Date: October 03, 2010 02:58 am Title: In restless dreams I walked alone
So apparently I owe you at least two reviews...cue the groveling: I'm so sorry I haven't reviewed! These last few weeks have been hectic with a capital 'h' and I'm only just catching up on all the new fics (and if it's any consolation, I haven't reviewed anyone else's!). But enough about that, let's move on to what is important.
I related so much to what Pam (i.e. you) were saying about living alone. I've lived at home with parents and family and in dorms and with many, many people and there are days when I just want to go live in an empty forest somewhere to have even just a moment's quiet. But then I house-sit for a few days, this big old house that's usually full of people and it is incredibly disconcerting. Every noise is amplified and you feel so...alone. Peace is one thing but loneliness is another and I think you captured that perfectly with Pam's talk because I would do and have done the exact same thing, as would almost everyone who's ever lived alone. Not only that, I think it's a perfect representation of where Pam was at at this point - desperate to be on her own, to have some space only to realise how utterly lonely that can make you feel sometimes. And it's embarrassing because you want to be this independent woman who can learn to live with and just be by herself, but sometimes, you miss the noise. It's something that people don't give much thought to but I know that that fear of being alone like that was one of the many reasons it took her so long to end things. Or maybe I'm just reading too much into it...
But aside from assigning metaphors to your amazing work, I loved the image of Pam inhaling her beer. *snort*
More to come.....
Date: October 01, 2010 09:47 pm Title: You're so fine, you blow my mind
I went over to YouTube and listened to the songs from these chapter titles. My, you've got quite the eclectic taste in music. I like it!
Author's Response: Oh, very ecclectic indeed.
Date: October 01, 2010 06:08 am Title: Well, the music plays and you display your heart for me to see
I like this story so far and I would hold this in but I cant helpt it... Julianne Nicholson is NOT CUTE. Also that movie was really weird
Author's Response: What movie, Brief Interviews? Yeah, REALLY weird, and I love the book so don't get me started on... you know what? Just go to the thread on the board to see my thoughts on the movie. And you're right, she's not cute in that movie. I don't think the short haircut flatters her at all. I was thinking more along the lines of in her Ally McBeal days, or perhaps post Flannel Pajamas. She's cute with the longer hair.
Date: September 30, 2010 08:29 pm Title: You're so fine, you blow my mind
I forgot a few things after reading again (and again and again)
I loved how Pam mentioned Katy's fake boobs. Not many people could have pulled that off, but it was so believeable for the night you have created. and the slutty Pam comment cracked me up!
Author's Response: Haha, thanks! Yeah, I always felt like Pam was really annoyed by Katy.
Date: September 30, 2010 08:29 pm Title: Why can't we give love one more chance?
jim's description of katy was priceless. he's gonna be mighty excited when he learns pam's got katy beat in the "abundance" category...and they're real. lol. anyway, another great chapter. i chuckled the whole way through!
Date: September 30, 2010 02:34 pm Title: You're so fine, you blow my mind
Well, first of all ... My very own chapter?!?! Thank you!
Ah! Now this, this is just delightful! Ballsy Pam! I'm so glad I wasn't drinking anything when I got to the part about Katy's artificial assets! Wouldn't have found this conversation believable in any other fic but it fits beautifully in the night you've set up. I think it's true that enough time had passed since Katy – and she was so patently wrong for Jim – that they could have this type of light-hearted conversation about her.
I love all the conversational details and the tone of this chapter.
Slutty Pam ... Like you, only kind of cheap.
... They go quiet, and he circles his thumb around her kneecap and they listen to the sound of crickets in the tall grass, which desperately needs mowing.
I love the atmospheric detail you include in that last one.
So, this date can go on for about 72 hours straight, can't it? Multiple trips to Starbucks, maybe a couple of cans of Rockstar from the Turkey Hill Minit Mart... You know, sleep is vastly over-rated!
Author's Response: Thank you for the idea! I never would have had a Katy conversation if you hadn't brought up the point that it must have been hard for her when EVERYONE was going on about Katy. And then the idea that Jim was trying to stick it to Roy... yeah, Jim didn't go after Katy until after Roy opened his mouth, then was tickling Pam against Jim's desk. It was such a "screw you," and then Pam was jealous. So bonus for Jim.
