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Disclaimer: Again, I own nothing

After Jim had brushed her off, Pam too had gone back to her desk, and did as much work as she could, trying to work up the courage to talk to him again. He was just... so cold to her lately. She understood why, of course she did. He was attacked. And by Roy of all people. At five on the dot, she slipped out the door, into her car and was halfway home before she abruptly turned around. Suddenly, and unexpectedly, she was angry. No not angry. Furious. How dare he. How DARE he! She was momentarily glad when she got back to the parking lot to see his car still in the parking lot. She pulled her car into the spot next to his, got out and leaned against her hood, and waited.

She didn't have to wait long. He came strolling out with a relieved look on his face but when his eyes rested on her, his face darkened. Suddenly, instead of the semi-relaxed, tired look he had, it was resigned, angry, and cold. Pam felt her righteous indignation start to quickly ebb and she knew she needed to get this out before she lost her nerve.

"Ok look. I know you're mad at me, or disappointed, or ...whatever. But I need to say some things, and-- you need to hear them."

"Can we not do this now? I need--"

"No. We're doing this now. Mostly because I need to tell you some things you might not want or be ready to hear. You had your chance, now it's my turn."


"No. First... You have to realize, I had been with roy for ten years TEN years....I've never known anything else. So when you told me.... what you told me last may, I panicked."

Jim felt the walls he had constructed between his feelings for her and himself start to crumble, and he realized he needed to get out of there. Now. He really couldn't deal with this.

"But, you woke me up. I realized you were right, I needed to take a chance on something. So I did. Or I tried. And then you came back with Karen. And that's fine...whatever, but you need to know...the reason I left with Roy was because I couldn't leave with you. I'm in love with you, and seeing the two of you every day, it hurts, but I can deal with it. But at Phyllis' wedding, seeing the two of you so together, so happy, it was like something broke." Pam rushed through her words, never looking up, but her voice was stronger and more clear than Jim could ever remember hearing it before. "I can handle the fact that you've moved on, but Jim you were my best friend before you left, and now you won't even really talk to me, and that....sucks. I miss you."

"Pam-" Jim started, almost warningly, still feeling the anger he'd been harboring ever since he saw the two of them together at the wedding.

She looked up. "What?" she asked abruptly.

"I- look, I gotta go..meet Karen." He said almost pointedly, not believing her words, trying to brush them aside. It's too late.

She bristled. "Great, well, you go do that." and with that, Pam quickly got in her car and left him in the darkened parking lot.


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