Date: April 28, 2020 08:44 am Title: Chapter 10: Michael's Birthday Party
Ok, I was thinking that a Drunk Pam would basically jump all over Jim and their secret would be out thus Dwight would start to get all important and the like. Kinda nice to be proven wrong.
What's Micheal up to? There are times in canon I wonder if all his Micheal-ness is all an act and under it all is the Good Micheal we see from time to time. I kinda get that feeling here. You've been keeping us all on our toes throughout this story and this is no different.
Really looking forward to seeing where this goes.
Date: April 28, 2020 04:28 am Title: Chapter 10: Michael's Birthday Party
“You must keep him busy; I’ve been trying to invite you and him over for dinner for months, but you guys always have something going on.” Way to take a canon element and make me laugh. Such a great inclusion.
Ahh, this is a perfect Pam drunk moment- forgetting herself and kissing Jim!
Another layer of intrigue with Michael there. I did wonder, considering his wife was Holly, if he knew a little about love...
Date: April 27, 2020 10:14 am Title: Chapter 9: Date Night
Uh oh, we all know what happened last time Pam went to Chilli's. For the sake of the characters I hope all goes well... for the story? I suspect a penguin on fire rolling down a dry grassy hillside.
Looking forward to it!
Date: April 27, 2020 09:17 am Title: Chapter 9: Date Night
Bringing Volunteer Sheriff Dwight was kind of a fun turn. Yes, he's gullible, but he's also asking the right questions as to why Jim isn't with Karen and who Pam might be. For all his bluster, Dwight is actually quite intelligent in his own way. Makes me wonder what might happen further down the line with that.
Drunk Pam at Chili's could be fun, but also I get a small sense of foreboding. In Vino Veritas and all. Might Pam let something slip? Looks like we'll see.
Date: April 27, 2020 07:06 am Title: Chapter 9: Date Night
My heart stopped when Dwight showed up, but this ended better than I expected!
Date: April 27, 2020 03:38 am Title: Chapter 9: Date Night
This was a sweet chapter! Dwight was all sorts of fun. I’m definitely looking forward to your version of Pam at Chili’s now!
Date: April 22, 2020 02:42 am Title: Chapter 8: Conversations
Late to finally leave a review but I’m loving this story. Super interesting premise.
Date: April 21, 2020 01:26 pm Title: Chapter 8: Conversations
The conversation with Roy seems more plausible than the conversation with Karen, especially how's you've set things up. Roy and Pam don't get along. When he walks in on them, yes it's a shock and knee-jerk anger does make sense. As much as we like to consider Roy to be an oaf, he is an adult, even if it takes him a bit longer to get the point.
Jim and Karen here do mostly get along. So it's a bit of a different dynamic for them. Anger, surprise, shock, sure I get all those things. Would she have eventually agreed to the plan? Probably. Maybe after she and Jim talk face to face though.
Like others it makes me wonder if Karen has something up her sleeve.
All this is just making me very curious to see how things pan out. We still don't know what's the penalty for going against your assigned partner. Personally I'm kinda hoping that somehow Jim and Pam will be able to marry each other without having to go through the sham marriages. Talk to a lawyer and find some obscure loophole that gets them out of their assignment. Something like that maybe.
You're still doing a good job with all this though. Like I said, I am looking forward to more.
Date: April 21, 2020 08:41 am Title: Chapter 8: Conversations
The dialogue was great! I'm surprised both Roy and Karen were so chill about there a plot twist coming up??
Date: April 21, 2020 01:29 am Title: Chapter 8: Conversations
I really didn’t see things going this smoothly! I feel like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop... Roy’s reaction makes sense, he’s not that into Pam anyway so it’s not such a blow for him to overcome. I am still worried about Karen, I feel like she’s a fair bit more intelligent than Roy and may still cause problems...
Date: April 20, 2020 08:53 pm Title: Chapter 8: Conversations
Great for Jam. Makes me feel bad for Karen and Roy though. I hope they can find happiness too.
Thanks for writing, looking forward to the next one.
Date: April 18, 2020 11:44 pm Title: Chapter 7: The Day Before
Oh no! Roy catching them in the act, or near enough does not make for a clear headed Roy! I feel like things are about to get very, very interesting!
The Pam and Jim parts of this were lovely and tender. I can’t wait to see the fallout of Roy finding out just that little bit too soon...
Date: April 18, 2020 10:37 pm Title: Chapter 7: The Day Before
DANG, Aly! WAY TO RIP MY HEART OUT. Just kidding, but seriously if that's Roy's reaction, I am dying to know what Karen's is since she doesn't think Jim is that bad of a match. I am looking forward to your next installment!
Date: April 18, 2020 09:06 pm Title: Chapter 7: The Day Before
Wow! Yeah, that was a shock. I get why Pam and Jim did what they did. But now things have all gotten really confused. And for Roy to just storm out like that? Going right into dangerous waters here. Very exciting with everything.
Date: April 18, 2020 08:56 pm Title: Chapter 7: The Day Before
Ah yes the "Yes I'm sure they won't be back", classic.
I looked forward to seeing the fallout from whatever Roy is about to do, although my naive side says "Hey, maybe he's just going somewhere to chill out".