Date: September 30, 2010 06:16 am Title: You're so fine, you blow my mind
This fic is so satisfying, ivy. I think it has to do with your characterizations being so spot on. I'm enjoying being a voyeur as they address questions and topics that have remained unanswered/open-ended to this point. The questions they're asking each other feel fresh, and their responses and reactions feel real, and that's quite an accomplishment IMHO. They've had a really long evening, but it doesn't feel forced. I didn't expect a Dwight prank, but it has previously been their way of connecting when they were just friends, so I can see it happening. As always, interested to see where you go. So happy you found time for another update :)
Date: September 29, 2010 10:38 pm Title: You're so fine, you blow my mind
Oh my goodness, I just loved this chapter! I love your sense of humor, andtheivy! Three Man was definite evidence of that, you're really funny! I loved the part about the tie, yeah, no idea if that's really a metaphor, but I'll go with it, and whether or not Katy was natural in the many ways, lol.... I also loved the last bit about the prank, it really shows the true essence of Jim and Pam, that she would be so flattered and truly happy that she'd been asked to partake in a Halpert prank - the chocolate and roses bit was perfect.
Lovely chapter like usual (because I always seem to love everything that you come up with!), and I'm looking forwards to the continuation. You really should do a proposal story if you haven't already!
Date: September 29, 2010 09:34 pm Title: You're so fine, you blow my mind
Eeeeeee that was the best chapter yet. It was light, but full of... serious stuff they needed to tak about. You write that balance so well. I wish I could favour chapters as I would be doing that right now.
Love the part about Katy's boobs and the tie pulling. Made of win!!!!!
Date: September 29, 2010 09:24 pm Title: In restless dreams I walked alone
The honesty in this kills me. How they're just talking about such simple things, but they're so important to them. Like Pam wanting to know what floor Jim was on in Stamford. And them both talking about living alone for the first time - amd their last lines? killed me dead!!!!!!!!
Date: September 28, 2010 09:25 pm Title: In restless dreams I walked alone
I can understand that they had a lot to discuss on this night. Sort of hoping the mood will lighten a bit soon, though.
Date: September 25, 2010 09:17 am Title: Why can't we give love one more chance?
yay! yay! yay! you're back!!!! I've been missing this story so much. another great chapter and i can't wait for more!
Date: September 24, 2010 04:43 pm Title: In restless dreams I walked alone
Okay, I loved the whole chapter, but I feel as though I can skip over talking about all that and just go to those last few lines. Where they both were finally, for maybe one of the first times ever, completely honest with each other about their relationships with other people. They must have wanted to do that billions of times while they weren't together, but now, even though they're finally dating, they can be brutally honest of how they felt when Karen and Roy were in the picture.
I know that this isn't really much of a chapter, and I'm only talking about three lines out of your entire story, but it felt so powerful to read those three lines, ones that I've never seen in a story before. It just surprised me that nobody's ever used these lines before, because it seems like something they've always wanted to say, and there have been so many first date or dating in general stories that they could have said 'I really hated seeing you with... it really hurt," but they never did.
So sorry I went on a rant about that, but I felt it was really important to say something about that.
Beautiful chapter, I love how this story is not super mushy, and they can actually talk about real things that affected them, and express emotions about them. Wonderfully written, and I look forwards to more! And happy season 7 to you.
Date: September 24, 2010 02:22 pm Title: In restless dreams I walked alone
After that wonderful premiere this fic brings me right back to that first night. I really hear them talking, if that makes sense. It's like I can see it in my minds eye all unfolding. I love how well you've broached Stamford. It's not an easy topic to write, and I love the history you're creating for it. My favorite is them admitting that it sucked to watch the other be with another person. I can absolutely see them saying that. (you know if they weren't fictional characters haha) I can't wait for the next update! Get to it!
Date: September 24, 2010 07:23 am Title: Why can't we give love one more chance?
What a delightful, post-premiere Friday morning surprise, ivy! As if I could be any happier :D I truly can't get enough of this. Each chap goes by way too fast, with me constantly checking the scroll bar to assure myself that there's still more to read. /pathetic I'm glad that she brought up Karen again, and I'm glad he's thrown. I'm enjoying the discomfort. Great detail about Pam's silence and distraction in her new apartment--pb&j and popcorn for dinner, not being able to concentrate on reading. And I don't know whether to clap or gag re the Raggedy Ann's crotch reference--such a boy thing to say. I think I'll clap--LOL :D Happy Season 7 to you!
