Date: July 28, 2007 08:15 pm Title: Exchange
You are so great at making these characters funny and sexy at the same time. It's always a perfect balance, and I can totally believe Jim and Pam behaving that way.
Author's Response: Thank you, Morning Angel! It's getting to be a bit of a stretch, but I'm glad it's still somewhat believable!
Date: July 28, 2007 08:12 pm Title: Exchange
“I’ll even do it again, if you want.”
My favorite line EVER.
Author's Response: Thank you, collardgreens!
Date: July 28, 2007 07:28 pm Title: Exchange
I SO LOVE THIS STORY!!! I wish this could continue indefinitely : )
Author's Response: Oh, they would sort of waste away and die after a while. And that wouldn't be funny or sexy. ;) Thank you, NanReg!
Date: July 28, 2007 07:14 pm Title: Exchange
I love how neither of them are holding back now, I hope this conversation never ends...oh wait, yes I do!
Author's Response: Hee. It had to end sometime. Thanks, bufffy6!
Date: July 28, 2007 07:12 pm Title: Exchange
Oh sweet Jeebus. That is all I can think to say. Direct-talking Jim is about the sexiest thing ever. Go Pam!
Author's Response: Thank you, lisahoo!
Date: July 26, 2007 07:32 pm Title: Directions
Very erotic!
Author's Response: Thanks!
Date: July 26, 2007 07:07 pm Title: New Territory
You both made me smile and even laugh out loud, while still maintaining steam. Very impressive.
Author's Response: Thank you, Becca Lavender!
Date: July 26, 2007 12:51 pm Title: Directions
Trying on a Dwight hat might put me in a coma
Too hilarious! What a great line! What great banter/dialogue. Not just sexy, but funny, like Jim and Pam. Way to go, Annabel!
Author's Response: Yay! No one has commented on that line yet, so I'm very happy you liked it, NeverEnoughJam!
Date: July 26, 2007 11:36 am Title: Directions
You are the Tease Queen!!! This story is amazing. Great, great great work!!!
Author's Response: Thank you, Daoust!
Date: July 26, 2007 09:11 am Title: Directions
You have such a knack for letting them sound like them even when they're in a situation we will never see. The part about the cat and Ghandi so perfectly in character.
Can't wait to see where this goes from here...although I have my suspicions. ;) You might be having fun writing but trust me - it's equally fun to read.
More, please.
Author's Response: Yes, I think you may find your suspicions are justified, xoxoxo! The Gandhi line is my favorite, so I'm happy to see you pick it out. Thank you!
Date: July 26, 2007 08:52 am Title: Directions
It's official: this is my favorite story EVER!!!
Author's Response: Wow, really?? I'm very, very honored, NanReg!
Date: July 26, 2007 08:29 am Title: Directions
This chapter was too much fun to read. So painfully building tension. Grrrr. Good call on the vunerable while hidden fantasy for Pam.
Author's Response: Thank you, feared_or_loved. Yes, I thought she'd like something like that; before the end of Season 3, she seemed to be extremely afraid of consequences, so it had to be something where she was basically invisible.
Date: July 26, 2007 08:24 am Title: Directions
hehee totally giggled
Author's Response: Thanks, collardgreens!
Date: July 26, 2007 08:09 am Title: Directions
Love Pam's thoughts about hiding under Jim's desk. Can't blame her there! Wonderful chapter and looking forward to more of this conversation.
Author's Response: Thank you, bitterpill! More conversation has arrived!
Date: July 26, 2007 06:48 am Title: Directions
Whew. This is one fun and sexy barn dance. Lovin' it :-)
Author's Response: Thanks, supergirlsudz! I love a good barn dance.
Date: July 26, 2007 05:42 am Title: New Territory
I'm with officefreak: more, more, more...and SOON!!!! That was awesome ; )
Author's Response: Thank you, NanReg!
Date: July 26, 2007 05:29 am Title: Directions
Okay...going on what I know about Polish guys (and yes, I've dated quite a number of them), I can guarantee you that was a BIG up and over. My mind has gone to such a dirty place, it's not even in this universe.
Please update quickly to relieve the pressure! LOL
Author's Response: Goodness me. I personally have not dated any Polish guys (though I have a Polish friend I will be giving some strange looks now, thank you very much). Good to know, officefreak!
Date: July 26, 2007 05:12 am Title: Directions
Oh dear God, let's find out....
Author's Response: Ha ha. Let's!
Date: July 26, 2007 03:48 am Title: Directions
Haha, I love that you're taking this in a smut direction but still keeping it completely cute, funny and weird. Pam's fantasy of hiding under the desk made me smile, and I love the little detail of being weirded out if the cat were to walk in.
Author's Response: Thank you, Semby! I try to undercut the smut with silly as much as possible, and vice versa.
Date: July 26, 2007 03:14 am Title: Directions
I can't wait for the next chapter! This is amaaaaaayyyyzing.
Author's Response: Done, lesslikeyou! And thank you!
Date: July 26, 2007 03:13 am Title: Directions
I have only one thing to say: to quote Jim,
“Hearing the end of this story is now my priority in life.”
Author's Response: Ha! Being quoted back to myself is very, very cool. Thanks, EverybodyHurts!
Date: July 25, 2007 11:13 pm Title: Directions
Naughty Jim fantasies...Weeeeeee! And lets all one time or another, we've had thoughts about Jim just like Pam just admited
Author's Response: I have no idea what you're talking about, BaraJam. None whatsoever.
Date: July 25, 2007 11:02 pm Title: Directions good.
Your voices are beyond spot on. I'm sooo digging this.
Author's Response: For What I Am When I'm With You is amazing... I just started it tonight. Thank you, Stablergirl!
Date: July 25, 2007 10:52 pm Title: New Territory
ohhh boy. more, more, more! plenty of fanfic writers write a good pam voice, but it is nearly impossible to find someone who writes jim so spot on.
Author's Response: Thank you so much, jamband! I think Pam voice can be tough to negotiate, too.
Date: July 25, 2007 10:48 pm Title: Directions
Um, wow. Way to leave me uh, hanging.
Author's Response: Hmm. You're welcome, I guess?