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Reviewer: EverybodyHurts Signed [Report This]
Date: March 15, 2007 03:18 am Title: Chapter 1 - Kiss the Bobble Head

Love Angela's "compliments."

Hopefully Jim can work on that kissing, around the middle of May.

Author's Response:

Hey, he can work on that kissing right now in the middle of March. He can just come on over to my place. I give lessons. This offer valid 24/7, Jim. 24/7.

Angela's 'compliments' were sooo fun to write. She warms my soul.

Reviewer: molly_connelley Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: March 14, 2007 10:27 pm Title: Chapter 29 - Jim...not a good kisser

Poor, silly, stupid Pam. Too damaged by her own hope to realize that for one it isn't going to kick her in the butt. I still think Karen is mean. And can I say I'm a little peeved at Pamela for laughing with Ms. Fillipelli? Not cool, Beesley. Grr.

Love everyone's 'What I like about everyone!' email. Absolutely perfect. I can imagine that Kelly's will have to do with comparing everyone to celebrities, Karen's will actually make me like her (darn you), and Meredith's will be flat out hilarious, if she's allowed to speak.

Hehe this story makes me soooooo happy - hard to tell, right, when I'm threatening to murder your characters, hmm? Seriously, though. Thanks so much for writing it! I absolutely love it.

Author's Response:

Pamela's laughing..probably going to bite her in the butt. So...not cool. But still. She had her reasons. See reviews below.

I'm writing Kelly, Meredith, and Pam's "what I like about everyone" emails right now and can I just say...I ♥ EVERYONE! I just don't know who my favorite is. I'm loving this so much that I want to do it for Dwight, Creed, Ryan, and well, EVERYONE!  I've already finished Karen's. (and yes..I am darned!)

Reviewer: sharky Signed [Report This]
Date: March 14, 2007 09:30 pm Title: Chapter 29 - Jim...not a good kisser

you do your job adequately.

How corporate! At my last job, that's how they described me in my staff announcement when I left. So have a corporate Angela down perfectly!!!!!! 

Author's Response:

I too have worked in the corporate world and I too have received the "adequate" medal of honor. I mean what are you supposed to do when someone says that to your face? I mean, really? In my case, I said "" like my boss was an idiot. Probably not the best approach... which is why I'm not a vice-president yet. Of course, that could also be because I write FanFic at work instead of, you know, working. Nah.

I hoped you laminated that staff announcement so you can show it to the grandkids one day. "Take pride in your work, sonny, and you too, may one day be deemed 'adequate'." 

Reviewer: Pam21 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 14, 2007 09:28 pm Title: Chapter 1 - Kiss the Bobble Head

yes by 12 it was there for me too read...

oh and am I crazy? Becasue I thought the Jim is not a good kisser thing... funny! IMO he was trying to listen in one their conversation he deserved it!

oh Karen I really do have a love/hate relationship with you..... going to happy place now.. sweet dreams of Jim improving his kissing with another partner ;)

Author's Response:

I wouldn't go throwing that opinion around Pam21, I think there are a few people who would disagree with you (*cough* Mom *cough*) and they can get kind of violent.

But I agree with everything you say... as long as my Mom isn't in the vicinity.

Reviewer: Too Late Kev Signed [Report This]
Date: March 14, 2007 09:17 pm Title: Chapter 29 - Jim...not a good kisser

Wow.  CAN Karen find nice things to say about everyone?  We'll see. 

And, from where I was sitting (on Casino Night), Jim looked like a pretty decent kisser.  I mean, THAT was a life-changing kiss!  I'm surprised that Pam would laugh at Karen's (fairly mean) comment about Jim's kissing, but I guess it was more because it was unexpected?  Still, poor Jim.  Now he has reason to be angry!

Anyway, thanks for more girly-girl! 

Author's Response:

Now, now Too Late Kev. Pam has been under a lot of stress today. She thought she'd have to punch Karen in the face and now all that tension's suddenly released. She would have giggled at anything Karen said just because of that! Don't tell me you don't do silly things like that when your nerves have been at the breaking point. But yeah, it was mainly because it was unexpected and SO WRONG!

 And Jim? Was trying to listen in on a private conversation! He got what he deserved! Eavesdropper!

Reviewer: Too Late Kev Signed [Report This]
Date: March 14, 2007 08:44 pm Title: Chapter 29 - Jim...not a good kisser

Muggins, ditto on just seeing the Chapter Title and then "Previous"!  No chapter content.  I am not content with no chapter content.  It's late, I promised myself I could read girly-girl or squirrel (or a few other choice things) if they were there, and I was so excited to see the chapter and... THUD.

Oh well, glad to see the problem's been reported.  I may have to wait until tomorrow to read - ugh. 

Author's Response: I think my mother sabotaged the website. She has issues with this new chapter.

Reviewer: Pam21 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 14, 2007 08:30 pm Title: Chapter 1 - Kiss the Bobble Head

the site is letting me see every post except the last chapter.... I and feaking out is it really that bad of a chapter that my computer refuses to let me see it??

I will give it until 12 and then I shall go to my happy place...

