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Reviewer: rainy01 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 30, 2007 10:33 pm Title: See me

Aww, I love Sasha and Jim. I wish I'd had a babysitter like him when I was little. Actually, forget when I was little. He can be my babysitter anytime. Oh, not to be picky, but I think you might have meant rapport instead of repertoire. I'm excited to see what happens next!

Author's Response:
Jim can be my babysitter anytime too!! I really like the idea of Sasha and Jim because it's something that was only alluded to once, but I think it gave a good dimension to Jim's character. I think I might go back and mention Sasha's kleptomania, though. :P
(and thanks for catching that typo. I'm in the middle of getting a beta reader.)

Reviewer: Night Swept Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: March 28, 2007 05:49 pm Title: Find me

This is a really clever idea for a story-- Roy is/was so much a part of these two that without him we really can't assume anthing.   Your dialog is VERY natural, very well written.  Great work, keep it coming!

Author's Response:
I really do think that the dynamic between Jim and Pam is very easy, but Roy really was a a kind of barrier for that.
Also, I can't cut Roy out completely because he was such a big part of Pam's life for a long time. So I'm not done with him just that for hint? Hee.
Thanks so much for reviewing.

Reviewer: EmilyHalpert Signed [Report This]
Date: March 26, 2007 09:26 am Title: Save me

hum, this is an interesting a/u. its cute. :).

and writing everything by and - impressive. i used to do that also, and then typing everything is just second nature :) 

Author's Response:
Thanks for reviewing. I write everything by hand simply because I tend to write little snipets of stories at times that I'm no where near a computer. ^_^

Reviewer: Crystalized Signed 8 [Report This]
Date: March 24, 2007 09:52 pm Title: Save me

Love it! Can't wait to see where it all goes!

Author's Response:
Thanks! I really am excited about where this is going to go...

Reviewer: desert island Signed [Report This]
Date: March 24, 2007 11:11 am Title: Save me

Can't wait to see how they meet up next! Enjoying this.

Author's Response:
I think you'll like it!!
Thanks so much for the review!

Reviewer: ayla Signed [Report This]
Date: March 24, 2007 09:53 am Title: Save me

This is a very interesting premise. It seems like Jim and Pam are both in the exact same place they were when they did work together - Jim has trouble committing and is relatively bored with his life, Pam is frustrated with Roy and questions the value of her opinion in the relationship. So, in a sense, they would have gone down these paths anyway without ever knowing each other? Interesting. 

I'm curious to see how they will influence each other now, since Pam didn't need Jim to see that her relationship with Roy wasn't right. Great start. I hope you update quickly!  

Author's Response:
I think that they have enough in common where they probably would be attracted to each other. Except that they would also fundamentally have the same issues. Which is where the fun is.
And yes, I think that Pam is smart enough to have realized her problems with Roy somewhere down the line. In fact, I think that one of the major reasons she stuck with him for so long was because of Jim being kind of like an relief from her life.
I just wanted to write Jim and Pam my own way, and I'm glad that you're enjoying the story.
Thanks for taking the time to review!

Reviewer: Too Late Kev Signed [Report This]
Date: March 24, 2007 06:39 am Title: Save me

I like this "what if" story!

A couple super-minor spelling things:  you spelled Katie 2 different ways (don't think it matters which way); I think it should be Toucan Sam, not Tucan.  The bird is a toucan. 

Is it too much to hope that the next chapter has Jim asking Pam out for coffee or something??  Maybe lunch at Cugino's for a little parallel universe action?

And do you really have a spud-gun?  Do you think that's safe?  What if you were deranged? 

Author's Response:
You're right, I did spell Katy's name wrong. Thanks. But it actually is Tucan Sam. That's the way Kellogg's spells it.
The next chapter...I think you'll like it. (psst, here's a secret: there will be several parallel universe situations.)
*pats spud gun* It's a good thing that this is the Internet. That's all I have to say.
thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: moofoot Signed [Report This]
Date: March 24, 2007 06:31 am Title: Save me

Can't provide any concrit, I'm afraid, because I love this story too much, already! - from Count Chocula to the first and last names to the small and easy heart-to-heart before switching back the the bantar - you've got Jim and Pam down, Ms Kensington, and that is quite amazing. I can't wait to see their next meeting! 

