Date: August 30, 2021 09:01 pm Title: How Jim Halpert Lost His Virginity
Author's Response: YOU ARE FAR TOO KIND.
Thanks for taking the time to read and review!
Date: June 11, 2021 04:10 pm Title: How Jim Halpert Lost His Virginity
I love this story. I think this can totally be a deleted scene. Damn it should have been part of the cut made it to Tv. You are super perfect.
Author's Response: Okay. You are VASTLY too kind. But thank you, and thanks for taking the time to review.

Date: December 01, 2020 10:36 am Title: How Jim Halpert Lost His Virginity
Just kidding, this was *very* cute! And I loved Erin at the end. All of these cold opens feel like things that really could have happened or would have happened even if the cameras weren’t there. You’re doing a great job!
Author's Response: Hey, I get sick to my stomach when I have this much sugar, too, I respect it. Thank you so much, you are way too kind!

Date: October 24, 2020 09:57 pm Title: How Jim Halpert Lost His Virginity
These are always so fun and this is no exception! I think Pam’s reactions were my favorite part of it all. I love the idea of her setting out jellybeans as the solution - not to mention the whole human behavior/retraining talking heads.
When my original character makes it into another fic does that mean I’ve made it?! I appreciate the Valerie love.
Author's Response: It is my firm belief that a very high percentage of issues with Jim and Pam can be resolved with the judicious use of jellybeans. And the human behavior/retraining talking heads were a lot of fun to write. (Pam's reactions were more of a relief, really - I've got a couple of classic "Pam is miserable" WIPs, and it felt good to give her a break.)
Oh, yeah, you've absolutely entered the pantheon now. #ValerieIsCanon
Date: October 22, 2020 10:51 am Title: How Jim Halpert Lost His Virginity
Gah I was so excited when I realised there was another one of these! I really enjoyed this - I love the idea of this becoming a reflex for Jim (but also, seriously, it must have been). Erin's reactions really cracked me up, and so did Jim scrambling each time and Pam just being quietly amused. I also think you convey their physical reactions/mannerisms so well and in character (Jim drumming his fingers on the desk and shoving himself up from his chair, Pam giving him a tongue between the teeth smile), I can literally see it happening on screen. And the smile of a guy who wakes up to find his wildest dreams have come true! So yeah, I loved this.
Author's Response: Yeah, this was a fun one to write (if surprisingly challenging from a technical perspective). Flustered Jim and Having Fun At His Expense Pam are a really great combo. And I'm very pleased to hear that about the physical mannerisms - not my strong suit as a writer. Glad you enjoyed this, and I appreciate the review!

Date: October 21, 2020 08:53 am Title: How Jim Halpert Lost His Virginity
Awww, I adore every single bit of this. It made me smile so hard. Erin’s talking head definitely made me chuckle. Oh, how adorable can she get? Jim and Pam’s fluff on point. I can totally picture this as a cold open! Brilliant writing from the start to the end.
Author's Response: Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! I felt bad for doing this to Erin, but flustered Erin is just too cute. Appreciate your kindness, friend!

Date: October 20, 2020 09:51 am Title: How Jim Halpert Lost His Virginity
Yep, you're right — this is the purest fluff and that's adorable! I enjoyed this story a lot. Thank you!
And the line:
'He smiles the smile of a guy who wakes up every morning to find his wildest dream has come true,' — just 'awww,' I can't describe the feelings it brings to me in any other way.
(Also, I'm both curious about the Kinko's thing and furiously don't want to know details!)
Author's Response: So glad you liked it! Thank you for reading!
I know. It's always nice to write the Jim who got everything he wanted.
I *thought* the Kinko's thing was a joke when I started writing (it was actually the idea this entire fic sprung from). But every time I went back through it, Pam's smile in response got naughtier and naughtier, so now I'm wondering if he's maybe not kidding. Or if Pam has gotten an idea. Either way, I think you're right that the details are probably something we'd rather not know.

Date: October 19, 2020 08:15 pm Title: How Jim Halpert Lost His Virginity
These rejected cold opens will forever be my favorite. You do such a good job and I always love reading them!
Author's Response: Yay!!!! Thank you so much!!!

Date: October 19, 2020 07:10 pm Title: How Jim Halpert Lost His Virginity
So freaking funny! I would have enjoyed the heck out of that episode. Nicely done!
Author's Response: It would have been great to get some more canon Jam fluff for sure. Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Date: October 19, 2020 05:10 pm Title: How Jim Halpert Lost His Virginity
Keep 'em coming -they are always so fun. A smile formed at the disclaimer and just kept widening until the Network Notes.
Giggly Pam - adorable.
Poor Erin but just as adorable.
You rock cold open composing.
Can't wait for the next one.
Author's Response: A smile from sentence #1 right to the end was absolutely my goal with this. Thank you so much!
I know, I felt bad for putting Erin through this - and just for comedy purposes, too. Don't worry, Erin, he likes you fine, it's just not true love!
Thanks for reading and reviewing! There's probably another one coming relatively soon actually...

Date: October 19, 2020 04:55 pm Title: How Jim Halpert Lost His Virginity
This is so awesome! This totally could have been a legit cold open.
Author's Response: Ahhhh, you're way too kind! Thank you!

Date: October 19, 2020 04:17 pm Title: How Jim Halpert Lost His Virginity
Ohhh I ADORED this. Super cute fluff, I love when he took her fingers in his. Your descriptions are spot on, the dialogue is spot on, and I want more more more.
Love it!
Author's Response: Thank you so much, I'm so glad you liked it! It was fun to just write some cute, uncomplicated JAM.

Date: October 19, 2020 04:02 pm Title: How Jim Halpert Lost His Virginity
That was fun. Delightful banter between Jim and Pam. All the smirking and laughing from Pam to Jim. The attempts to save face from Jim. Pam's new mode of operational conditioning (the game show flourish was excellent by the way). Just a ton of fun.
Author's Response: Thank you! This was a lot of fun (if surprisingly challenging) to write, so I'm glad it was fun to read too!
As always, appreciate you taking the time to review.