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Author's Chapter Notes:

Today we learn: Kelly's favorite movie

January 27, 2006 8:21am

pambeesly: you're back!

jimhalpert: I am

pambeesly: you have no idea how happy I am to see you when I look up

jimhalpert: well, you have no idea how happy I am that Kelly is in a different room

pambeesly: why, what's wrong with Kelly?

jimhalpert: other than being Scranton's version of a Valley Girl?

pambeesly: really?

jimhalpert: there literally wasn't a single moment that she wasn't talking

jimhalpert: I think I now know everything about her

pambeesly: favorite color?

jimhalpert: pink

pambeesly: favorite movie?

jimhalpert: Pretty in Pink

pambeesly: uh-huh, okay, so I'm guessing favorite musician is also Pink?

jimhalpert: that's her favorite female artist, her favorite male artist is Usher

jimhalpert: which is also what she plans on naming her first child

pambeesly: you're lying to me

jimhalpert: oh how I wish

pambeesly: wow, I had no idea

jimhalpert: yeah, I now truly understand the term "captive audience"

jimhalpert: oh, and she had me try to set her up with Ryan

pambeesly: really? Ryan?

jimhalpert: yeah, cuz he's soooooo cute :-/

pambeesly: yikes, I assume he has no idea how she really is either

jimhalpert: probably not

jimhalpert: I give it a week

pambeesly: well believe me, things were equally bad out here

pambeesly: I never fully appreciated the wall between Michael's office and the main room until yesterday

jimhalpert: yeah, he managed to rearrange all my files

pambeesly: you're lucky he didn't fold them all into paper airplanes

jimhalpert: this is true

pambeesly: so, are you busy?

jimhalpert: why?

pambeesly: well, I haven't talked to you all week, plus you look like you need a jelly bean

jimhalpert: hmm, maybe I do

pambeesly: so maybe you should come get one

jimhalpert: maybe I will

pambeesly: :-)


Chapter End Notes:
Please will the Japanese gods to give me internet at home soon . . .

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