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Reviewer: EmilyHalpert Signed [Report This]
Date: March 20, 2007 04:17 am Title: Chapter 34 - Rapid Tail Action occurs in Smitten State

It would be hard to choose which one of Michael's actions to erase. And I liked Full Houe when I was little.

Author's Response:

It would be very, very hard (TWSS!).

I too enjoyed Full House as a youth and am very embarrassed to admit it. I actually liked (to up the embarrassment factor) Bob Saget more than John Stamos. I guess I like tall, gangly, funny guys. I've been seriously worried about the Olsen Twins lately and keep wanting to call Joey, Jesse, and Danny and suggest they do an intervention.

I've mentioned before that I think Michael's reference in "The Fire" to Mr. Egghead is a nod to the T.V. show Joey tried out for in Full House. No one seemed to agree with me... but I'm telling you - The Office and Full House are linked. I'm sure of it!

Reviewer: Snarkland Signed [Report This]
Date: March 20, 2007 03:22 am Title: Chapter 34 - Rapid Tail Action occurs in Smitten State

This was so funny!  And I can't wait to see Jim's prank.  Oh, this should be so good!

Thanks Muggins!

Reviewer: justy Signed [Report This]
Date: March 20, 2007 01:21 am Title: Chapter 34 - Rapid Tail Action occurs in Smitten State

That's so funny, I had a friend who had a goose as a gaurd animal at their house. For real. The thing was MEAN and you couldn't get ouf your car unless one of the family members came outside to get the goose, lol.

LOL!! They went to Dwight to settle an argument.

If Pam would stay quiet for just a few more moments, Michael would spill the entire situation.

HAHA Sex and the Scranton City. Wow, that would've been.. horrible but totally something Michael G. Scott would do.

I'm so lame, I totally went to click for the "Next" button and there wasn't one. Crap.

You, Muggins, have pulled me out of lurking. I have never reviewed so much.

Author's Response:

Pam's well aware of Michael's inability to keep a secret...I think he'll be spilling soon...that's me just guessing though. It's not like I know what's going to happen next... No one tells me anything.

I imagine that Michael chose himself to play Mr.Big. I'm also assuming he cast Pam, Angela, and maybe Kelly, as three of the main characters. Pam as Carrie Bradshaw seems obvious. Angela...hmm...Sam? Wouldn't that be interesting...but no...he would put her as Charlotte, of course. Too bad Ryan wasn't working there the first time Pam's Mom visited. I think Ryan as Sam would have been hysterical. Although he's such a tease!!! Hard to imagine who Michael would have picked... Kelly as Miranda? Jan as Samantha? Really, this is something we need to find out. Hopefully someone will write a fic explaining it all. Because as you said... "horrible but totally something" and I agree with that statement 100%.

Are you serious about the goose? I thought that was an urban legend like swans breaking your arm!! Well, now Dwight has to completely support the goose guard theory! I am such a city girl. I know nothing!

Reviewer: Pamela Beesley Signed [Report This]
Date: March 19, 2007 11:29 pm Title: Chapter 34 - Rapid Tail Action occurs in Smitten State

But the question becomes, are the items on the list all for the same incident?  Either it will end up being one hell of a prank or Halpert's got a wild side to him that I didn't think was possible.  The only scenario I can come up with involving all those things together would become... well, let's just say I don't think Phyllis would do that. (Even if her nickname in high school was Easy Rider.) 

Author's Response: Ah, you have way too vivid an imagination. What you've got to do is think like me. Think: What would Muggins think? Now the answer should be apparent. Although I could show the wild side of Jim like you suggested. Ah heck...that's not going to happen... I couldn't even write a scene where he was mid-kiss with Karen.

Reviewer: Pamela Beesley Signed [Report This]
Date: March 19, 2007 11:03 pm Title: Chapter 34 - Rapid Tail Action occurs in Smitten State

Okay, so I stayed awake to read the update in hopes that I would find out what the heck Jim is up to.  Now I am left with more questions than answers!!  At least you left me smiling (though not satisfied). ;)  Hopefully tomorrow??

Author's Response: oh come on! It's all right there! read the list! underwear, underwear, shakira hips, stereo, condoms, ziploc bags!!!! Isn't it obvious???

Reviewer: lama Signed [Report This]
Date: March 19, 2007 04:40 pm Title: Chapter 33 - Karen is murdered tenth

What is Mr. Halpert up to? Sneaky devil. Is there a ban on cursing in comments too? Cause I have a potty mouth, and damn I love me some Girly Girl. Guess who I would murder first? Hint: Her name starts with a K.

Author's Response: I sure hope there's no ban on cursing in comments because uh...then I have been guilty of that. KELLY!!! Poor Kelly, first Angela wants to off her and now little lama! She'd be sooooo disappointed molly, so very, very, disappointed! She just might cry and there would be mascara EVERYWHERE!!!

Reviewer: Snarkland Signed [Report This]
Date: March 19, 2007 03:58 pm Title: Chapter 1 - Kiss the Bobble Head

Ok, Muggins, I do believe I mis-phrased my review when I said that horniness in "The Office" isn't such a bad thing.  What I meant to say (really, truly...I totally screwed up that posting) is that it IS a bad thing because of watching Michael flap around, leaving a trail of testosterone behind him.  The "not" in that posting shouldn't have been there.

