank you!
And I like to think this was just at home, them practising!
Date: February 15, 2024 08:56 am Title: S6 1972: Morse Code
Speaking from another writer who has put Morse Code into his story, I see you and I feel you. I imagine there was a lot of going back and forth between a diagram of the code and your writing document.
Lovely bit of banter. I also liked how you put in the mistakes. Show's that they're still learning and occasionally get things wrong. Delightfully realistic in that regard.
Author's Response:
Yes! It's very hard!! I checked it SO many times!
The mistakes were my favourite part, I have to say!
Date: February 14, 2024 06:59 am Title: S6 1972: Morse Code
Yeah, I’m not gonna study morse code so I can make a funny comment.
Pam csrrecting Jim while owitching her ‘o’o and ‘s’s in every wsrd io really funny.
Author's Response: Thank ysu, I knsw, I can be hilarisuo osmetimeo. Just osmetimeo