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Author's Chapter Notes:

As we all know, Jim and Pam didn't end things on a good note in this episode. This is their conversation later in the day.

Today we'll find out about: Pam's first time

November 9, 2005 2:16pm

jimhalpert: hey

pambeesly: hey

jimhalpert: I'm sorry

pambeesly: no, don't

jimhalpert: I shouldn't have said that

pambeesly: but you aren't the one that left me at that game

jimhalpert: still, it was a low blow

pambeesly: it just sucks, you know

pambeesly: it doesn't matter how long I've been with him, or how many great moments we've had

pambeesly: nothing's ever going to change the fact that he freakin forgot about me on our first date

jimhalpert: yeah, but it was high school

jimhalpert: we all did stupid stuff in high school

pambeesly: I highly doubt you ever did anything like that

pambeesly: anyway, are we good?

jimhalpert: we're good

pambeesly: good :-)

pambeesly: you're wrong btw

jimhalpert: what's this now?

pambeesly: when you said that some would say last night would have been our first date

pambeesly: you're wrong

jimhalpert: I know it wasn't a date

jimhalpert: I was just joking around

pambeesly: it would have been Cugino's

jimhalpert: huh?

pambeesly: when you took me Cugino's on my first day here

pambeesly: I think that would have been our first date

pambeesly: do you remember that?

jimhalpert: yeah, I remember that

jimhalpert: I couldn't understand how someone who grew up in Scranton could have never been to Cugino's ;-)

pambeesly: yeah yeah, I know :-p

pambeesly: I had a lot of fun at that lunch

pambeesly: I know I'm about 3 years late saying that

jimhalpert: nah, never too late

pambeesly: but really, I was ready to walk out until that lunch

pambeesly: then I decided DM wasn't too bad

jimhalpert: oh, well, I didn't really do you any favors then, did I?

pambeesly: :-p

jimhalpert: speaking of first dates

jimhalpert: what the hell is going on with Jan and Michael?

pambeesly: oh my god! I don't know!

pambeesly: but I just got a memo that she's coming for Michael's performance review next week

jimhalpert: uhhhh . . .

pambeesly: oh stop smirking over there and just say it

jimhalpert: that's what she said

pambeesly: oh Jim. . .

jimhalpert: I know, I'm becoming one of them

jimhalpert: I'm so disappointed in myself :'-(

pambeesly: *sigh*


Chapter End Notes:

First time going to Cugino's that is. Haha, I so funny, word.

Thanks for all the feedback so far. Almost 100 reviews, wow!

ETA: So according to "Launch Party" Pam started working there first. Oops, why did I always think Jim was there first?

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