Reviews For so far (so close)
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Reviewer: EmilyHalpert Signed [Report This]
Date: January 17, 2010 09:55 am Title: piece of you always

You killed Pam! Well, I guess besides that, this is interesting. Jim got a tattoo for Pam. And I liked his reasoning, it seems really real and just... yeah. But you killed Pam.

Reviewer: kaystar Signed 7 [Report This]
Date: March 07, 2009 08:26 pm Title: piece of you always

So sweetly romantic and then so sweetly heartbreaking. The next-to-last line almost killed me.

Author's Response: I'm very sorry about the semi-murder. However not as sorry as I probably should be, since that means I apparently did my job. Thank you :)

Reviewer: Hannah_Halpert Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: March 07, 2009 01:09 am Title: piece of you always

OMG at the end :(

so beautiful and I found it sexy he got a tat lol.

Author's Response: thank you :D and yes, i've always fantasized about a secret little tat somewhere on jim. it's too hot to resist.

Reviewer: Mixedbreedgirl Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: March 06, 2009 04:32 pm Title: piece of you always

*imagines tattoo*
I'll stop too (:

Author's Response: thanks ^___^

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