Date: July 11, 2007 05:41 pm Title: The Best Laid Plans
I am just LOVING this good ol fashioned JAM pranking... it makes me smile. :)
Author's Response: Well your review makes me smile, so win-win-win really! Thanks!!
Date: July 11, 2007 12:57 pm Title: The Best Laid Plans
Thankfully... she wasn't that upset. Because I was able to pull the "I'm sick and I couldn't find my keys" story. Both of which were honest. I was sick (still am, but I decided the cure was fanfic), and I couldn't find my keys (so I walked to work... which considering it is only one street away not bad).
Quoting Andy: “Amazing. Awesome. Wonderful.”
Just so you know, reading it twice in one day makes it all the more delicious. Oh, and I was eating Oreos right beofre I read it. I really really really am addicted to the reverse oreos right now, those are good. And the regular ones, double stuft with peanut butter to dip em in... delicious. And this is important why? Because I say so! (and to add to the randomness, I wanted to break out in song there).
I think my brain is on a sugar high. Like Michael on Pretzel Day. Odd, since besides said oreos, I didn't have any sugar. Maybe its a fanfic high.
Jim raised his eyebrows at the comment and let it slide. “How about if we just go tomorrow morning instead? Okay, well whatever, just get it done Jimbo. I’m expecting greatness out of you!” he said, waving and hand behind him as he made his way back into his office.
Either I didn't catch it, or formatting was weird (yeah, lets say its that), but you've got two quote running into each other. Jim starts talking then Michael and yeah.
It was so much fun and I say get writing again. Because um, if not, I will come yell at you. And I am a scary person. I mean.... I can look as scary as this:
Author's Response:
Wow, EmilyHalpert, if that's the kind of wrath we'll have to deal with if we don't get more writing done? Wow.... that was wow. We're terrified really.
Thanks for pointing out the missing quote. I fixed it! That's so hilarious that you were eating oreos while reading it because I was while writing it! So freaky. I like the mint oreos too! Thanks for your awesome comments and review! You rock our world!!
Date: July 06, 2007 06:33 pm Title: Let The Planning Commence!
Author's Response: thank you so much! Glad you like ;)
Date: July 06, 2007 06:05 pm Title: Breaking the News
question: how did you do the page breaks??
oh, and your story is a-w-e **clap, clap** s-o-m-e!
Author's Response:
Page breaks: when you are using tinyMCE you see there's a little blue bar when you hover over it is says Horizontale rule? That's the story line breaks we used! Simple as that!
And I love the cheering review! Thanks for the review!
Date: July 06, 2007 05:35 pm Title: Let The Planning Commence!
Messing with Dwight is reason enough to do anything.
So this is part of the Emily makes no sense review: I was playing an office trivia game, and there was a picture of Angela (that sort of looked like how she would look right here), and I totally got that question wrong. In my defense, I had no idea what he was asking... but still, I consider him an evil person
</end rambling Emily>
Jim should have choked. Because let me tell you - Pam should have done the concious choking manouvers are the most romantic and sweet of all the stuff you can do. I mean, seriously, you just have the person's arms wrapped around you (sure they are pushing their fist into your abdomen as hard as they can)... but yep. Which is why when my crush is teaching and I am co teaching, I always volunteer to be choking.
Michael is reading Satan's bible.
Dwight's entire talking head about trusting people was excellant.
Michael is afraid of nothing (snakes is also acceptable)... I loved The Initiation... I just rewatched it last night.
Wow that is a great prank on Dwight, switching lists :)
Author's Response:
Once again EmilyHalpert leaves us unsatisified with a boring and uninteresting review. Gosh. :)
You know you pretty much rock at reviewing. I'm glad you like the little things that we take so long to think up. And thank you for taking the time to look over ch3! We appreciate it oh-so-much!!
Date: July 05, 2007 05:57 pm Title: Breaking the News
Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Yes, that is my reaction. And I owe both of you an email. But instead of doing that, i am reading your fic. So there!
That first talking head was very Michaely. I read a news article about how a lot of people want to get married on 07/07/07.
And of course Jim would pass, because that is what he does :)
"Absolutely, they can." Smiles and giggles and laughter. :D
And Michael abbrivating to save time, but then wasting time explaining abbreviations.
And Packer... eating Michael's man parts. Yeah, there is an image I want OUT
Amazing description: He had seen that look of concentration, with her lip tucked between her teeth and the way she blew the piece of hair that kept falling into her face away.
Ah, JK Rowling is coming :P.
Yay for the two of you writing together!
Author's Response:
In lieu of an e-mail, we'll accept reviews :) Your reviews are the bestest reviews out of all the reviews [/Roy]
Oh and the man part cakes? They'll be making an apperarnce again and all the party planning will be revealed in due time . Thanks for the great review, EH, and there'll be more soon!
Date: July 05, 2007 05:17 pm Title: Breaking the News
oh boy, I'm excited for more of this...
and for a second I was like "wait, I'm PPC"
Author's Response: Haha you are PPC! Funny! I'm glad you liked, there will be more to come for sure! The two of us have been brainstorming like madwomen and you (hopefully) won't be disappointed!
Date: July 05, 2007 05:00 pm Title: Breaking the News
Great job WildBerryJam! Thanks for working on this with me!
Author's Response: Haha, no thank you! Dude, I was all excited that I was going to IM you and be like we hvae our first review! and then it was you. Ha. Oops! It's been great working with you and thanks for all your help! Your chapter is up next!!