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Reviewer: Too Late Kev Signed [Report This]
Date: April 16, 2008 09:05 pm Title: The Negotiation

I think you did really well on this chapter -- the aftermath of The Negotiation -- just wonderful.  My heart breaks a little for these poor hopeless people.  I'm so glad it eventually went right!

Reviewer: EmilyHalpert Signed [Report This]
Date: September 29, 2007 07:51 am Title: The Negotiation

yeah, that whole how long after cocktails was the negotiation was confusing. the day after... week? month? whatever. it is confusing. so i am willing to buy whatever.

pam's mom pushing her again. i love that relationship you have made the two of them have. and jim and larissas. both someone to point out the obvious which they won't admit to themselves, and how they can be as honest and real with those two.

i think its safe to say i am willing to buy these relationships however you write them, and i don't ever really think of them as unrealistic. that could be just me, but it is my two cents. 

Reviewer: desert island Signed [Report This]
Date: September 26, 2007 11:33 am Title: The Negotiation

I loved Jim's chat. The sibling relationship you've created is just so real, and just so Jim: playful banter and serious conversation in one. Nice work!

Reviewer: Semby Signed [Report This]
Date: September 23, 2007 09:24 am Title: The Negotiation

Oh, I love that you have both sides here - you've done so well with both of them. They both just seem so down and ready to give up, and I love that her mom and his sister are so realistic, encouraging, and seem to be much more in tune with what's going on here than either of the people involved. I especially love Larissa's advice about looking out for Pam expressing her feelings because it'll probably be subtle - when we all know by now that while that was probably true at the time of Negotiation, her declaration at beach games was hard to miss, and coming from a much braver Pam!

Reviewer: Snoznoodle Signed [Report This]
Date: September 23, 2007 05:47 am Title: The Negotiation

Aww Larissa really is sweet... I really like her lol... she's saying the things we all wanted to say to him (besides the stuff about how cute he is lol) I just got into this and it's great! You're doing an awesome job!

Reviewer: Sweetpea Signed [Report This]
Date: September 23, 2007 04:20 am Title: The Negotiation

I can see how hard this one would be to write, but I think you got it all down perfectly.  I like how both of them have been left with something to think about, that they're both going to be more aware of each other now, which is exactly how I felt after this episode - they might not be talking, but they're totally zoned in on each other.  Very nicely done.

Reviewer: Swedge Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: September 23, 2007 12:25 am Title: The Negotiation

Fun read once again.

"I mean, not like how he went after Jim, I mean like, dating him I guess"


But one little thing: where larissa says "Here we go...", it seems like maybe you had intended that to be from Jim not her.

Author's Response:

Gah, my proofreading skills are so lame! I need a beta, but I also I need home internet, most I just want some some Mexican food, or a big juicy steak!

But thank you for reading, and I was hoping someone would like that line, oh, Pam, you're so adorable.

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