And, for the record, in my office, it's as dull as dirt.  No excitement whatsoever: no pranks, no obnoxious co-workers.  And that is pretty sad.

Oh, and BTW: green M&Ms will do it every time.  You can't eat too many.  :)

Author's Response: Ok. My universe is at peace. I was worried for you. Seriously worried. I'd much rather you were in a dull as dirt office than a testosterone-trail laden one. Probably be smelly first of all. I religiously eat powdered rhino horn in my oatmeal. Gives me that slight edge in the workplace.

Reviewer: gotkona Signed [Report This]
Date: March 19, 2007 12:47 pm Title: Chapter 33 - Karen is murdered tenth

That was too funny. Still loving this great fic

Reviewer: gotkona Signed [Report This]
Date: March 19, 2007 12:44 pm Title: Chapter 32 - Like Water For Chocolate

Interesting chapter with all the different scenarios. Can't wait to read the next

Reviewer: Kathrynann Signed [Report This]
Date: March 19, 2007 11:39 am Title: Chapter 33 - Karen is murdered tenth

Whoa, Karen choosing Cary Grant just made her go up about a hundred cool points in my book.  Now I feel kind of conflicted...okay, I'm over it :)

I just have to say again how much I love this story.  So funny!  Great update!

Author's Response: That's Karen for you. She always sneaks up and does something quite reasonable. Someone needs to sit her down and have a little talk with her explaining that she "really, really needs to bring it up a notch and be a super-vixen bitch."

Reviewer: mcmuffins Signed [Report This]
Date: March 19, 2007 07:51 am Title: Chapter 33 - Karen is murdered tenth

Another great chapter - WHAT is Jim up to?  And how will he keep Pam from seeing right through his accomplices?

Author's Response:

And how will he keep Pam from seeing right through his accomplices?

That is a very good question. The answer is: BLACKMAIL

Reviewer: EmilyHalpert Signed [Report This]
Date: March 19, 2007 06:10 am Title: Chapter 33 - Karen is murdered tenth

haha, of course i loved the karen is murdered tenth. ah, angela having people perminantly removed from the office.

great way to start my day (cause i wasn't up late enough last night) 

Reviewer: Too Late Kev Signed [Report This]
Date: March 18, 2007 09:29 pm Title: Chapter 33 - Karen is murdered tenth

Ooh, fun, fun!!!  I noticed that Angela named her entire "remove from the office" order, but never named Dwight.  So obvious, Angela!!

I loved Jim's phone message.  I wonder what that's all about....

Thanks for more girly-girl. 

Author's Response: You noticed that too? Luckily for her, everyone else was so concerned where they were on the list they didn't notice. I'm sure it will come back to haunt her though! Along with Dwight's Great Uncle Ebenezer!   :o

Reviewer: Alex Wert Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: March 18, 2007 08:49 pm Title: Chapter 33 - Karen is murdered tenth

I would choose to be a bonobo chimp.  They have sex ALL THE TIME.

Author's Response: Mom! You're scaring me now.

Reviewer: lisahoo Signed [Report This]
Date: March 18, 2007 08:48 pm Title: Chapter 33 - Karen is murdered tenth

ooh, the game continues -- thanks for giving us chapters while you were indisposed.  Cannot wait to see what Jim has up his sleeve...

Reviewer: Snarkland Signed [Report This]
Date: March 18, 2007 08:44 pm Title: Chapter 1 - Kiss the Bobble Head

Oh, and "Like Water for Chocolate" was the BEST title for that last chapter!  Very very appropriate...think everyone caught the "horny" feeling as they were eating their microwave pizza?  What do they put in those things anyway?

Author's Response: Green M&M's, oysters, and rhino horn. Very popular deep dish option in Scranton.

Reviewer: Snarkland Signed [Report This]
Date: March 18, 2007 08:43 pm Title: Chapter 33 - Karen is murdered tenth

Oh, I SOO want to know what Jim's up to, that sneaky guy!

And why would horniness in "The Office" be a bad thing?  Michael, hornily parading about, asking horn-dog questions.  NOT my idea of an ideal work environment. 

Ok, now I'm chompin' at the bit to know what Jim's doing!  ARGH!  And I'm not going to be able to think about anything else.

Oh please oh please oh PLEASE!  Update soon and end my suffering!  *wails uncontrollably*

Author's Response:

Wait. Hold the phone. Are you saying that up until now (when there's the possibility of Michael hornily parading about) you have thought this was YOUR idea of an ideal work environment???????  Snarkland, my Snarkland, in what den of evil do you work, what travesties do you witness daily, what brutalities do you undergo? *wails uncontrollably*

Reviewer: justy Signed [Report This]
Date: March 18, 2007 08:35 pm Title: Chapter 33 - Karen is murdered tenth

I gotta say I almost "squeed" aloud when I saw you updated, seriously. Stopped everything else I was doing just to read your update. Now I'm itching to know what Jim is up to. Maybe packing all Karen's things for her and getting her on her merry little way? Hm.. 