Also, you should know I'm considering astronaut diapers. They make the wait for updates a lot more manageable.  

Author's Response: Hee.
You're making me blush.
I actually can't tell you how much I appreciate you saying all of that because I AGONIZE over how I write already established characters. I don't like stories that go way too OOC, so I try not to commit the same blunders. I also try to remember that they would speak like real people (who are far from perfect). But then again, the way real people speak looks really crappy when written down, so it's a compromise.
And don't worry. I should have the next chapter up next week.

Reviewer: girl7 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 23, 2007 04:56 pm Title: Find me

You sneak - I almost didn't even catch this!  I really like it so far; this is an interesting premise.  Loved the dialogue as well - I could just hear them both so clearly.  

So...update soon!


Author's Response: GAH!! You reviewed my fic!!! (how's that for a switch?) I'm so flattered!!!
I love dialogue. I actually act out all of it before putting it down on paper (yes, I write the old fashioned way).
Seriously, I'm glad you like this.
More coming soon!

Reviewer: Jen74 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 23, 2007 04:46 pm Title: Find me

This is a great beginning.  Can't wait to see where it goes!

Author's Response:
I can't wait to show you where it goes (I have it all planned out....)

Reviewer: Par5 Signed 9 [Report This]
Date: March 23, 2007 09:40 am Title: Find me

Very interesting idea, Lex. Can't wait to see where you go with this!

Author's Response:
OMG, you reviewed my fic!!
I'm so flattered!
Yes, I think you're going to like it. It's just...fluff for the most part. *grins* Because the show itself is giving us NOTHING. *cries*

Reviewer: lapdogdesign Signed [Report This]
Date: March 23, 2007 08:27 am Title: Find me

Color me intrigued. I love AUs in all my fandoms. Don't know why. I do love fics that branch off from canon too, but AU fics really showcase the author's creativity and I love to see that.

I'm rambling, I know. I can't wait to see where Jim and Pam run into each other next. Without work between them, it'll be an interesting (and original) journey to see them come together.

More, please! 

Author's Response:
I love A/Us too. They are so much fun. Some of them can really be way out there, and those are great, but I don't think I'm going to have Jim and Pam run off and try to be the next American Idol or something.
Thanks so much!

Reviewer: moofoot Signed [Report This]
Date: March 23, 2007 04:48 am Title: Find me

I'm liking where you're going with this!!! It seems sometimes like the two things they have in common are Dunder Mifflin and a great sense of humour - and it's always troubled me that these two, who've said they're the best of friends, probably never did anything after work together at all. And how can they be best friends that way?

So I love the idea. I can't wait to see where you're going with this! 

And that's why I shall not, shall not, be moving from this seat here until you get a new chapter up. Unless I need to pee or get something to eat. ...or be productive. oO Okay. 

Author's Response:
Wow!! Thanks so much for the review!
And you're right, I've always been bothered by the fact that they're supposedly "best friends", but they don't even know each other's families. Or anything outside of work. I'm just wondering what they could possibly have in common that could keep them together.

And hey, you know you could always wear those astronaut diapers, right? And two words for you: home delivery.
hee. Thanks again for reviewing. And you will get something more from me soon. I promise (but I'm @ work right now...shh, don't tell.).

Reviewer: heinouscriminal Signed [Report This]
Date: March 22, 2007 09:54 pm Title: Find me

so excited to see where you go with this.  I really enjoy A/U's, don't know why but they are a breath of fresh air after watching those two go around in circles.  Hope for more soon!

Author's Response:
OMG, thank you so much!!! My first review!!!
I'm so horribly addicted to praise.  I really enjoy A/Us as well. I hope you enjoy this. I get a little intimidated around here with all the wonderful authors.
Thanks again!

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