Reviews For Stolen
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Reviewer: belsum Signed [Report This]
Date: June 02, 2007 10:55 am Title: Chapter 3: Clear liquor and cloudy eyed / too early to say goodnight

Wow. I love the hesitation and the discomfort and the excitement and nervousness. It's very real and in character for them both. I can only hope we get to see this much of their actual date on the show!

Author's Response:

I'm really glad you liked it - as I've written this, I've really tried to envision how it would be for both of them.  I think they'd both be (obviously) so excited, but super nervous and anxious as well -- such new terrain to navigate, this. 

Thanks so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: StarryDreamer Signed [Report This]
Date: June 02, 2007 07:42 am Title: Chapter 5: Our dreams assured....

That was such a great chapter end!  I loved what you did with the washroom scene (hee!) You perfectly captured her neves and the little details (the smell of soap).  And the kiss- whoa.  Put MY heart into a flutter.  Go Pam!  Cannot wait to see where you take this.

Author's Response: Yes -- she totally washed her hands, so no more worries!  LOL.  Thanks for the review (and, you know, for being the most awesome beta in the universe...).

Reviewer: beetfarm Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: June 01, 2007 05:41 pm Title: Chapter 5: Our dreams assured....

I think I've run out of things to say in my reviews to you. Thanks for capturing the joking/fun/tension between these two.

 Now lock yourself in your room with a bottle of wine and finish this.

Author's Response:

Heh heh - my wine/smut ratio has gotten around, eh?  LOL.  I will do exactly that for the next chapter, I promise.  :O)

Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Stilla Signed [Report This]
Date: June 01, 2007 03:15 pm Title: Chapter 5: Our dreams assured....



Author's Response:

....That's what she said!  *blowing a kiss a la Michael in Sexual Harrassment*  :O)

Thanks for reviewing -- and one more chapter to go!

Reviewer: Azlin Signed [Report This]
Date: June 01, 2007 10:44 am Title: Chapter 5: Our dreams assured....

Whoa. I'm trying to remind myself to breathe normally.

What a great chapter for this story. We got to see Jim and Pam finally kiss. And we learned Jim's true feelings for Pam, which was touching. And we heard Jim and Pam change the words to a heated argument in a restaurant, just like they did with Katy-purse-girl, which--for me--has ruined the words "definitely, definitely," "stress test it," and "you're horrible," for life! :)

Author's Response:

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!  That was the funniest freaking review I've ever read, by far!  I'm still sitting here giggling....

Thanks for the laugh, Azlin (and for reviewing!) --

Reviewer: lisahoo Signed [Report This]
Date: June 01, 2007 09:47 am Title: Chapter 5: Our dreams assured....

Great googly moogly, girl7.  You do have a way with the eye contact.  And who can blame a girl for jumping Jim in the hallway?  I think Pam showed remarkable restraint.

A favorite line from Jim: "...I've been...pursuing things that I thought I should want, trying to ignore all the things that I really do want."  That about sums up most of the season.  Glad that's over!  

P.S. I'm dying for Ch 6 now!  Hope you'rre in a writing kind of mood.  Where should I send the wine? 

Author's Response:

Hee hee -- the eye contact thing, to be honest, was taken right from my first date with my husband (though I was not brave enough to go all FNB on him like Pam does here, LOL). 

Yeah...the jumping him in the hallway bit just sorta happened; at times I'll find myself writing and thinking, holy hell - how would she NOT just jump him by now???  And then it's all downhill from there.  :O)

I'll be writing this afternoon, swilling wine this evening, so.... Good times!

Thanks, as always, for reviewing!

Reviewer: collardgreens Signed [Report This]
Date: June 01, 2007 09:45 am Title: Chapter 5: Our dreams assured....

I was grinning like the cheshire cat all through this goddamn fic. My face hurts. You're awesome.

Author's Response:

Yaaaayy!  I love reading fics like that, so I'm happy to hear it made you smile the whole time.  (Sorry about your cheeks, though.  ...TWSS?)

THanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Willow Signed [Report This]
Date: June 01, 2007 09:39 am Title: Chapter 5: Our dreams assured....

They're so going to do it.

Love this story :)

Author's Response:

*snort*  :o)

Loved your review!  :O) Thanks!