Also, not meaning to gush (but here goes), you have one of THE most amazing imaginations and sense of humor (that I can identify with) that I've seen since I've started writing/reading fanfiction. I took time this morning (pretty much spent most of my morning/afternoon) to read the rest of your stories. You're an amazing writer. You're even more hilarious in your response to your reviews (yeah, I read some of those, too).

Anyyway. Can't wait (but really can't - just don't want to) until the next chapter! 

Author's Response:

I don't like torturing people so I want you to know that next chapter  you will know what Jim's up to! (It is in print and therefore official. I do not like torturing people! Cliffhangers aren't torture.....they're the agon, the struggle by which you find your true worth. So I'm doing it for your own good, people! I want you to grow as human beings through the reading of GirlyGirl!)

Also gushing is a good thing. It relieves the pent up soul of needless detritus of feeling....thus leading you to a state of nirvana...or possibly zen. By all the religions of the world, you are in a good place justy. I am proud that you have arrived at this state of enlightenment, little grasshopper. Now let me place my seed....

Reviewer: Semby Signed [Report This]
Date: March 18, 2007 09:13 am Title: Chapter 32 - Like Water For Chocolate

Jan gags Michael. Jan... gags... Michael! OMG, that is the absolute best. And all the other horndogs were quite entertaining as well... poor Pam.

Reviewer: lama Signed [Report This]
Date: March 18, 2007 07:23 am Title: Chapter 32 - Like Water For Chocolate

You are EVIL, woman!  "Now, let's try a little tongue"   DON'T DO IT JIM!  I think I laughed the hardest at the Ryan/Kelly bit.  I could totally picture it in my head.  And Dwangela phone sex?  Mama mia!  I think I've caught cooties just thinking about it!

Author's Response: You thought about it? Are you insane!!!! There's a reason why I stopped it where I stopped. That's it, I'm putting my foot down. You are NOT allowed to read any more GirlyGirl. I'm serious. Because.... ewwwww did you think about Creed, too? OK, now I have to go vomit.

Reviewer: justy Signed [Report This]
Date: March 18, 2007 05:58 am Title: Chapter 15 - Boomerang!

HAHAHA Okay, so I just found this story and I'm reading from start to finish and I just had to pause and tell you that right now, literally, I have tears in my eyes. This has got to be one of THE funniest fics I have ever read. So far, the Pam-undies thing and the part where Kelly sends the email about Karen and Toby going at it and Meredith rushing back to see has been my absolute favotites. Whatever the case, I'm in stitches and I can't breathe. 


On to the next chapter! 

Author's Response: I recommend taking deep breaths and imagining Kevin naked. That usual stops the laughter. If it's really bad... you know the kind of bad, can't stop, may die, kind of laughter.   →Imagine Creed Naked. I'm glad you liked the Pam-undies thing because it WILL be coming up again. :)

Reviewer: EmilyHalpert Signed [Report This]
Date: March 18, 2007 05:33 am Title: Chapter 32 - Like Water For Chocolate

Poor pam, theonly one alone. Drawings don't count. 

i think my favorite part was that michael was gagged.

and since i have such such virgin ears, i am just going to imagine they all did a polite good night kiss and then slept in separate bedrooms, right? :P 

Author's Response:

and since i have such such virgin ears, i am just going to imagine they all did a polite good night kiss and then slept in separate bedrooms, right?

You are quite correct except for Dwight and Angela. They didn't even get the polite good night kiss. Poor kids.

Reviewer: ficklevillain Signed [Report This]
Date: March 18, 2007 01:09 am Title: Chapter 32 - Like Water For Chocolate

i shall take a break from my usual ridiculous reviews to say...

gah. you are an amazing writer. seriously. just...amazing.


Author's Response: eek! No! Go back to your crappity crap ass and Jezebel reviews! There's nothing here for me to steal! I have no ideas for tomorrow's chapter and you give me what? Nada. Crappity crap ass, ducky! What am I going to do!!!

Reviewer: Snarkland Signed [Report This]
Date: March 17, 2007 11:23 pm Title: Chapter 32 - Like Water For Chocolate

Everyone's horny!  That's the last thing that office needs.  They already have enoughproblems.  :)

Loved the ending of the chapter with Pam drawing Jim...or was it Roy?  :)  Of course it was Jim.  That was so sweet.  But Jim ended up at Karen's huh?  Darn it.

More please!  :)

Author's Response: Since when was being horny a problem? Just asking.

Reviewer: Weetzie Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: March 17, 2007 10:11 pm Title: Chapter 32 - Like Water For Chocolate

Man, kissing lessons for Jim? Why not me!? Stupid Karen...

Author's Response: Well, Weetzie, the option was there last chapter and I didn't see anyone in their reviews step up to the bat and offer. Maybe next time you'll be less stand-off-ish so Karen won't beat you to the punch. For instance..I'm just throwing this out there...what if Katy stopped by and joked with Pam that Jim wasn't any good in the sack? Are you going to spend your review calling Katy a moron? Or are you going to take one for the team and offer to help Jim on his lovemaking skillz? These are the things you've got to be prepared for!

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