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Reviewer: darjeelingandcoke Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: December 01, 2020 06:52 pm Title: Bowl of Fruit

This is brutal... but also REALLY clever - and I like that the emotion attached to these things is starting to show up in not just her selection of subjects, but also in the paintings themselves.

Reviewer: Alex Wert Signed [Report This]
Date: March 05, 2007 08:51 pm Title: Bowl of Fruit

Deep.  All I have to say about that.

Reviewer: flamingosinparadise Signed 9 [Report This]
Date: February 21, 2007 06:56 pm Title: Bowl of Fruit

I love this.  How you manage to make her painting have meaning is amazing.  I love the image of Jim & Pam talking for an hour and comparing Christmas stories.  Just seems so...them.

Reviewer: lapdogdesign Signed [Report This]
Date: February 21, 2007 12:36 pm Title: Bowl of Fruit

I love the backstory on each of the seemingly simple, innocuous items Pam included in the art show. I'm just a little sad anticipating that after all the thought Pam put into her selections, given the significance of these pieces, that the one person (Jim) for whom they would mean as much doesn't even get to see them at the art show...that we know of. Hmm....

Looking forward to more!

Reviewer: EmilyHalpert Signed [Report This]
Date: February 20, 2007 07:27 pm Title: Bowl of Fruit

i am enjoying this (even with having to rereadsome of the ends hehe). I love how everything is a special meaning. Makes it so much more special

Author's Response: thanks, you might want to double check because I've been having issues with the newest chapter too. For some reason it cuts off my ending part of the chatpers whenever I copy/paste into the story text area. I apologize for the issues and hope you all can understand! Glad you liked it!

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