Date: September 18, 2020 03:30 am Title: Secret Santa
Really great start. Your writing is very natural, easily read and yet very entertaining. I especially like the part about watching her at the Dundies. I like that you explained its plausibility since not quite what we saw on show...I do that too. Looking forward to seeing more from this story.
Date: September 14, 2020 06:47 am Title: Yankeeeeeeeee Swap
A very short chapter, but it does give a good insight to Jim's mind.
Date: September 13, 2020 07:23 pm Title: Yankeeeeeeeee Swap
More please! The premise is great. I really want to read what happens with Roy
Date: September 11, 2020 09:21 am Title: Secret Santa
I really like the set up. I look forward to reading more.
Date: September 10, 2020 11:46 pm Title: Secret Santa
Oh, this is such a unique idea! I'm not a fan of abusive Roy (a little of hypocritic of me to say that, but oh well), but I adore protective Jim, and I'm curious beyond measure to see where this story leads.
Thank you, and I'm looking forward to the next chapters!
Date: September 10, 2020 09:31 pm Title: Secret Santa
Interested to see where you go with this - this is a take on Teapot Christmas I don't think I've seen before.
Date: September 10, 2020 07:14 pm Title: Secret Santa
Nice way to start off for sure. Though considering the tags and what you've mentioned in this chapter, I could see this getting dark fairly quickly. Guess time will tell.
Welcome to MTT. Always glad to have more stories going up.
Date: September 10, 2020 03:12 pm Title: Secret Santa
This is an amazing story idea, I just dearly hope it results in a Jam ending
Date: September 10, 2020 02:15 pm Title: Secret Santa
This is such a clever concept. You did a great job with Jim’s thoughts and reactions to different moments. I am anxious to see how it all plays out!