Author's Response: Thanks for telling me. I just sent a bug report to MTT. Hopefully it will be fixed by 12. Or maybe MTT really really hated it?

Reviewer: ficklevillain Signed [Report This]
Date: March 14, 2007 08:08 pm Title: Chapter 29 - Jim...not a good kisser


okay. breathe. just breathe.


Author's Response: get it all out! I think I might introduce you to my mom. She's threatening to come over and  rewrite that whole chapter while I'm asleep.

Author's Response:


Hey! Wait a second! Who are you calling a JEZEBEL!!!!


Reviewer: EmilyHalpert Signed [Report This]
Date: March 14, 2007 08:05 pm Title: Chapter 29 - Jim...not a good kisser

does this mean its coming to an end since the truth or dare game is coming to an end?


Author's Response: I would never do that to you EmilyHalpert! I promise it will go on!

Reviewer: Luna Mystik Signed [Report This]
Date: March 14, 2007 08:05 pm Title: Chapter 29 - Jim...not a good kisser

And you stop at Angela being "nice"? That's so not fair! Is it too soon to start begging for more updates?

Author's Response: Shoot. I thought that was the "nicest" Angela's been in the whole game and yet you put 'nice' in quotes. She obviously respects...nay, adores her fellow office workers!

Reviewer: lisahoo Signed [Report This]
Date: March 14, 2007 08:04 pm Title: Chapter 29 - Jim...not a good kisser

Oh, jeez, Squirming!Jim -- I can't take it either!  Pam, you HAVE to talk to Jim!!  ARGH!!!!

I need to go & read some fluff to counter all this drama and suspense!!! 

Author's Response: I thought this was fluff?

Reviewer: lama Signed [Report This]
Date: March 14, 2007 07:52 pm Title: Chapter 29 - Jim...not a good kisser

Is this my reward for reading straight through the previous chapters tonight?  I literally squealed out loud when refreshed MTT and saw you'd updated.  And this: Jim’s not all that great a kisser himself.  

Looks like someone's lying again!! 

Author's Response: But your eyes! Your poor eyes! And YES YES YES (THIS IS FOR YOU MOM!!!) someone's lying again!!!

Reviewer: lama Signed [Report This]
Date: March 14, 2007 06:44 pm Title: Chapter 28 - Pam's Tush

I just read all 28 chapters in one sitting- my eyes hurt, but I totally get why everyone gushes about this story!  Its SO GOOD! 

Reviewer: Snarkland Signed [Report This]
Date: March 14, 2007 04:02 pm Title: Chapter 1 - Kiss the Bobble Head

Pam as your relative?  Jim as the president??  HAHAAHAA!  That's very creative!  Actually, there are those in MY office who watch The Office and would know immediately who Jim and Pam were.

Dismantling the LoL?!?!  Now there's a good idea...

*sound of electric screwdriver*  Ok...I'll dismantle while you, say, UPDATE perhaps?  Fair swap?

Author's Response:

That's the nice thing with working with Tech geeks. Now if I had a picture of Dwight in here (in Sith Lord outfit), I'd get a 15 minute lecture on god knows what but Jim and Pam...blank stares.

Fair swap. Writing writing writing Nice Things about Naughty Girls

Reviewer: mcmuffins Signed [Report This]
Date: March 14, 2007 01:31 pm Title: Chapter 28 - Pam's Tush

Good lord, muggins.  I have no words.  Incoherent.  But I. Love. This.  LOVE IT!!!! The situations you've come up with are hilarious, outrageous, and yet, for the show, totally believable!  I LOVE it.  UPDATE SOON, please!!!!!

Author's Response: incoherence is a good thing. some of my favorite people are incoherent...  Pam...Michael...Jim

Reviewer: Pam21 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 14, 2007 09:24 am Title: Chapter 1 - Kiss the Bobble Head

I think it is awsome that Jim is reading the e-mails!!

( oh and last chapter I had a mild anxiety attack when I thought oh dear the e-mailing games are going to have to stop becasue of Karen and Pams fight but you would not do that to us poor addicted souls...right??)

I have to say I love each chapter so much I feel guilty if I do not comment on how good it was.. so bravo!!

Author's Response:

Now Pam21 what have we learned by reading the reviews? Never have anxiety attacks! Always go to your happy place. Jim is in a bubble bath somewhere right now and he needs you Pam21, he NEEDS you!

I would never ever stop the e-mailing games for a fight between Karen and Pam. Now they might fight, sure. Slingblades might slip out. Circling of the enemy while considering weak areas to attack might occur. Jim might begin shouting "fight, fight, fight." but the game will go on. Because there are some things that can not be stopped.... This I vow, in love or war, the game goes on.

Reviewer: shan21 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 14, 2007 06:48 am Title: Chapter 28 - Pam's Tush

I'm so hooked. Jeeze, why don't you just give up fic and turn to crack. You could make more money and you obviously ahve a knack for getting people addicted.

I kid. But I do have a mini-heart attack every time I see this story has been updated. WOO! 

