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Author's Chapter Notes:
today we learn: what Jim's eternal dilemma is

May 11, 2006 11:35am

pambeesly: so, I can't decide if you're that convincing or if Dwight is just that gullible

pambeesly: because I think he really does think you moved the coat rack

jimhalpert: I'm gonna go with a little of both

pambeesly: that may have been your best prank ever

jimhalpert: well, it would have been nothing without your fast thinking

pambeesly: thanks

pambeesly: excited for Casino Night?

jimhalpert: yeah, I mean, as excited as I ever get for company events

jimhalpert: you?

pambeesly: I'm pretty excited

pambeesly: I'm not gonna lie, I'm good at casino games

jimhalpert: oh really?

jimhalpert: well, I always beat my friends at poker, so I'm not so bad either

pambeesly: ah, well, you'll have to prove that tonight

pambeesly: in fact, I'm going to challenge you to a poker game

pambeesly: just you and me

jimhalpert: okay

pambeesly: and bring some tissues because you're gonna leave the table crying

jimhalpert: wow, you're talking an awful big game there, Beesly

pambeesly: just be prepared

jimhalpert: well, I accept the challenge

jimhalpert: but I'm going to forego the tissues

pambeesly: ;-)

pambeesly: oh, I keep forgetting to tell you, Jan wants you to call her

jimhalpert: okay

jimhalpert: did she say why?

pambeesly: no, and she didn't sound too urgent, just said call her sometime

pambeesly: I'm gonna guess it's Michael related

jimhalpert: yeah, usually is

pambeesly: oop, nearly lunch time

pambeesly: what are you doing for lunch?

jimhalpert: well, there's always the eternal dilemma of whether I'm gonna eat in the breakroom or in the kitchen

jimhalpert: right now it feels like a breakroom day

pambeesly: cool, maybe I'll see you there ;-)

jimhalpert: :-)

Chapter End Notes:

See, kind of happy (but with undertones of sadness). And now the angst truly begins . . .

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