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Author's Chapter Notes:

Yeah, just don't really think about the date. I doubt anyone in Scranton barbecues after September anyway:

Today we'll find out: Why Pam's yearbook picture is under lock and key

December 5, 2005 11:23am

pambeesly: hey

jimhalpert: hi

pambeesly: I don't know if I got a chance to thank you for Friday

pambeesly: I had a lot of fun

jimhalpert: good, I'm glad

jimhalpert: I thought the party was a success

jimhalpert: even with Michael

pambeesly: your duet was very touching

jimhalpert: thanks, we didn't get much time to rehearse together

jimhalpert: but now we're thinking of touring in the spring

pambeesly: oh good, I'll buy tickets

jimhalpert: :-)

pambeesly: but it was a lot of fun, I wish we all hung out together more often

jimhalpert: yeah

jimhalpert: Mark actually has people over every couple weeks

jimhalpert: just to hang out and maybe play some poker with

pambeesly: cool

jimhalpert: yeah, and you're always welcome to come by if you want

pambeesly: okay, cool, let me know whenever that's going on

jimhalpert: definitely

jimhalpert: so, when am I going to see your yearbook picture?

pambeesly: um, never

jimhalpert: aw, why not?

pambeesly: I was such an art geek in high school

jimhalpert: says the girl who called me dorky

pambeesly: but you were dorky in a still kinda cute way

pambeesly: I was dorky in a pathetic and hopeless way

jimhalpert: I don't believe you

pambeesly: no, really, it wasn't pretty

jimhalpert: you saw mine I should see yours

jimhalpert: tit for tit

pambeesly: what?

jimhalpert: sorry, something Dwight says

pambeesly: now there's something I'd be curious to see

pambeesly: Dwight in high school

jimhalpert: um, they actually made a movie about it

jimhalpert: it's called Napoleon Dynamite

pambeesly: oh my god!

jimhalpert: ?

pambeesly: that's it! he's a grown up Napoleon

jimhalpert: except not funny

pambeesly: wow, that movie is officially ruined for me

jimhalpert: yep, I know

pambeesly: wow

Chapter End Notes:
You may not agree Dwight is like Napoleon, which is fine. But let me ask you this: would Dwight claim he spent his summer with his uncle in Alaska shooting wolverines? Yes, yes he would. ;) Anyway, thanks for reading and for all the reviews. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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