Author's Response:

You know what's good for those mini-heart attacks? Back rubs from Jim. Also, Roy does a nice foot massage. Let me know if you need their services.

Money? Who needs money. You know what I need? I need more Office! BOO to this freakin' 6 year hiatus of hell!

Reviewer: Snarkland Signed [Report This]
Date: March 14, 2007 04:21 am Title: Chapter 1 - Kiss the Bobble Head


It came with my desk.  Since I've only had the desk for a total of 2 days I haven't figured what I want to put on it yet.  A picture of JK perhaps?  Nah...I'd get so ribbed for that.  No offense Mr. JK but I'd never live it down.

A floppy hair seminar is totally appropriate...except that most of the men I work around are either young with short hair; young with no hair; or older and the floppy hairdo just wouldn't work with them.

Author's Response:

Tell everyone the picture of JK is your corporation's president. That's what I do. I've also told them Pam is my cousin who lives in Pennsylvania. No one has clued in yet. I haven't brought in my 'Dwight and Angela holding hands at Xmas' picture though because I can think of no back to story for that crazy couple!

Okay, those men all sound unattractive. No flippy hair? It is time to start looking for a new job. Any chance you can dismantle the LoL and take it with you?

Author's Response: That's weird. I could have sworn I typed backstory. I guess I've typed "gotta get back to story I'm writing" too much in IM to friends. Now I type it without even noticing.

Reviewer: anon Anonymous 10 [Report This]
Date: March 14, 2007 12:40 am Title: Chapter 28 - Pam's Tush

Gah! I just have to say, I only found this today and I managed to read the entire thing plus "work" for 8 hours. That's how great it is. I couldn't keep myself away. You win at Truth or Dare and everything else!

Author's Response:

October Grey? Is an awesome assumed name! I'd just like to say I am honored to get your first review! I always get all blush-y when I see that... Thanks for reading and thanks for reviewing!

(Secret: I always lose at Truth or Dare... I am so awful at Dares. I start giggling and just run away. Like, once, I was supposed to act like I was lost and ask for directions in German, but I started giggling and my mind went blank so I just kept saying "Bitte? Bitte?" It was embarrassing.)

Reviewer: desert island Signed [Report This]
Date: March 13, 2007 11:03 pm Title: Chapter 28 - Pam's Tush

Thank the Lord you are SO good about frequent updates... I would die if I thought I might have to go days without knowing what happens next!
So exciting!

Author's Response: A desert island's death would be a terrible thing to witness. Imagine the carnage. The beach bunnies. The cabana boys. The hula dancers. No it mustn't happen! I shall continue to write though my fingers bleed and my bottom grows numb.

Reviewer: gotkona Signed [Report This]
Date: March 13, 2007 08:39 pm Title: Chapter 28 - Pam's Tush

I so love this fic. Keep them coming. :)

Reviewer: Maybe Once Signed [Report This]
Date: March 13, 2007 08:35 pm Title: Chapter 28 - Pam's Tush

My only complain is that this game seems to be winding down.......This is so beyond fun....

Author's Response: Winding down? Is that a request? Because I've promised to write 15,000 chapters. But you know...if you want me to stop...

Reviewer: Onigiri Signed [Report This]
Date: March 13, 2007 08:33 pm Title: Chapter 28 - Pam's Tush

I'm officially addicted to this fan fic, it's just so IC and... *is speechless* My only little complaint is I still don't think Karen is that bitchy, though, but I don't like her at all so it works for me. Really looking forward to the next chapter!

Author's Response: I've got to agree Onigiri, I don't think Karen is THAT bitchy. I thinks she's a delicate little orange blossom who is misunderstood by all those around her. You and I, Onigiri, will show the world that she's just a saucy minx who isn't jealous but is just teasing her man and her best gal pal!!! If necessary, we will have spanking.

Reviewer: EmilyHalpert Signed [Report This]
Date: March 13, 2007 08:27 pm Title: Chapter 28 - Pam's Tush

Pam! Jim wrote it! Jim wrote it saying that you are a much better kisser. Okay, now that Pam knows that (because duh, fictional characters can read reviews), this was yet another awesome chapter. I loved reading more of the secrets. I love Jim reading and thinking about the emails. Okay, I loved every word.

Author's Response:

I'm trying to IM Pam with the info EmilyHalpert but her line seems to have been disconnected YET AGAIN! These stupid rabid fans have GOT to stop bugging her so important people like me can talk to her. As it is, I think she is unaware that Jim wrote it. In fact she would think it as likely that Dwight wrote it. Or Stanley. These are the sad times we write in. Kids, for your future education, ALWAYS sign your post-it's!!!

Reviewer: Snarkland Signed [Report This]
Date: March 13, 2007 08:06 pm Title: Chapter 28 - Pam's Tush

Ok, that was mean.  You CAN'T leave it there.  *Sob sob*

But thank you for posting.  Oh boy...things are really starting to fall into place, aren't they??

Thanks Muggs!

Author's Response:

Oh boy...things are really starting to fall into place, aren't they??

Oh, young Snarkland, there's so much I would like to tell you, and sadly, I cannot.

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