Date: September 28, 2009 05:46 am Title: Ghost!Baby
AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA WTF! a poop-eating ghost baby. genius.
Author's Response: Of course. Don't you have your own poop eating ghost baby? I thought that was something everyone had....Good ghost baby. Here's some poop.
Date: January 05, 2009 07:05 am Title: Ghost!Baby
This was... well, given my current sleep-deprived mood, kind of appropriate. But it was entertaining! :)
Author's Response: Ah, yes, sleep deprived. I know that feeling well.
Thanks for the review!
Date: June 12, 2007 08:04 pm Title: Ghost!Baby
Emily, you have a very interesting imagination! I can just hear your little co-authors telling their mom "Guess what? Emily told us a story about Jam being eaten by a giant and a ghost baby comes out that eats poop!" Too funny and very badfic!
Author's Response:
Oh yes, and then you throw in the weird church games we play (you mean the priest doesn't normally throw the communion into the congregation), or the fact that a four year old is convinced that her body is filled with gooey stuff that needs to be scrapped out with a spoon... yeah... I have had some interesting conversations with the parents. My defense - it keeps them happy and active. And, they help come up with the stuff!
Thanks for the review!
Date: June 06, 2007 08:21 pm Title: Ghost!Baby
Dreadful, Emily. Simple dreadful. And yet, I loved how Pam and Jim melded into actual JAM which was eaten. And Pam being pregnant somehow created the ghost baby. And..." (she could tell it was Atlanta because of all the Braves fans)"! Funny! (But still, dreadfully Bad!) What a funny last line, too.
Author's Response:
Haha! So glad someone liked that! I was trying to figure out how to do a bad fic way of making Pam and Jim have a ghost baby, and that came to me. And then the giant eating them was developed on the swing set yesterday.
And then the Braves developed because of ... well, the Braves are the best, and I have yet to get some good Pam at a baseball game fics :)
Date: June 06, 2007 06:37 pm Title: Ghost!Baby
This is possibly the most literally shitty story I've ever read (because of all the poo). I really did like it though. I'm pretty sure I'd read the future adventures of Ghost!Baby should you feel so inclined.
Author's Response:
Haha! Yes, there was a lot of poo. What can I say, my humor is stuck at the kindergarten level. It works :).
I am with those same kids all summer, so I may be able to get more adventures with Ghost!Baby out of it (money AND a story! Yay!)
Date: June 06, 2007 03:26 pm Title: Ghost!Baby
Haha. This was excellent in its horrendousness. I loved the end:
And the dog pooped. And ghost baby knew she was home.
This sounds suspiciously like stories I tell to the kids I babysit. Coincidence? I think not!
Author's Response: Haha! Thanks for the review. Nah, it can't be coincidence. All good babysitting stories have to involve poop. I kinda think my sense of humor is stuck at the kindergarten level....
Date: June 06, 2007 03:17 pm Title: Ghost!Baby
You're right. This is weird. But it's also really funny and cute, in the strangest possible way. Nice job!
Author's Response: Yay! My first review! I am so glad you found it weird and funny and cute! And strange. Because, lets face it, it was. But it was oh so fun to write