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Author's Chapter Notes:

Set right after the Jim sees Dwight leaving scene.

today we find out: what Jim thinks of Dwight's departure

Tuesday, January 16, 2007 3:47pm

jimhalpert signed in at 3:47pm

pambeesly: oh my god, you just missed it!

jimhalpert: I was about to ask what the hell happened in the 30 minutes I was gone

pambeesly: Dwight quit because he wouldn't tell Michael the reason he was late this morning

jimhalpert: he quit?

pambeesly: yeah, I know

jimhalpert: man, I've been willing him to quit for 6 years, and he finally does it the half hour I was out of the office

jimhalpert: some bizarre version of Murphy's law, I guess

pambeesly: how was coffee?

jimhalpert: it was okay

pambeesly: Phyllis and Karen went to renew the Becker account today

jimhalpert: ah

pambeesly: thus the hair and makeup

pambeesly: you probably already knew that

jimhalpert: I was actually too afraid to ask

jimhalpert: but I figured it was something like that

jimhalpert: or maybe I was just hoping that wasn't going to be her new look

pambeesly: hey I've pulled up a photo of my watercolor

jimhalpert: oh yeah, what was it of?

pambeesly: it's of Francis Willard elementary school, they're having a big anniversary this year and I guess they're going to use my painting for various things

jimhalpert: cool

pambeesly: like calendars and posters and stuff

pambeesly: I can print it out so you can see it, or you can just come look at it on my screen

jimhalpert: actually, could you email it to me?

jimhalpert: that way I'll have it

pambeesly: oh, okay

jimhalpert: thanks

pambeesly: hey, you okay?

jimhalpert: yeah, why?

pambeesly: just curious

jimhalpert: it's just been a long day

pambeesly: yeah, I bet

pambeesly: okay, the email it on it's way

jimhalpert: great

jimhalpert: it's really awesome that you won that, I'm really happy for you

pambeesly: thanks

jimhalpert: now you're gonna get famous, just watch

pambeesly: yeah right

jimhalpert: could happen, you never know

pambeesly: maybe :-)


Chapter End Notes:

Aw, happy, kinda. We still have a few hills a valleys, but it will be good in the end, I promise. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing, it means so much to me :-) Please know I'll try to respond to comments eventually.

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