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Author's Chapter Notes:
This is where we veer into the supernatural. Pam is leaving Roy but he's got a plan.

Pam was sitting on the couch a few days later when he got home from a night out with Darryl. She was confused that he didn’t smell like smoke and beer but it passed quickly through her mind and she thought no more about it.

In any case, her bags were packed and she was just waiting up for him to give him a courtesy notice that the wedding was off and she was moving out. If she could have gotten away with leaving a note, she certainly would have handled it that way instead.

She hadn’t spoken to Jim about it yet but he was all she’d been able to think about for the past few days and she had decided that she needed to give herself a chance to be with him. She just wanted to end things with Roy first and make a clean start.

When he saw her sitting on the couch in the dark he immediately started to suspect what was about to happen. He needed to stall her as much as possible to do what he needed to do.

He went right past her into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water.

She called after him, “Roy? Where did you go? We need to talk!”

“I’m in here, babe! Just a sec. I need a drink cuz my throat is real dry!” he stirred the powder into the water and as instructed, he waited until the purple color faded to clear before walking back into the living room.

She had a few tears in her eyes but there was a determination in her face he hadn’t seen in months – possibly years. He swallowed hard, knowing what was coming but waiting to hear before taking action.

“Roy, listen. I’ve been thinking a lot lately and we really need to talk. I need some space and I…” she exhaled in a rush, “I don’t want to marry you anymore.”

He took a deep breath, “Pam, are you sure about this?”

“Yes, really sure. I’m sorry but we’re just not the same people we were and we’ve grown apart.”


“That’s it? That’s all you have to say?”

“Yeah. It’s fine, Pam, whatever you want. Here have a drink of water. You’ve been crying - you sound a little dry.”

“Yeah, okay, thanks.” She took the glass and took a long drink. Suddenly her eyes grew wide and she looked over at Roy, closed her eyes and slumped forward.

Roy gathered her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom. He took out his cell and dialed a number. “You can come on in now. She’s under.”

Darryl entered the apartment with the stranger who had given him the powder. Roy didn’t want to know his name and the stranger hadn’t offered it so Roy called him Mr. X.

Mr. X hadn’t said much at all to Roy but he did ask, “You get what I needed?”

“Yep, got it all right here.” He handed the stranger a small bag containing 2 pictures, a lock of hair, and a small vial.

The stranger took the bag and said only, “Go. Leave me with her for one hour.”

Darryl and Roy went to the living room.

“Xbox?” Roy asked.

“Yeah. Halo 2, all rocket launchers?” Darryl offered.



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