Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
He pulled into the parking lot, stopped the car, and slowly lowered his head to the steering wheel. As he took a deep breath his mind starting functioning properly again. He was supposed to be in New York interviewing for a job that was perfect for him. But what Jim was more concerned with, however, is that he was supposed to be at that interview with a girl that was perfect for him. A girl that always said the right things. A girl that made him feel good about himself. A girl that knew what she wanted. But she wasn't the girl. The girl he wanted now, and had always wanted for that matter, was right inside the building he was now looking at, squinting due to the glare coming from the fourth floor windows. He turned away and looked down at the note she had written to him that was held in his hand. A small smile crept onto his face. He loved her handwriting.
As he unlocked his door to get out, a familiar memory came to mind from the previous year, in this very same parking lot. His stomach turned over as he remembered how he tried, twice actually, to win her heart—the one thing he was so sure he had a part of—but by the end of the night, his heart— which she had already won in it's entirety—was broken. She had denied him what he so desperately wanted. Her. But he couldn't blame her for what happened because she was, after all, engaged to another man. A sorry excuse for a man, but that was beside the point. He recalled the stomach dropping feeling he had after she told him, “I can't”. Not won't but can't.
He shook his head as if to literally shake the memory off of his brain. This time it was different. Roy was out of the picture, as was his girlfriend who's name he didn't dare think. He had to do this. He wanted to do this, even though he felt as though he might pass out. With butterflies rapidly fluttering in his stomach, and the crinkled yogurt lid clutched tightly in his hand, he stepped outside his car and headed towards the building he knew so well.
“Then it's a date.”
He shut the door quietly. The smile couldn't be wiped from his face. He ignored all of the eyes that were curiously staring at him as he started out of the office. But before he left, he walked back to his desk and grabbed a small piece of paper. He started scribbling a note, which proved harder to write than he expected due to the uncontrollable shaking of his hands.
Couldn't stay. Meet me after work in the parking lot.
He smiled to himself as he added,
P.S. Bring your ski mask, bathing suit, and toothbrush. We're escaping through the sewers again.
He casually dropped it on her desk and headed for the elevators.
She would be leaving the office in a few hours. He wasn't sure where he was going to go to kill the time. He just couldn't stay there. He should have stayed and waited for her to come out of her interview, but he wouldn't know what to say to her when she did. He didn't want Dwight or Michael to be standing beside them as they took this huge leap in their relationship, either. It needed to be personal—just the two of them. No cameras, and no coworkers.
He drove around for two hours, planning things he might say to her. Should he be witty, or utterly romantic? Should he throw her into a passionate kiss or give a little fist bump? Whatever he said or did, he knew it would get a laugh out of her. That was his favorite thing to do: make her laugh, and right now he missed that sound more than he could handle. It seemed like forever since they had laughed together. He wanted to walk over to her desk everyday again just because he could. He needed to see her smile and hear her laughter.
Before he knew it, he found himself in the parking lot. He saw Pam leaning against her car. Upon seeing him a huge smile spread across her face, which made him grin, as it always did. He loved her. Everything about her. He put his car in park, and opened the door. Besides his heart beating a million beats per minute, he felt extremely comfortable. This is where he was supposed to be. He slid his hands in his pockets and strolled over to her and at that moment everything he had planned to say on his two hour drive to nowhere was completely washed out of his mind. Pam stood up straight, and began walking towards him. As they reached each other, rather than saying anything, he gently pulled her into a tight hug. He felt her arms wrap around him as he took in her scent and the way she fit perfectly in his arms and against his body. They stood there for what seemed like an eternity, when he whispered in her ear,
“It's alright if I told Dwight he could come, right?”
He kissed the top of her head as they broke apart, now hand in hand, and he listened to the sound of her laughter ring through his ears.
Story Notes:
This is my first fic, so be gentle!
Chapter End Notes:
I debated on hug vs. kiss...tell me what you think. Again: it's my first, so BE GENTLE. :)