Date: September 29, 2007 07:25 am Title: The Merger
this chapter breaks my heart, poor pam. i mean, her face alone during that episode, how excited she was, and then the back rubbing, and the turn down for coffee, it was such a rough day, and :( for pam... makes me sad. can i skip ahead? be happy?
Date: September 12, 2007 07:22 pm Title: The Merger
Oh, sad. You're hurting me in the grief bone (just like the show did this season). I'll just have to repeat to myself "It's a date. It's a date. It's a..."
You're really getting the mother/daughter feel across.
Author's Response: I know, I know, but feel free to go back to the happy chapters, the Michael's Birthday chapter makes me pretty happy . . . also Performance review . . .
Date: September 12, 2007 07:08 pm Title: The Merger
Poor Pam. I was just saying today that I still can't watch the Merger. Just too painful to see Pam's face after the egregious back scratch. You're doing a great job with these, ladama. Looking foward to the rest of S3.
Author's Response: The only way I can watch The Merger is to watch the last 5 minutes of The Job immediately afterwards. I have to watch The Job after many episodes in S3 . . .
Date: September 11, 2007 11:50 am Title: The Merger
Ok, now my heart hurts for Pam. Like a frozen sledgehammer to the crotch...
Author's Response: One of many frozen sledge hammer hits . . .
Date: September 11, 2007 06:44 am Title: The Merger
Don't ever be sorry for posting more chapters to this story! I think these last two perfectly explain where these guys were at this point. And the thought of Pam IM-ming with her mom is too cute.
Author's Response: Yeah, but does it make sense that Pam's mom wouldn't have a cell, but would be all IM savy? I wonder . . .
Date: September 11, 2007 03:41 am Title: The Merger
Awww, poor Pam. At the same time, it's nice to see Pam opening up. I feel like for a while (a long while... like, till Beach Games) the Pam we saw on screen was, while obviously smitten, still trying to play off the "it's fine, we're friends, so what if he's too busy for coffee" outward persona, so it's nice to see her being a little more honest with her feelings, admitting that she was hoping for something and was disappointed that he was seeing someone. As much as I'll enjoy seeing Jim/Pam interactions again, I hope you have Pam talking to her mom sometimes still too, because I like seeing what comes out with someone she feels comfortable talking to more openly.
Author's Response: Yeah, I think that's the advantage of having both of them talking to outside parties, we can see them reveal their true feelings a bit . . Thanks for reviewing!

Date: September 10, 2007 11:59 pm Title: The Merger
Aww, Pam! I was so frustrated by that scene at the end of The Merger because you could tell that they were both covering but neither wanted to see what the other was doing, even though they used to do it all the time. Great chapter - I've loved all the updates tonight ;)
Author's Response: Yeah, that's when I wish the camera guys broke the "4th wall" and yelled out something like "Will you two get over yourselves and make out already?"