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Author's Chapter Notes:
Today we'll find out: Jim's trick-or-treating tactics

November 1, 2005 9:07am

jimhalpert: good morning

pambeesly: good morning

jimhalpert: did you go trick or treating?

pambeesly: um, no, did you?

jimhalpert: uh, duh

jimhalpert: used a pillow case for a bag, hit every house about 3 times

pambeesly: :-)

pambeesly: Poor Richard's was fun last night

jimhalpert: yeah, too bad more people aren't getting fired, then we could all go there more often ;-)

pambeesly: that's not what I meant :-p

pambeesly: it's just fun to hang out with everyone outside the office

jimhalpert: yeah, definitely

jimhalpert: I have to say, Devon had a pretty awesome exit

jimhalpert: I think we all fantasize about what we'd do on our last day, but he actually did it

pambeesly: you know what you want to do?

jimhalpert: oh yeah, I planned out the final prank that I want to play on Dwight on maybe my 3rd day here

pambeesly: just Dwight? not gonna do anything to Michael?

jimhalpert: as much as I would like to

jimhalpert: he will actually probably write me a good recommendation

jimhalpert: but I'm not going anywhere

pambeesly: yeah, I don't know why I'm bringing up you leaving

pambeesly: after yesterday

pambeesly: which I still kinda feel bad about

jimhalpert: don't, you were just trying to help me out

jimhalpert: so, what will you do on your last day?

jimhalpert: when you leave to become a famous artist?

pambeesly: yeah right

jimhalpert: you never know

pambeesly: I don't know, I would like to say a few choice words to a certain blond accountant

jimhalpert: that would be awesome ;-)

pambeesly: but I would probably just get everyone's contact info

pambeesly: so I could keep in touch

jimhalpert: aw, no vengeful Pam?

pambeesly: nah

pambeesly: much as I complain about it, this place isn't that bad

pambeesly: what was that look for?

jimhalpert: that was me not believing you

pambeesly: don't get me wrong, I'm always happy to go home

pambeesly: but most of the time

pambeesly: it's not that bad :-)

jimhalpert: yeah, I don't think it's that bad either

jimhalpert: until Michael comes out of his office and says something like that

pambeesly: what the hell was that?

jimhalpert: God showing me that I should have put more thought into that Cumberland Mills job

jimhalpert: so excuse me while I touch up my resume to apply for that

pambeesly: will you ask if they need a receptionist?

jimhalpert: of course

pambeesly: thank you


Chapter End Notes:
I had a tough time with this chapter and I'm not sure why, maybe because their problems in the episode were kind of solved by the end. Anyway, since it's been asked: I am planning to make a conversation for each episode, and if I time it right it will be done right before the premiere. Thanks for reading and please comment.

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