Date: August 28, 2009 10:44 pm Title: Chapter 5
lovely... just lovely.
and i love that song.
Date: June 22, 2007 08:52 am Title: Chapter 5
Such a GREAT fic!
Date: March 11, 2007 06:48 pm Title: Chapter 5
The silence of the office was so palatable. This story is such a beautiful Christmas story. I really loved how it ended- with so much promise and so much hope ahead of them. Wish I'd found it sooner...
Author's Response: Yeah, this was one of those that came to me as more of a visual first - i.e. I could so clearly picture Jim and Pam, when all is said and done, just having a quiet moment standing there together. It was that image that inspired the story, actually. As always, thanks for reviewing!
Date: March 11, 2007 06:20 pm Title: Chapter 2
“You’re really tall…” She murmured, words a little slurred.
He laughed, propping a hand on the doorframe as he teased, “Maybe you’re just really short; did you ever think of that, Fillapelli?”
LOL!! This is a conversation I have often with people as I am very short (5'2). However its usually them saying "you're really short", with me following up with "maybe you're just tall." Therefore I take this as my own private shout-out ;-)
Apparently I'm not very good at remembering what stories I've read of yours, so here I am finding stories that I don't think I've read before... if I have then enjoy another set of reviews ;-)
Author's Response: That's hilarious, because I'm 5' 1 1/2, so I have the same sort of exchanges all the time. :o) (We shorties have to stick together - heh.) No worries about getting my stuff mixed up; at times, I can't remember which one is which either. But thank you, in any case, for the review!
Date: December 04, 2006 06:30 pm Title: Chapter 5
oh my, sweet fluffy goodness!
Date: November 23, 2006 09:51 pm Title: Chapter 5
It's a Christmas miracle!
Date: November 21, 2006 07:38 pm Title: Chapter 5
Okay, first off, no one does Serious!Michael like you. I loved that part in the same way I loved him in Booze Cruise.
Second, that was JUST what the JamDoctor ordered after this episode. I especially like the fact that Pam said "I'm in love with you" I really think that is going to be what Jim needs. He can't misinterpret itunless English is his second language. Which...I hope it is because if it isn't what was he trying to say last May?
Uh, anyway...awesome feel-good fic as usual. Thank you for writing it!
Date: November 21, 2006 12:32 pm Title: Chapter 5
OMG, that was amazing!
They stared at one another in shocked silence for a few more seconds before he asked, his voice hoarse, “Can you forgive me for blindsiding you with that and then disappearing when you didn’t just…turn your life upside down for me?”
That completely captured the essence of the relationship. That was a truly amazing chapter.
Please don't let this stop here!!
Date: November 21, 2006 12:09 pm Title: Chapter 5
I just love the turning point for Pam: And that was what did it for her – the vulnerability on his face, the way he couldn’t even bear to look at her. You really made that moment make sense ~~ a very critical part of whenever Pam finally takes the leap and takes some freaking ACTION! (BTW, Bravo to your Pam for that! Let's hope NBC's Pam will do the same!)
Date: November 21, 2006 11:33 am Title: Chapter 5
Oh the magic of love at Christmas. This was lovely, like a nice hug.
And I loved Pam's exchange with Packer. I let out a little bark of laughter.
Date: November 21, 2006 11:16 am Title: Chapter 4
Poor Karen. We all love dumping her so much.
Great chapter.
Date: November 21, 2006 11:06 am Title: Chapter 3
Scranton doesn’t have to be all about Pam.
Oh, Jim. Who are you trying to kid?
This was great.
Date: November 21, 2006 11:04 am Title: Chapter 5
At last, indeed. Thanks so much girl7 for the early Christmas present, for setting it a few weeks from now so I can convince myself that yeah, this is really the way it's going to happen, and for giving me a laugh at Todd Packer's expense. A great big package - I doubt it! Hee!
Date: November 21, 2006 10:58 am Title: Chapter 2
Happy Jim and Karen! I love it.
Date: November 21, 2006 10:52 am Title: Chapter 3
No he can't. You're torturing me. Second drink - oh the haunting memories. That fact that Pam and Jim say almost the same things, Dwight and his insanity... Okay - next chapter! Damn you from keeping me from my work! (yeah, sure...)
Date: November 21, 2006 10:42 am Title: Chapter 2
Is it wrong that all I really care about is that he went home and left her behind? Yes, probably, but this is what it's come to I'm afraid... I do like that you addressed this He didn’t let himself dwell on the fact that the one person he wasn’t filling her in on was the very one that he should probably give her a heads up about.
Date: November 21, 2006 10:06 am Title: Chapter 1
Because it's not too late! That's why it hadn't occurred to her! "Chaste, reverent...burning." I can just picture that going through her mind for months. Oh, the pain!
Date: November 21, 2006 10:03 am Title: Chapter 5
We *so* needed this happy ending! From your keyboard to Greg Daniels' eyes...seriously, this was great. Makes the whole situation more bearable.
Date: November 21, 2006 08:17 am Title: Chapter 1
What a yummy holiday treat. I'm so thankful for all the quick resolutions that are trickling in. Fantastic. Makes it so much easier to ride out the angst. I love the idea of them looking out at the snow together. Such a sweet image - even as you can actually feel how they're both dying to jump each other. :)
Date: November 21, 2006 07:25 am Title: Chapter 5
First: standing side by side, silently, just being? Be still, my jammy heart.
I can always count on you to make it all right with these two...and to tell me just what they're thinking. Because, cracking the code of what it all means on the show is damn exhausting!
And hooray for Pam being the instigator. I hope G. Daniels takes a cue from you and makes that misguided girl rise above all the miscommunication and confusion and SAY SOMETHING. Direct. To Jim. Thanks for making that so...once.
Date: November 21, 2006 06:40 am Title: Chapter 5
Very nice. I love the use of the window for looking at each other without facing each other.
Date: November 20, 2006 02:54 pm Title: Chapter 4
"She’d always hated the concept of irony." - yeah, she would right now. I'm actually at a point where I can now say, with a safe 4 days distance fron The Merger, that Jim moving on is a necessary step in Pam's development. As long as he doesn't move on for too long. Like for an evening, like he did here. That works for me.
I'm glad he came clean with Karen. It had the added bonus of sending her to NYC...can't wait to read how you'll get Jim and Pam back together.
Date: November 20, 2006 02:36 pm Title: Chapter 4
Amazing as usual. I likey this dynamic and how Pam and Jim know each other so well...but Pam wont pick up on the fact that Jim and Karen arent together.
Oh wonderful writing goddess, your updates make my day.
Date: November 20, 2006 10:12 am Title: Chapter 4
:Yes that's the way it SHOULD happen for us.
Date: November 20, 2006 08:28 am Title: Chapter 4
Nice how even Jim is not immune to hot!tortured!Roy :) Nice work here - can't wait to see how these two crazy kids work it all out!