Reviewer: jinx Signed 8 [Report This]
Date: June 01, 2007 09:03 am Title: Chapter 5: Our dreams assured....

Feels like your story is progressing at a pace that works well for these characters.  Dialogue has just the right amount of humour.  Inner thoughts are a little angsy but I guess they would still be that way at this stage.

Author's Response:

Glad you're enjoying the pace.  And yes, I tend to vacillate toward the angsty side at times, but my take on it is that I don't think either of them would be easily able to forget all the crap they've dealt with over the past year(s); I think, given some time to be together, be settled, really be happy - they'd be able to let it go.  But I think it'd take a while.  

Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: nqllisi Signed [Report This]
Date: June 01, 2007 07:25 am Title: Chapter 5: Our dreams assured....

they were on an actual date now -- no false pretenses of just good friends, no guilt because they belonged to other people. And to think that the rest of the night was all theirs...that in a matter of moments, they'd be alone in her apartment.

No more barriers. I go back and forth about how fast or slow they are going to take things, but I can definitely see it progressing rapidly. They've waited so long, and they already know each other so well...this continues to be emotionally magnificent. Love!

Author's Response:

Well I'll go ahead and tell you that I'm in the camp (which is the minority one, I think) that they would take it slow -- at least at first.  I just don't see them jumping into bed together right away, only because all things aside: It is a BIG deal, and they'd both be aware of that (Pam especially, since the writers have indicated that Roy's the only guy she's been with).  This is not to say that I think they'd be all cowering and shy or scared, just definitely trying to maintain control for a bit. 

....Now I don't think they'd be that successful at maintaining control, but I don't see them getting to it on the first date.  (I can definitely see them jumping in with both feet like, a week later -- after a week of hanging out after work, that sort of thing.  ....Clearly I've thought about this far too much, LOL.)

Thanks, as always, for the review!

Reviewer: officefreak Signed 9 [Report This]
Date: June 01, 2007 07:10 am Title: Chapter 5: Our dreams assured....

Must stop reading Office fic at work.

Dangerous complications....LOL!

Author's Response:

Hee!  Yeah, it can get a little...dicey reading fic at work, no?  :oD

Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: EverybodyHurts Signed [Report This]
Date: June 01, 2007 07:07 am Title: Chapter 5: Our dreams assured....

You know what I'm enjoying the most about this ( besides the obvious, ha) is the fact that they are being open and honest about their feelings with each other.  I mean sometimes they need a little prodding to get it out, but overall it's so refreshing.  Compare this to S2 when you just wanted to throw them into the supply closet and lock the door.  I have just loved FNB ever since "Cocktails" and I can't wait for this to continue next season.  I hope we see a lot of "saucy Pam" interactions with Jim. :)

So, onto the next chapter:  Jim: gravelly voice, Pam: sweaty palms, let's gooo!

Author's Response:

I'm really glad you said that, because I was a little hesitant -- kept thinking, would they readily admit these things to each other?  But I'd like to think that Pam knocked down the last of the walls on Beach Day when she looked him in the eye and said very pointedly, "I wish you would." 

I'll get the next chapter up as soon as I can!  (Uh, would it be crass to throw out a TWSS!?  ....Naahhh!)

Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Fliz0nToast Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: June 01, 2007 06:55 am Title: Chapter 5: Our dreams assured....

Just had to review again...still so good!

I love the palpable tension in this chapter.  You write that very well.

I still feel like these two are in character.  I like that you have Jim describing how wrong it felt to be at corporate, I love that Pam felt bad about making fun of Jan, and I think it's nice that you actually mention Jim going to find Karen to tell her in person that it was over.  (As opposed to glossing over it or on the phone.)

Can't wait for more!

Author's Response:

Hey, never feel like you have to justify reviews; they are sooo welcome, trust me! 

THanks again for so many thoughtful comments.  I'm of the opinion that Jim didn't just break up with Karen via telephone (and he damned sure wouldn't have just left her in NY without a word -- can you imagine??). 

I'm really glad you enjoyed this; I have a ball writing sexual tension between these two (which makes me sound like a skeevy little perv, I realize,, well).

Thanks again for reviewing!

Reviewer: invis Signed [Report This]
Date: May 31, 2007 08:51 pm Title: Chapter 4: And from the ballroom floor we are in celebration / One good stretch before our hibernation

Stupid waiter!  Just go away and let them kiss already!