Date: April 17, 2020 07:42 am Title: Chapter 6: The Idea
Well I know they won't, but plan A could work! In my patriotic and idealized version of Canada, even in fiction we are nice people. Move out to the middle of nowhere in a prairie province and there would be no one to bother you for kilometers around!
Plan B sounds more practical, but risky. I can't wait to see the complications that arise from it.
Author's Response: I really, really considered plan A. I almost made that the only plan, but I thought it might just be taking the easy way out, kind of. Of course trying to find that place and then actually going there without anyone finding out would have it's own risks and troubles, but I think telling Roy and Karen will end up being better, if only for the storyline lolol Thank you for reviewing!!
Date: April 17, 2020 06:38 am Title: Chapter 6: The Idea
This story...when I tell you I look forward to updates, it's an understatement. I LOVE this universe you're creating so much!
When he suggests they move away together I "awwww'd" out loud. Then you broke my heart a little when she had to whisper "I love you" because it's forbidden.
This is like a unique awesome version of Romeo and Juliet, but instead of their parents saying they can't be together, it's society.
I'm with everyone else here, I can't wait to see what happens to them if people find out (if you even go that route) or how Roy and Karen take the news. It's definitely a risk, but I'm so excited to read. Amazing job!
Author's Response:
Thank you so so much!! I also hate that they have to hide, even though I'm the one making them have to hide lol. Hopefully something happens to change that eventually (: Thank you for reviewing!!
Date: April 17, 2020 06:12 am Title: Chapter 6: The Idea
Yeah, they're taking a risk here. While it's good that they're being honest with each other and Roy and Karen, it's true that there's a lot to be concerned about. We still don't know what happen to those who break the marriage laws here. You've got me guessing as to where this is headed, which continues to make this story interesting.
Author's Response: Yeah I think them not knowing what happens when they get caught is what's worrying them the most, especially Pam. But we will find out what happens, eventually. (: Thanks your your reviews!!
Date: April 17, 2020 04:45 am Title: Chapter 6: The Idea
Given the world you’ve set up, plan b makes a lot of sense. I’m a bit worried it won’t work out for them though, that only one of their partners will go for it and the other one will kick up a fuss...
Good on Jim for coming up with some sort of an idea. It’s sweet that they said I love you and I guess that answered my question about whether just saying the words is taboo.
Author's Response: I meant to reply to your other review to say they're allowed to say the words, they just hadn't yet. I liked your idea tho about how those words would somehow trigger something and they would get caught, but I'm a sucker for first "I love you"s so I wanted them to be able to say it lol. Thank you for all your reviews, I'm so glad people are liking this!

Date: April 16, 2020 07:22 am Title: Chapter 5: Figure Us Out
Ooh a nice cliffhanger! I can't wait!

Date: April 16, 2020 12:10 am Title: Chapter 5: Figure Us Out
This story leaves me with so many questions! (Like in a good, I’m super intrigued kind of way...)
How do people get found out for being in love? Does someone have to report them to the government? Or is a little Harry Potter and if they say the words to someone it’s known by the “authorities”, kind of like saying Voldemort.
I’m dying to know what Jim’s idea is!
Date: April 15, 2020 10:11 pm Title: Chapter 5: Figure Us Out
Sweet to start, then a bit of angst to end things there. You did a good job of expressing the emotions of them here. Clearly they want to be together and the fact they can't is of course a hard thing to consider.
Interesting choice to have them start to be friends with Roy and Karen. I mean it does serve a purpose in that it helps them have some more time together so that's nice. Considering we're well outside the bounds of canon, it's a chance to play with some of those ideas too.
Can't wait to see what Jim's got up his sleeve.

Date: April 15, 2020 10:04 pm Title: Chapter 5: Figure Us Out
Spitballing here, does the idea involve falling in love with their assigned partners? Whatever it is, I just hope it's not a recipe for disaster.
The chapter is well written and interesting as usual. Also, you surpassed your monster oneshot in length, so I think that means this multi chapter idea is a success!

Date: April 15, 2020 08:48 am Title: Chapter 4: Alone
Oh, that's very, very interesting and intriguing! I'd like to know more about this universe... and how Jim and Pam try to avoid troubles, of course :)

Date: April 14, 2020 05:23 am Title: Chapter 4: Alone
So so so cute!