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Reviewer: darjeelingandcoke Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: December 13, 2020 01:02 am Title: ACT THREE AND EPILOGUE

This was a lot of fun - we get basically no canon discussion of Jim and Pam's past after they get together, and it's fascinating to see how they might view it from the perspective of Season 4. And the stolen DVD plot was hilarious - well worth the writing of the two scripts.

Reviewer: Candi Signed [Report This]
Date: August 02, 2018 02:30 pm Title: ACT THREE AND EPILOGUE

This should have been an episode. It's perfect.

Reviewer: Boysenberry Signed 7 [Report This]
Date: February 25, 2016 12:54 am Title: ACT THREE AND EPILOGUE

I really enjoyed this. IC and very funny (in parts). Thanks!

Reviewer: sudoku Signed 9 [Report This]
Date: September 29, 2011 02:43 am Title: ACT THREE AND EPILOGUE

I love your stories, so funny and in character. Although I'm not JAM fan (as I started watching from Season 3), I still don't mind your story.
Gotta love at the end that Dwight indeed "borrowed" the DVD. I presumed it was at the pig stall or something at the ending.

It's ironic that Spader joined the cast of The Office Season 8. How is the Spader report going?

I hope you will write more of The Office stories as I absolutely love your stories (even from a non JAM fan)

Author's Response: Yeah, it really is weird that Spader joined the show. I had even forgotten that I had wrote that bit until reminded by a friend. What a coincidence. Thanks so much, I'm glad you liked it!

Reviewer: EJER Signed [Report This]
Date: August 20, 2009 12:04 am Title: ACT TWO

O M G - I laughed so hard at the Creed line at the end of this!

Author's Response: Thanks so much! That's a funny coincidence, the other day I was thinking about "Employee With-holding" and that line in particular. I love having Creed say the oddest thing at the oddest time. Thanks again, I'm glad you got a laugh from it!

Reviewer: bingbangboom714 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 12, 2008 11:49 am Title: ACT THREE AND EPILOGUE

I loved it!! Great job! I like the way you write your stories like episodes.

Author's Response: I'm sorry, I totally didn't see this! I didn't think anyone read these...Thank you! I try to make 'em seem as much like the show as possible. I'm glad you liked!

Reviewer: kaystar Signed 8 [Report This]
Date: February 07, 2008 08:54 pm Title: ACT THREE AND EPILOGUE

What a great ending!  You did such a good job not only keeping everyone in character but writing in a script style format. I really enjoyed this.

Author's Response: Thanks, I'm glad you liked the finish!

Reviewer: dasani Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: January 30, 2008 06:49 am Title: ACT THREE AND EPILOGUE

I'm sitting here with a huge silly grin on my face. I don't know what else a fan could say. You're really good at this, you know that? I didn't know what to expect and I couldn't read fast enough to find out. Amazzzzzing... Who'da thought... Poor Pam... Wowwee.

Author's Response: Wow, thanks so much, I'm really glad you enjoyed it! It was a lot of fun writing it and it's satisfying to know that you liked it. Thanks so much!

Reviewer: Semby Signed [Report This]
Date: January 24, 2008 07:26 pm Title: ACT THREE AND EPILOGUE

What a fun story! I'm a little disappointed in Pam for sticking it out with Roy even with knowing what he'd done, but it just shows how much she's grown and changed as a person since then! I loved the honesty in their reunion. And I love the conclusion with Dwight having to deal with being the true culprit, hee! :D

Author's Response: That's weird, I thought I responded to this.... Yeah, Fancy New Beesly would NOT be having any of that, you can believe it! She is different now... one of the best, if not THE best, character development arcs for a season that I've ever seen. I'm glad you liked! And Dwight? Yeah, I got a kick out of that, too. I HAD to make him the culprit, he was being such an ass about

Reviewer: JennInTheCity Signed [Report This]
Date: January 24, 2008 02:32 pm Title: ACT THREE AND EPILOGUE

I remember reading the first chapter, but I had missed the second two! Great story!

Author's Response: Thank you!

Reviewer: Shassafrass Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: January 24, 2008 09:13 am Title: ACT THREE AND EPILOGUE


Author's Response: lol... you're so silly... : P  : )

Reviewer: NanReg Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: January 24, 2008 07:27 am Title: ACT THREE AND EPILOGUE

Way to go, k!  Really enjoyed this--start to finish.

Author's Response: Hey, thanks! I really appreciate that!

Reviewer: JamLover101 Signed [Report This]
Date: December 13, 2007 09:58 pm Title: Cold Open and Act One

This is very intriguing, funny, and well-written please update soon!

Author's Response: Hey, thanks! I've had some things pop up in my life over the last two months that have taken me out of the loop but I hope to have the last act up soon. It's actually about 75% written( and has been for quite some time... I'm bad) so I just have to finish it up and throw it up here. Well... not literally throw it up... you know what I mean. Anyway... thanks again!

Reviewer: Semby Signed [Report This]
Date: October 30, 2007 03:08 pm Title: ACT TWO

Ooh, THAT was unexpected. Other than the drama, this was a very cute funny chapter! I love the bizarre look back at pre-pink-crazy-Kelly, heh. And Creed! And we still need Dwight's evidence...

Author's Response: Yeah, I didn't forget Dwight.... He will find that evidence, believe me! Thanks so much!

