Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
It is Monday morning, and it is clear that Friday had changed everything in Scranton.
Dwight is already busily typing away when Jim arrives. He looks like he's been there since early morning. It is clear he is up to something
"Dwight." Jim says as he sits down.
"What's going on?"
"For the next two weeks we are shunning Ryan. He is traitor, he stole Michaels girlfriends job, which is almost the same thing as stealing Michaels job and he will pay dearly for it."
Pam walks in at that moment and drops her purse behind the reception desk. Jim swivels around in his chair.
"We're shunning Ryan until he moves to Corporate."
"I'm in.", she says giving Dwight her best serious look, and winking at Jim. They share a tiny smile, which quickly disappears as Karen, followed by Kelly, and Oscar came through the door.
"I would like everyone to know we are no longer speaking to Ryan the Temp in any way shape or form. He is a traitor to this office, and worse a traitor to Michael." Dwight pronounces, standing up his chest puffed out, all business. "If you engage in any kind of dialogue with him, then you will also be considered a traitor."
Kelly lets out a dramatic sob and rushes towards the annex. No one looks too concerned. Phyllis and Stanley roll in and ignore Dwight completely.
"Great." Karen says sarcastically not meeting anyone's eye, as she settles at her desk.
"What if it is work related?" Jim asked a sly smile just touching his lips. "I mean he will be all of our bosses in two weeks. Not a good impression to make on the big boss . . ."
Dwight thought it over a moment before responding. "Work related discussions will be tolerated, but anything more than that will be punishable by . . ."
Michael comes through the door practically dragging his briefcase behind him, looking defeated and a little tired.
"Michael!" Dwight calls out rushing over to him. "Are you all right?" he says as he gets up close. "I tried calling you all weekend, but there was no answer", he whispers.
* * *
Michael sits at his desk facing the camera.
"They're protective of me. What can I say? World's Best Boss", Michael says holding up his mug happily, yet warily. "They are taking it personally that Ryan got the job at corporate. But I am not that sad, I mean I belong in Scranton. Jan would be happy though about this whole shunning thing. Jan said I have to treat Ryan like crap. But you know what? I don't think I am going to treat Ryan like crap. I like Ryan, even though he is kinda my boss now. We're friends. And no matter what happens, we'll always be friends."
Michaels phone rings and he looks at the caller I.D. He rushes up from his desk and hangs his head out the door.
"Tell her I am on sales call and I will call her back later."
Pam nods. "Jan, he's right in the middle of sales call, can I have him call you back?"
Michael gives her a thumbs up, and gives the camera a relieved look.
"How are things going with Jan?" Pam asks as she hangs up the phone. "She sounded a little . . .
"Wacked out of her mind? Completely insane?" Michael interrupts.
"Tired", Pam says.
"Yeah I guess she could be tired, she has been rearranging everything in the condo. I couldn't even find a pair of socks this morning. I am wearing a pair of her trouser socks", he says lifting up a pants leg.
Pam stifles a laugh as she tries to look sympathetic. He is wearing knee high nude stockings. Pam can see the hair on legs poking through. "It takes time to get used to someone else's living habits when you move in together." she says a giggle just under her words. "It's only been like two days right?"
"Having a girlfriend. Sucks." Michael says under his breath as he heads back to his office.
Dwight gets up to lend support but Michael is already closing the door.
Jim turns around and gives Pam a grin. A million things pass between them in the space of a second and Pam feels her heart flutter just a little. It is almost as if everything has finally gone back to normal. Out of the corner of her eye she catches Karen looking over at them and drops her eyes. Jim knows without seeing and swivels back his eyes on his desk. Yeah, things are going to be awkward.
* * *
Angela stands at the soda machine staring intently. Dwight sneaks in and pretends to look at the items in the vending machine.
"I wish you could wear it at work."
"No. Then people would ask all kinds of questions. We would be as bad as Michael and crazy Jan."
"Maybe no one would notice."
Angela gives him a withering look that says of course everyone would notice."
"But it took a whole harvest of beets to get you exactly what you wanted, I just want to see my precious wearing it."
"No!" Angela says yanking the soda out of the machine. She turns on her heel without giving him another glance and is out the door her long ponytail swinging behind her.
For a moment Dwight looks uncharacteristically sad, but immediately regains his composure as Ryan walks in.
"Hi Dwight".
Dwight makes a show of slowly putting change into the vending machine and clearly not responding.
"How was your weekend?"
Ryan doesn't get a response.
"Mine was fine thank you."
Dwight continues to act as if Ryan is not there. He carefully punches in his selection all the while looking everywhere but Ryan.
"This shunning thing is stupid", Ryan says with no humor in his voice.
"Who told you about that?" Dwight sputters angrily.
Jim is in the doorway. "Dwight you traitor!" he says in mock shock.
"But I . . . He . . . who told the temp that we were shunning him?"
"Doesn't matter. By the code of shun if you are talking to him about non work related things then you are traitor to Michael, Dunder Mifflin and all that is good."
"I . . ."
"You should be ashamed of yourself. You should go back to your desk and take a long look at what you have done."
Dwight exits in a huff.
Jim nods to Ryan. "How's Kelly?"
* * *
"Yeah, so, Jim and I went on a date on Friday."
It is Friday night and they are both still in their work clothes, Pam in her pink cardigan, and Jim with his silly new haircut, tie undone, and sleeves rolled up. A candle sheds an orange plastic light over the table. It is loud and they lean into the middle of the table to talk.
"It's loud."
"I know. It's ok though, I hear the food here is really good."
Jim gives her a look that says he knows it's not. Don Pablo's is not exactly the kind of place you go to when you are on the date of this importance, but the two of them are already in their own place and the rest melts away in a distant and blurry background.
"Well then I chose wisely. I had a feeling Tex Mex would really set the mood." Jim says deadpan. "And it was the only place I could get into on such sort notice." he says with a shrug.
A smile curls Pam's lips and she ducks her head as their eyes meet for a long moment. This is still new and unknown and she is not completely sure where this is all going.
Their waitress, who drops off two incredibly large Margaritas, saves them. "Your Pablo Rita's. Are you ready to order?"
* * *
"It was technically our second date, or maybe the third. But yeah, it was pretty much the best third date I've ever had."
Pam wastes no time sipping her Margarita through the straw, Jim watches with a half smile, his chin in the palm of his hand, watching her, still not quite sure if this is really happening.
"Slow down, we know how you can get when you are drunk, and we can not be banned by another fine establishment."
Pam flaps her hands. "Brain Freeze."
"Oh my god Beesley, you are such a mess."
"I know. I'm sorry. It's just . . . I guess I am kind of nervous."
"You can't be nervous. Cause it's just me. And anyway I am nervous enough for the both of us."
Pam flashes him one of those smiles that has been known to break his heart.
"It's been a long time since I've been on a first date."
Jim is silent. Pam is flustered.
"I mean . . . are we . . . at work you did . . ."
"Yeah, I just, wanted a minute to let that sink in. I've only been waiting three years for this."
"That's a pretty long wait. I hope it's worth it." Pam says placing her hand on top of his.
Jim is looking into her eyes, knowing, that she knows, exactly what she does to him even with just a touch of the hand. He threads his fingers through hers, and they hold on until the waitress arrives with their food.
Story Notes:
My first story. Takes place after The Job. No spoilers.
andromeda is the author of 12 other stories.
This story is a favorite of 8 members. Members who liked Fall Into Place also liked 2494 other stories.
This story is part of the series, While we were waiting . . . Season 4 Fanfic. The next story in the series is Strange Frequencies.