Reviews For The Morning After
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Reviewer: nqllisi Signed [Report This]
Date: June 03, 2008 08:17 am Title: Chapter 1

Beautifully done. Michael is just a bottomless pit of need, but here we see that Ryan is, too, in his way. Very, very nice.

Author's Response: Oh wow, thank you so much!  You described exactly what I was trying to convey, and that makes me ridiculously happy.  Thanks again for the review, I really appreciate it!

Reviewer: belsum Signed [Report This]
Date: June 03, 2008 08:10 am Title: Chapter 1

Aww, that was strangely, creepily, sweet actually!  Michael really does care about Ryan.

Author's Response: Ha, thanks so much!  That is exactly what I was going for.

Reviewer: Team Karen Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: June 01, 2008 12:03 am Title: Chapter 1

This is a great Ryan portrayal... I think the moment he realizes Michael's man love actually means something to him is a perfect place to set the story.

His cheap cologne smelled like home.

And this is such a telling line about both men.  In fact, so good I think you could have even ended the story right there.  Nice Job!

Author's Response: Aww, thanks so much!  You know, I was actually thinking of ending it on that paragraph, but I wanted Michael to get some verbal love from Ryan for once.  Anyway, this was my first time writing Ryan, so I'm glad that it rang true for you.  Thanks again!

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