Date: September 20, 2010 10:59 am Title: Well, the music plays and you display your heart for me to see
(Coming in last place when it comes to on time reviews)
It's been a while since this has been updated, so I hope things are going well. Feeling better? I love the idea that Jim had a girlfriend when he met Pam, but broke up with her because he 'just knew.' He's such a romantic at heart, and he proves you should never give up on what you believe is real.
Date: September 06, 2010 08:31 pm Title: Well, the music plays and you display your heart for me to see
Sorry for the very short review but I just wanted to leave one and tell you I'm still in love with this. And poor Pam! The 'ex' conversation is always tough (espcially when they know a few of them) but this mystery woman who's so amazing and wonderful and you can't help but feel "how do I compare?". And then to know you're the reason they broke up would make you feel simultaneously giddy and guilty. Ahh, I just feel for both of them. Can't wait for you to update but get better first. We can wait for an amazing story like this. It means it lasts longer! (TWSS)
Date: September 06, 2010 06:34 pm Title: Well, the music plays and you display your heart for me to see
Just saw your note about taking a small hiatus, you totally deserve it babes. We will all miss you though, so you better come back :P
Date: September 06, 2010 04:05 pm Title: Well, the music plays and you display your heart for me to see
Just saw your note over at the forum. I'm sorry you are still not feeling well. No worries about your break. While I will miss this it was nice that you tried to give us more. The last chapter was fantastic as always. Loved how Pam was jealous. She needs to feel all of her emotions like he did for so long. Get better!
Date: September 05, 2010 07:30 pm Title: Well, the music plays and you display your heart for me to see
Holy shizzle, fave chapter EVER. Seriously, God... give me one second to collect myself, okay?
That was amazing, I love that Pam kinda fucked up something so big and amazing for him - without intending to, you know? How Pam already had that much power over him.
What I also loved so much about this chapter, was how well it all came together. They covered a few topics, but yet - it just flowed.
Him loving her being a little jealous was adorable, and him calling her cute melted me a little.
Jim majoring in Sociology? Bloody genius. Something I could totally see him doing.
I am beyond in love with this story, and would quite hapily read all 10000 sequels you plan *prays* on writing :)
Date: September 05, 2010 10:50 am Title: Well, the music plays and you display your heart for me to see
P.S. I love how this conversation is moving along so smoothly despite the fact that they're covering so many different topics. Also, I love Pam thinking that he "sends" her--great word choice.
Date: September 05, 2010 10:39 am Title: Well, the music plays and you display your heart for me to see
Sunday greetings! Hope you're feeling better today. I logged on specifically to see if you'd updated. Thanks for not disappointing me :-* I know I must sound like a broken record, but let me assure you, ivy, I'm sincere when I tell you that I adore this chap. I love Jim's reveal of having had a serious girlfriend when he started working with Pam. I could so imagine how Pam felt as Jim revealed this little nugget of info from his past. While it made me feel sad for her, I was thrilled with this little detail that you've added. Just perfect. The fact that Jim was in a relatively long-term relationship with a great girl makes his whole past history with Pam that more tragic. He was hit by a lightning bolt. I give him credit for ending his relationship with Alix. He could have held on to her as a crutch. I love the honesty throughout this chap. Can't wait to see what's next!
Date: September 04, 2010 08:03 pm Title: Hold her, tell her everything’s gonna be fine
I have read SO many first date fics, but this, this is it. This is JUST how I see their night going. I really love the way you have them acting around each other, one second their making out, the next minute he asks to hold her hand. It honest to God is JUST how I see this ight going.
“Have I developed cooties in the last five minutes?” < LMAO totally heard Jim ask that in my head.
I say it every time, but you write these characters so perfectly. Everything you have them say I can hear the characters in my head, and that is not an easy feat. So, to sum it up, you rock!!!
The hand holding line killed me dead btw :)
Date: September 03, 2010 08:03 pm Title: Hold her, tell her everything’s gonna be fine
Well, I have to say, the overdose hasn't hindered your writing skills :) "Can I hold your hand?" So sweet!
Date: September 03, 2010 01:34 pm Title: Hold her, tell her everything’s gonna be fine
Sorry for not posting sooner. I love anytime Jim and Pam can dance and for you to address their first dance was perfect. The fact that Jim asks if he can hold her hand just killed me. I'm sorry you are sick and a million thanks for writing during your illness.