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Story Notes:

I do not own anything related to The Office or The X-Files.

This came about after a visit back home and staying with my best friend. We watched an episode of Gilmore Girls and freaking Donnie Pfaster (well, the actor who played DP) was in the episode, so I went to the TWoP forums and the re-cap called him "Mr. Friendly" and it's like, NO!  So then we were thinking what if Donnie Pfaster would be in Scranton?  Which turned into a 5 Things fic. I wrote the first three parts on the airplane ride from Baltimore to Minneapolis, and the last two since I've been back.

Thanks to sharky for the quick read through!

This is for Annie!

PS- I hate the title, but I couldn't think of anything so I went with the straightforward approach

After the incidents in Virginia, he had to move to Scranton, lowering the chance of any potential run-ins with two particular FBI agents. It turned out the martial arts community was surprisingly excellent so he started teaching some classes, trying to keep a low profile. The only problem was the thirty-something moon faced purple belt in Goju Ryu who acted like an annoying know-it-all. After a few weeks of Dwight's poking around, Robert Patrick Modell decided it was time for the senpai to choke on one of the beets from the Schrute Family Farm. So much for a low profile.

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