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Author's Chapter Notes:

A/N: More inspiration from my Care Bear and Katie Bear. Oh, and if anyone didn’t know by now, they are my babysitting charges. Yes, I call them mine. Hey, they call me mommy, it works. But if you go from the kids I call mine, I would have 7+ children. And my car looks like I have twelve. So whatever.

AND: Everyone, after reading this, call up your dad and tell him you love him. Seriously, do. Or else I will come after you. With a giant bunny rabbit. And that is supposed to frighten you. So, call. Now.

(thanks to Miss Daisy and WildBerryJam for the beta for this and more chapters)

            “Look dad! A rabbit!”

            “A dog, do you see it Claires?”

            Jim and Claire were laying in their back yard; just watching the clouds float by.

            “I wish we could live in the clouds, don’t you daddy?”

            “What would it be like, Care Bear?”

            “I dunno. We could bounce around; like we were always on those moon bounces. And we could eat them”

            Jim laughs, “And what do clouds taste like?”

            “Cotton Candy, of course.”

            “Sounds perfect. Could we live in that castle over there?” Jim points to a new cloud floating into view.

            “Yep. And we would live happily ever after, just like in a fairy tale.”

            “What about when it rains?”

            “It would be under us.”

            “Would we fall out with the rain?”


Chapter End Notes:
No joke, this happened this morning. Me and my girlies were lying on the playground, and nearly this exact conversation took place. Just substitute Emily for Daddy.

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