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            “It’s raining” Claire whined.

            “We can still play something.”

            “But it’s raining!”

            Jim dug out an old pair of sandals for him and found some old boots for Claire. “Here, Care Bear. Put these on.”

            Claire looked suspiciously at the boots, but put them on. She long ago learned when her dad was up to something, and was always willing to participate.

            Jim led Claire outside. The main part of the storm had past, leaving just light rain and a lot of puddles. Jim quickly jumped into the closest one, splashing Claire in the process.

            “Daddy! Now I am all wet!”

            “That’s the point, girly. Splash away.”

            Claire jumped into the puddle with Jim, soaking him also. The two of them ran around, jumping in every puddle. Over a half hour later, they returned home, both soaking wet and exhausted.
Chapter End Notes:
So I just did this my freshman year. Me and my friend ran around campus, jumping in all the puddles. Everyone thought we were crazy, but we loved it. Still one of my favorite memories of freshman year (along with the meningitis fountain, but that is a whole other story…although I got equally wet).

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