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Video interviews with employees of Dunder Mifflin, Scranton, after a meeting called by Michael Scott to discuss his recent summons for jury duty.


Stanley Hudson

He spent a lot of the time asking us for ways to get out of it.  I told him to do his civic duty. He said that he didn’t have a Honda, he had a Chrysler.  Oh, Lord.


Phyllis Vance

I tried to explain to Michael that his presence on the jury could end up being the deciding voice that sways them and he should take that seriously. Later when I thought about it all, I had a little cry.


Dwight Schrute

I advised him to do it but to be aware that the real criminal could be anyone in the courtroom. Scan the faces, look for tells. Be very skeptical, someone could be out to trick you. Also, I gave him the truth-detecting headset that Jim made for me once.


Meredith Palmer

Juries are a great place to meet guys. They’re cut off from their wives and girlfriends. They never call after it’s over though.


Andrew Bernard

I was called for jury duty once in Stamford, but I didn’t get chosen. I think it’s all about who you know.


Kelly Kapoor

I can't imagine ever stepping foot in a courtroom.  Unless it was a celebrity trial, I'd do that. But there aren't any celebrities in Scranton.  My life is so sad.


Kevin Malone

Oscar bet me ten bucks that Michael finds some way to get out of it.  Creed bet me ten that he doesn't.  So either way, I win.   Hey, wait a minute…


Angela Martin

He’s making too big a deal out of it.  You just listen to the evidence, talk about it with the other jurors for a while and vote to convict. It’s a simple process.


Toby Flenderson

I informed Michael that if he needed to take time off for jury duty, the company would make arrangements to help him out. I said I’d even be willing to step in as temporary manager till he gets back. 

I missed your follow-up question. Could you repeat it? My ears are still ringing.


Oscar Martinez

I won’t complain if he gets out of it.  I wouldn’t want anyone to be judged by him.  I get enough of that at work, and I can’t imagine if it carried a sentence too.


Creed Bratton

I told the bossman straight out that what he needs to do is disagree with everyone else on the jury no matter what. Then find out who most wants to go home and how much it’s worth to them.


Jim Halpert

I always figured that someday the government would step in and take him away from us.

I now feel a little better about the taxes I pay.


Pam Beesley

Yeah, I convinced him to give up trying to get out of it. I explained to him that he’d be in a locked room with eleven others who can’t leave. A captive audience for days that he can use to try out new impressions and jokes.

After the meeting he asked me to find out if he can do jury duty every month.


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