Date: September 11, 2020 07:07 am Title: Just Once
This is ridiculously hot and yet I still noticed the writing. That's how well written it is.
Date: December 23, 2008 12:13 am Title: Just Once
Jesus that was all kinds of hot and amazingness =)
Date: January 17, 2007 01:09 am Title: Just Once
best. sex. ever.
oh wow I dont think I will ever be able to watch Casino Night the same way again
Date: January 14, 2007 10:45 pm Title: Just Once That's all I can say.
Date: January 13, 2007 07:04 pm Title: Just Once
Loved this. So hot and steamy and sad and wonderful.
Date: January 12, 2007 07:58 pm Title: Just Once
Holy cow...very sexy and very heartbreaking.
Date: January 11, 2007 05:52 pm Title: Just Once
Aw man, way to break my heart with the hottest and saddest thing I've ever read. I actually sort of wish this had happened on Casino Night... oh man. Oh, Jim. The whole idea of "just once" is so him. And he misses her! Even when she's not gone yet! So good.
Date: January 11, 2007 04:55 pm Title: Just Once
::fanning self:: Ooh, that was fun to read! :)
Date: January 11, 2007 04:43 pm Title: Just Once
“Tell me to stop,” he whispers through clenched teeth. She shakes her head.
Loved it.
Date: January 11, 2007 03:48 pm Title: Just Once
This was awesome. I totally recced it on TWOP, because, God knows we need another HOT take on Casino Night. And man, am I impressed because it's really different and Pam was just so gorgeous in that dress, and you just set it up perfectly. Mmmmmmm. Lovely.
Date: January 11, 2007 10:46 am Title: Just Once
wow!!! what a great filler for the time we missed. loved it!
Date: January 11, 2007 08:23 am Title: Just Once
That was hot. And sad. BuUt you caught Jim's desperation and Pam's resignation really well.
Date: January 11, 2007 06:55 am Title: Just Once
Well, of course, how could Pam resist Jim in his Casino Night outfit? Now I need a cold shower....
Date: January 11, 2007 06:36 am Title: Just Once
Interesting story. They would have had to been great secret keepers if they kept all that from those pesky cameras.
Date: January 11, 2007 05:08 am Title: Just Once
This is intense and sad and true in so many ways. And did I mention hot? The tension between them jumps off the page and Jim knowing it's all wrong, but still too right to stop? Yowza. And your last line, ...he thinks maybe he still can is a gut wrencher, anticipating the death blow I can't we know she'll deal to him later.
Date: January 11, 2007 02:21 am Title: Just Once
“Tell me to stop,” he whispers through clenched teeth. For the love of God... Hot and... yeah, just all around hot.
Date: January 10, 2007 11:49 pm Title: Just Once
Whoa! pretty hot!
Date: January 10, 2007 09:30 pm Title: Just Once
I enjoyed this, but I wanted to say that I especially loved how you described the post-it notes falling off the shelf; "rainbow dissaray" makes me all prickly and excited and I don't know why.