Reviewer: kaystar Signed 8 [Report This]
Date: October 29, 2007 05:25 pm Title: ACT TWO

OMG!!!  What an awesomely awful plot twist.  Poor Pam! Poor Jim!  Poor Creed! Seriously, great job on writing the script within a script - very clever.  I can't wait to see how they're going to work through this. That would have been the perfect opportunity for Jim to tell Pam and cause her to break up with Roy. It says a lot that he didn't want to hurt her then. Except that he's hurt her now.

Author's Response: Thanks! And I touch on why Jim didn't tell her right at the beginning of Act Three. Well, there are two reasons actually. Hopefully, I'll have it up soon... Thanks again!

Reviewer: dasani Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: October 29, 2007 10:40 am Title: ACT TWO

First I wrote something along the lines of "How-can-you-stop-right-there-gimme-more", but I realized that might not really motivate you to post more.

Then I tried to offer you a bribe, but I realized that might not work either. Honestly, what can a bored receptionist offer a writer?

So I'll settle to say this:

Exciting, Intriguing, Wonderfully-written, Captivating and oh man I just want to read more - ing. Thanks for updating, and I cannot wait until act 3! Great job!

Author's Response: lol... Thanks! I'm glad you liked! You don't have to bribe, I promise to finish it! (Although cold bottles of Pepsi ARE acceptable... : ) I just hope I don't drop the ball in the third act... : (

Reviewer: jinx Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: October 29, 2007 10:04 am Title: ACT TWO

Absolutely fabulous!

Author's Response: Wow. Thank you!

Reviewer: NanReg Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: October 29, 2007 09:13 am Title: ACT TWO

Holy cow, K!  I see what you mean!  It certainly was a daunting undertaking but you did it so well!  I couldn't imagine what you had up your sleeve.  I can't wait to read more.

Author's Response: Boy, I'm glad you said that. You and Shassafras made me feel WAY better about this. I wasn't sure if all of the juggling made any sense. I'm really glad you liked it. Now... I gotta end it. Ulp.

Reviewer: Shassafrass Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: October 29, 2007 08:58 am Title: ACT TWO

Really, really good. You can write, my friend, and not just comedy.

Author's Response: Wow, thanks, Shass. One day, I will try to write something that doesn't have a serious undertone to it. I think with the Office though, you can't. There's always an undercurrent of sadness or regret in the show. The way that melds with the comedy is probably why I love the show so much. Thanks again!

Reviewer: dasani Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: October 25, 2007 07:05 am Title: Cold Open and Act One

I'll hire you. Unfortunatly I don't have too much to offer you in respects to payment....
your stories have really brightend my day. I can't wait until all 7 and 8 ideas are published here ( you will, won't you? )
Another 10. 10 10 10.

Author's Response: Well... since you asked so nicely... how could I say no? : ) Thanks so much for the support... I think those stories will make their way up here after all...

Reviewer: dasani Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: October 25, 2007 06:38 am Title: Cold Open and Act One

Are you sure you aren't just a disgruntled writer from The Office that still has so many ideas?
I can't wait for more. Very excited!
This is soo soo soo funny -- it feels to real to me.
Keep up the wonderful work!!

Author's Response: Well... you got the disgruntled part Man, I WISH I could write for them... I don't know why I have so many ideas for this damn show. Between the two previous scripts I wrote, this one and the other 7 or 8 ideas I have, my brain is overflowing with Office goodness. Somebody hire me, please!!!!

Reviewer: Shassafrass Signed [Report This]
Date: October 25, 2007 06:30 am Title: Cold Open and Act One

I'm gonna try and do it this year. Usually November comes, and I'm like "Shit! Foiled again!" But this time, I think I may have something to sink my teeth into. If you do it, let me know, and we can try and cheer eachother on...

Author's Response: Oh, definitely! It's a great idea! But man, November is a tough, busy month to try to write a novel in... damn. But I wanna see you go for it!

Reviewer: Shassafrass Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: October 24, 2007 09:20 pm Title: Cold Open and Act One

Yaaaay! This is "second-episode!" I really do love your writing. You're smart as shit and funny as hell. It makes me wonder what you could do left to your own devices. Or outside of script format...You should try NANOWRIMO!

Author's Response: Wow! You are THE BEST! Thanks! I had to google NANOWRIMO (I thought you had a stroke or something while you were and that is REALLY interesting! That is something I will definitely look into...

Reviewer: WildBerryJam Signed [Report This]
Date: October 24, 2007 03:50 pm Title: Cold Open and Act One

hahaahhah Michael impersonating Caruso from CSI.  Ahhhhh So funny!

And the PB&J bit at the end?  SO great.  Love it! :)  Lovely job!! Hope to see more....

Author's Response: Thanks so much!

Reviewer: bnbrice Signed [Report This]
Date: October 24, 2007 03:36 pm Title: Cold Open and Act One

This is a great fic! I am really enjoying it, now what is the big secret Jim keeps from Pam that she finds out?? Please tell, or at least update soooon! I love angst, as long as good things follow! well done!

Author's Response: Now come on. You KNOW I'm not gonna tell ya! I promise to update soon but... you know what? I'll give you a hint. rnrnrnIt involves Roy... See now, I've said too much....

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