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Reviewer: bealsa Signed [Report This]
Date: June 16, 2007 05:52 pm Title: The Unusual Suspects

Man, I'd pay big bucks to see that diary of Angela's!


Author's Response: Oh, who wouldn't!?  There is some serious dish in it would have the most recent Pampong score or something.

Reviewer: EverybodyHurts Signed [Report This]
Date: June 13, 2007 07:17 pm Title: The Unusual Suspects

Due to the frivolity inherent in this tale, thou hast caused me to sombrero snort my libation all over myself.

Seriously, Hawthorne has nothing on you.

Continue, oh weaver of silly stories of days of yore, or whatever.

Author's Response: 'Tis high praise indeed!  I shall henceforth been known as "she who is more fun than Hawthorne"...haha.  Thanks for the review and look for more chapters in short order!

Reviewer: MrsLloyderineHalpert Signed 6 [Report This]
Date: June 13, 2007 09:27 am Title: The Unusual Suspects

very's been a while since I read "The Crucible".  I like this version better, anyway.  Can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: yeah, I haven't read the Crucible in forever either...because it is boring.  Although I quite enjoy Winona Ryder and Daniel Day Lewis.  Good stuff. ....Be on the look out for more chapters v v soon!

Reviewer: tessa mae Signed [Report This]
Date: June 13, 2007 07:53 am Title: The Unusual Suspects

Male-hussy. That's officially my new favorite word. You are awesome! Yay history!

Author's Response: Yeah, I mean what else could I have called him...manwhore? himbo? he-lot instead of harlot? they just don't have that ring to 'em!

Reviewer: Cousin Mose Signed [Report This]
Date: June 13, 2007 07:29 am Title: The Unusual Suspects

"Angela deeply detested Goody Scott; purposely trodding through the mud so she could raise her skirts above her clog-clad feet, the harlot."

Oxygen! I'm gonna need some oxygen over here!! BAHAHAHAA!! That line was cast in awesomeness, fired in the furnace of brillance, and tempered in the cool waters of hilarity. :)

And Meredith "Temperance"...well, that was the extra gravy on the potatoes, now wasn't it?

Love it! 

Author's Response: You're too kind!  The next part will be up in a day or, stick around mon ami!

Reviewer: EmilyHalpert Signed [Report This]
Date: June 13, 2007 06:06 am Title: The Unusual Suspects

Whoa! You surpised me... I thought there were only two chapters (okay, so I don't pay attention to little things like numbers), and so I was like whoa. And yeah...

I love how its Meredith Temperance :)

" he stank no more."

I loved learning about the Salen Witch Trials, so yes, I am going to click on links... not usually a history nerd, but what can I say - hangings and torture, my cup of tea (scared of me yet?)

Author's Response: Ah yes, the links...expect them at the end of every chapter.  I love authors who do links, because I'm a super visual person. Like Chesterfields and Lace, by pampongchamp.  Who totally rules. Anyway, seeing how you like torture so 'bout some in the next chapter!? haha

Reviewer: nqllisi Signed [Report This]
Date: June 13, 2007 05:57 am Title: The Unusual Suspects

She twitched her nose? Whose the witchy one, now? This continues to be so much fun! The characterizations are fabulous- and Jan as "Desire"- nicely done.

Author's Response: Oh totally!  I wrote that about Angela twitching her nose, and I thought, "Oh my god, I just made an inadvertent Bewitched reference in my Salem fic...yes!" There are some more fun names to come...just wait!

Reviewer: tizzy Signed [Report This]
Date: June 12, 2007 09:51 pm Title: The Unusual Suspects

Ok as I started the second paragraph I thought ooo I really hope Creed is Giles Corey....and then I read further and he is!!!! This fic is giving me the best set of the giggles :-)

Author's Response: Mindy Kaling said that Creed is all of the writers' favorite character to write for...I totally understand why now.  Nothing he does can possibly be too weird or surprising.  Perfect for witchery!

Reviewer: Too Late Kev Signed [Report This]
Date: June 12, 2007 09:48 pm Title: The Unusual Suspects

Wonderful!  I laughed out loud in amazement at your wonderful changes to the Angela/Meridith passage and the Kevin line.  So, so good!

One little little error in the 2nd to last line; I think you need to switch 'be' and 'to'.

I look forward to beta-ing more chapters...

Did you ever think you'd end something with "he stank no more"?  This is so much fun. 

Author's Response:

A) Thank you!      B) fixed it!     C) Never in a million years! haha

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