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IX. Giant 

Pam leaned into Jim's kiss. "Do you really think they'll get back together?" she asked several long moments later.

"I don't know," Jim said seriously. Thinking about his answer, Jim watched Pam finish arranging the last few items in the pantry, and then followed her into the living room. He smiled as she plopped down into her favorite spot on his couch. He still marvelled at how comfortable she obviously felt here; she was actually, legitimately part of his life now.

Once they were settled, Jim continued his train of thought. "Dwight is really upset, but he did kill her cat, and Angela's not known for being the most forgiving person."

"True," Pam said. "I can't imagine being with someone who- I mean, random stuff reminds me of you, good or bad, but nothing is randomly reminding me that you murdered my pet. Still, it's just so sad. Dwight's really not such a bad guy."

Jim snaked his arm around Pam's shoulders. "Oh, you're just sweet on him for reading you Harry Potter." He tried to repress a smile as she immediately jerked free of his light embrace.

"That is a lie, Jim Halpert. That is a huge, giant lie. You take that back!" Jim thought that Pam's fake indignation, the way her eyebrows arched as she somehow smiled and frowned at the same time, was one of her prettiest expressions.

"A giant lie, Pam? Maybe even a Hagrid-sized lie?"

Pam grabbed the couch pillow from behind her and brandished it menacingly. "Take it back," she warned.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. I'm sorry if the truth hurts," Jim answered.

Pam took a swing. "Oh, something's going to hurt, all right," she laughed, pummeling Jim about the head and shoulders with the pillow. Laughing, Jim launched himself at Pam, gently pinning her under his weight and holding the pillow above her head.

"OK, OK," she giggled breathlessly. "Fine, you're right, I've got a thing for Dwight and his sweet Harry Potter-reading ways." Jim immediately released her, placing the pillow behind her head and planting a short kiss on her lips.

"See, now, was that so bad? Did that hurt?" he teased.

"Yes. It hurt my soul," she answered drily.

"Poor soul," Jim murmured, kissing her again, this time more gently and with purpose. Pam responded eagerly, but Jim kept talking between kisses. "Unfortunately," he said, "I think that is a giant lie."

Pam's giggling was soon smothered in kisses.

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