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Author's Chapter Notes:

Takes place the same day as the episode.

today we find out: what was Pam and Roy's pettiest fight

Thursday, January 4, 2007 4:07pm

pambeesly: Mr. Harrison from the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Davis from the YMCA and Mrs. Giletti from the Scranton Breast Cancer Society all want you to call them.

jimhalpert: okay, thanks

pambeesly: sorry, there were a million messages and I figured it was easier to type all of yours out

jimhalpert: no, it's fine, very efficient of you ;-)

jimhalpert: I have to say out of all the awful Michael Scott parties I've attended

jimhalpert: that one took the cake for "most awful"

pambeesly: yeah, there are very few ways to make inventory fun, and that was definitely not one of them

jimhalpert: you went missing for about half an hour there

pambeesly: oh yeah, I had to run to the store real quick

jimhalpert: ah

pambeesly: so, is Karen all squared away with the apartment?

jimhalpert: yeah, she's going over there after work to sign the paper work

jimhalpert: and I guess I'm helping her move in this weekend

pambeesly: ah, well, stay warm

jimhalpert: thanks

jimhalpert: sorry about all that

pambeesly: about all what?

jimhalpert: bothering you with the apartment stuff

pambeesly: I wasn't bothered

pambeesly: everyone has disagreements from time to time

jimhalpert: it just feels so, I don't know, trivial

pambeesly: yeah, but you usually don't realize how trivial it is when you're in it

jimhalpert: this is true

pambeesly: Roy and I once had a fight about how to load the dishwasher

jimhalpert: really

pambeesly: yeah, I can't even remember exactly what, but he was doing something that was driving me crazy

pambeesly: it was so ridiculous, and whenever we got into a petty fight after that he would mutter "dishwasher"

jimhalpert: Beesly the Dishwasher Nazi

pambeesly: :-p

pambeesly: oh my god, 13 people have forwarded the "Sun Princess" picture to me

jimhalpert: the one of Urkel Gru?

pambeesly: wait . . . 14 now

jimhalpert: hmm, let's see how many times I've gotten it

jimhalpert: ah, only 8

jimhalpert: oh wait, there's another 10 in my spam folder

pambeesly: dang, I need 4 more to catch up

jimhalpert: we should have an office wide pool to see who gets the most forwards of Jamaican Jan

pambeesly: I'll type up a memo ;-)

jimhalpert: :-)


Chapter End Notes:
I had a hard time with the chapter, and restarted it at least 3 times. But I decided after Pam had her crying session in the hallway that she decided that if she wanted any relationship with Jim she needed to accept Karen being in his life, thus her bringing up the apartment (notice how Jim seems less than thrilled though).

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