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Author's Chapter Notes:
today we find out: Is Jim a metrosexual?

March 16, 2006, 9:34am

jimhalpert: so here's something I never ever thought I would say

pambeesly: ?

jimhalpert: I had fun at Michael's birthday party

pambeesly: wow, I think you've finally snapped

jimhalpert: have I?

pambeesly: no, j/k, I had a lot of fun too

jimhalpert: good call on the Night Swept set

pambeesly: what did I tell you?

jimhalpert: um, I believe your exact words were "The more it sounds like a cheesy 80's movie, the more Michael will love it"

pambeesly: and I was right, wasn't I?

jimhalpert: yes, you were

jimhalpert: congrats on your intimate knowledge of Michael Scott

pambeesly: oh god

pambeesly: please don't ever use ‘intimate' and ‘Michael' in the same sentence again

jimhalpert: I knew that would get you ;-)

pambeesly: :-p

pambeesly: so, did you use that fabric softener last night?

jimhalpert: why are you so fascinated with my use of fabric softener?

jimhalpert: is it so wrong that I like my sheets to smell like a fresh spring breeze?

jimhalpert: it's not funny

pambeesly: sorry, sorry, I know you take it seriously

pambeesly: I don't think I've seen Roy touch even a dryer sheet in all the time we've lived together

pambeesly: so I guess I assumed guys are just that way

jimhalpert: well, you know what happens when you assume

pambeesly: don't actually type it out

jimhalpert: you make an ASS out of U and ME

pambeesly: such a dork

jimhalpert: yes, but I'm a dork with great smelling clothes ;-)

pambeesly: so, do you have any other metrosexual tendencies I should know about?

jimhalpert: what is this? calling me metrosexual?

pambeesly: do you use facial moisturizer or get pedicures on the weekends?

jimhalpert: I think my shaving cream has some sort of something in it

jimhalpert: and I only get pedies on very special occasions ;-)

pambeesly: oh really?

jimhalpert: yes, in fact I haven't even been to an occasion special enough to warrant getting one

pambeesly: ah

jimhalpert: yeah

pambeesly: maybe next year for Michael's b-day we can go to a spa, and all get manies and pedies

jimhalpert: wow, and here I thought you didn't want any more intimate knowledge of Michael, now you want to go with a spa with him

pambeesly: no, no, I mean everyone, not just Michael

jimhalpert: you wanna take a mud bath with him?

pambeesly: stop it

jimhalpert: get his-and-her shiatsu massages?

pambeesly: I will close this window if you don't stop

jimhalpert: just remind him that the cucumber slices are for the eyes, not for eating

pambeesly: okay, I'm going now

jimhalpert: and the green facial mask isn't guacamole

pambeesly: good bye

pambeesly signed off at 9:54am

pambeesly signed in at 10:01am

pambeesly: are you going to behave now?

jimhalpert: yes, but only because I don't know what else they do at a spa

pambeesly: okay

jimhalpert: oh wait, how could I forget!

jimhalpert: waxing!

pambeesly: please hold while I block you from my buddy list

jimhalpert: :-D hehe


Chapter End Notes:
Wow, at first I had no idea what to write since this is a pretty positive JAM episode, but then it took on a life of it's own. I figured you guys deserved fluffy banter because the angst is quickly approaching, so enjoy, folks.

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