Author's Response:

Heh - he's like an annoying fly, isn't he?  Jim should've turned around all of a sudden and yelled, "Could you PLEASE just leave us the HELL alone???  Do you not see we're having a moment here??  GAH!"

Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Fliz0nToast Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: May 31, 2007 12:55 pm Title: Chapter 1: We watch the season pull up its own stake

Okay, I don't think I've reviewed yet so shame on me!

I love your writing style.  You have a wonderful way with words. 

Jim and Pam are perfectly in character for me in this story.  You capture the awkwardness and intimacy of this first date perfectly.  Truly. 

I really can't wait for more. Although, I think I'll be genuinely sad when this story ends, so keep it going as long as you can/need to/feel is appropriate.

Oh yeah, did I mention that this is my favorite first date fic?

Author's Response:

Thank you so much!  As I've mentioned in earlier responses, I had the hardest time with this chapter - never could get it quite right, so it really helps to hear you say that you think they're really in charazter here.  And wow that it's your fave FD fic - eeee!!

Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: officefreak Signed [Report This]
Date: May 31, 2007 09:50 am Title: Chapter 3: Clear liquor and cloudy eyed / too early to say goodnight

I need a drool towel just reading this....fabulous work so far!

Author's Response:

Hee hee - wait till you see the next chapter; the steamy bits got away from me, LOL.

Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: officefreak Signed [Report This]
Date: May 31, 2007 09:35 am Title: Chapter 1: We watch the season pull up its own stake


Runs to get Kleenex.....

Author's Response:

Awww.... :o) I almost got all teary when Jenna did in that final awesome moment: "I'm sorry...what was the question?"  GAH!

Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: mcmuffins Signed [Report This]
Date: May 31, 2007 08:38 am Title: Chapter 4: And from the ballroom floor we are in celebration / One good stretch before our hibernation

Oh, SIGH.  Sweet sweet FDF!  So glad to see them being honest with each other!!!

Author's Response:

Amen to the honesty, sister!  Hopefully we'll see more of that next season (and lots of dates....).

Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: LoveFool Signed [Report This]
Date: May 30, 2007 10:43 pm Title: Chapter 4: And from the ballroom floor we are in celebration / One good stretch before our hibernation

What a great first date for these two! I LOVED so much that Pam gave Jim so much crap for the wine swirling. lol. I love wine, but whenever a waiter makes me do that I just feel so dumb. lol. Such a great moment there....and I also loved the fact that Jim told her about telling Karen about his feelings for her. - I don't think that's been touched in a FD fic yet...awesome! 

Author's Response:

Hee - the wine swirling always strikes me as just ridiculous.  I mean, I know there's a reason for it, but seriously....LOL.  Yeah, I would really like to see Jim acknowledge to Pam that he told Karen he still had feelings for her; I think it would probably shock Pam to no end.

Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: FancyNewBeesly Signed [Report This]
Date: May 30, 2007 07:15 pm Title: Chapter 4: And from the ballroom floor we are in celebration / One good stretch before our hibernation

I love love LOVE this story. Your descriptions of Jim and Pam's nervousness, their banter, it is all so perfect. Keep it coming! The more slowly you draw out the story, the better!

Author's Response: I'm really glad you like it!  Thanks so much for taking the time to review!

Reviewer: EverybodyHurts Signed [Report This]
Date: May 30, 2007 06:59 pm Title: Chapter 4: And from the ballroom floor we are in celebration / One good stretch before our hibernation

Honestly, I don't care if this first date fic goes on for 50 chapters.  I am loving every word, every longing glance, every laugh.  We've waited three years for this, so you just take all the time you need, ok?

Love them giggling and commenting about the other restaurant patrons.  I'm the same way with wine.  "Yeah, yeah, just fill the glass, ok, so I can drink it."  Sniffing the cork just isn't gonna do it for me....heh. 

Author's Response:

I'm really happy to hear you say that you're enjoying it so much; I worried that people would be all, okay, so nothing really HAPPENED in that chapter, hee.  :o)

And AMEN to the wine thing.  Loathe it.  I also get pissy at the fact that they always hand the glass to my husband to sample.  When I'm feeling particularly saucy, I'll fuss about it when the waiter leaves ("What?  I don't have qualified taste buds because I'm a girl?  WTH?").

Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Susan M Signed [Report This]
Date: May 30, 2007 06:50 pm Title: Chapter 1: We watch the season pull up its own stake

Hey! Where's my smooching?!  LOL Okay, okay, you have a vision and you have to honor that, but I need me some smooching! ;-)  I know the wait is going to be so worth it!  ::bounce-bounce::

This is such a great story.  So playful, and nervous and then direct and honest.  I really hope the writers don't gloss over this important period of Jim and Pam reacquainting themselves with each other.  

Love this part the very mostest:

"...Wow." All he could do was sit there and stare over at her, suddenly dying to lean over and just kiss the hell out of her, but he didn't dare. Instead he sat there caught in a daze, unable to pull his eyes from hers.

That "wow" is so damn swoon-worthy.   And then, (oh, god yes!) the kissing! Yes, please do dare to kiss the hell out of her because some of us (okay, me!) are dying for you to!  

Let the healing (and the smooching) commence!  ::bounce-bounce::

Author's Response:

You're cracking me up with the ::bounce bounce:: -- hee!  I promise, I will give you mucho kissing in due time.  Patience, my pet....LOL!

Thanks for such a thoughtful and specific review...and for your marvelous icon at the treehouse.  :oD

Reviewer: Too Late Kev Signed [Report This]
Date: May 30, 2007 05:44 pm Title: Chapter 4: And from the ballroom floor we are in celebration / One good stretch before our hibernation

Wow is right!

And hooray for this: "It was just too easy to get distracted by her lips, by the way she so boldly stared back at him the fact that she'd made it so clear that this - he - was what she really wanted.

Author's Response:

Hee - usually I have no problem writing the steam (stems from my JK lust, I suspect), but with this one, I've almost felt worried that I wasn't incorporating enough. ...Because I'm going for a slow build here toward the end, if you know what I'm saying.  (*big exaggerated Michael Scott-esque wink*)

Thanks again for reviewing!

Reviewer: nqllisi Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: May 30, 2007 04:13 pm Title: Chapter 4: And from the ballroom floor we are in celebration / One good stretch before our hibernation

It was just another humbling miracle to add to the list.

Beautiful sentence, and a very concise description of this story among your other work. Seriously, you astound me. You make them talk the way they really talk. You let them laugh and be nervous and be honest and hedge and fumble and just...exist. The Jim and Pam on the screen that I'm reading now are the same Jim and Pam as I see on my television. That's a wonderful gift.

Author's Response:

Okay, that was seriously one of the most moving reviews I have ever gotten - THANK YOU.  It was doubly good to read your comments about their voices ringing true because I've been struggling with this chapter for days now.  I was really worried that it was just all-around weak because I was trying so hard to try to get the whole scenario right - from their voices to their dynamic to their likely nerves.  And I still wasn't satisfied with it when I posted it (thanks to Starry Dreamer, who beta'd and told me to shut up and post it, hee). 

Anyway -- I really, really appreciate your thoughtful comments.  Given how much I admire your work, they're that much MORE flattering. 

Reviewer: Colette Signed [Report This]
Date: May 30, 2007 03:58 pm Title: Chapter 4: And from the ballroom floor we are in celebration / One good stretch before our hibernation

Know what? I think in some way - which I can't quite put my finger on - it is important for Pam to know that Jim told Karen he still had feelings for her. Interesting. Must ponder. And so glad she knows (and he TOLD her) he'd never really moved on. Silly boy.

And I love how Jim is simultaneously familiar to her (their sweet backstory game,) yet new too (date!Jim.) I think that's precisely what will make next season with them so delicious - the known juxtaposed with discovery. And Jim tasting and swirling the wine? Lord. How did she manage not to crawl across that table and devour him at that moment? 

Author's Response:

I'm glad you said that, because I didn't realize I'd been thinking that until it just came out while I was writing.  Maybe because it could help put some of his behavior over the past year in perspective for Pam...?   And god, I hope you're right about next season; I'm definitely optimistic after the way they really delivered in the finale that we'll get to see some good stuff next season. 

And re: devouring him...?  Believe me, I have to work rather hard at keeping my JK lust from taking over my stories.  :o)

Thanks, as always, for reviewing!

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