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Author's Chapter Notes:
Decided to continue this one.  Should only be a couple chapters after this one.  I figured someone had to find out pretty quick since someone always does.  Also, I have a theory (and it’s confirmed on Wikipedia) that ‘Larissa Halpert’ may not be Jim’s mom.  Just go with it for now.  It may not be important now or ever, but I thought it’d be interesting.

They flew out on Saturday morning.


By Saturday night, they were comfortably settled in Alex and Kim’s Phoenix home.


They drove to the Grand Canyon Monday morning.


By Monday night, they were engaged.


They arrived in Las Vegas with Alex and Kim Wednesday night.


By Thursday night, they were married.


They left Phoenix Sunday morning.


By Monday morning, they were pretending nothing had changed.


They left the office Monday thinking no one knew better.


By Tuesday, 9am, they were made aware of the cameramen’s knowledge of their nuptials.




“Well, we, um,” Pam looked between the camera, Jim, and the TV, not knowing a single thing to say to get them out of it.


“See, the thing is,” Jim started, looking from Pam to the camera, “we got married last week.”




“Engaged Monday-“


“Married Thursday,” Pam beamed.


“We were shooting for the ‘shortest engagement’ Dundie this year.’


Pam smiled at the camera, “We just kind of decided we didn’t care about having the big wedding and we were certainly tired of waiting so, we went to Vegas and got hitched.”


“But not by Elvis.”


“No, that’s too tacky, even for us.”


“It was Dumbledore,” Jim smirked and looked at Pam, who was hiding a smile behind her hand.


“It was totally hilarious.”


“And totally worth it.”


“I couldn’t keep a straight face through half of it.”


“But you did cry.”


“Yes, Jim, I did cry.  Thank you for sharing that, but n my defense, you had some pretty great vows.”


“Thanks.”  Jim looked at Pam lovingly, grabbing her hand in his.




“So,” Jim whispered as he leaned over Pam’s desk, “they’re good.”


“No, we’re just sloppy.  Although, we’ve never been good at keeping our business our own.”


“Yeah, that’s true.  We should have learned when they caught us kissing in your cr.”


“And the time they caught us kissing at your desk.”


Jim looked at her, confused.


“Casino Night,” she said, smiling.


“Wow, they are good.  We should make them wear bells around their necks or something.”


Pam stifled a laugh behind her hand.  “So,” she started after she composed herself, “how long before we tell everyone?”




She laughed,” We have to tell Toby.”


“Tell me what?” Toby asked as he placed mail in the bin on Pam’s desk.


“Oh, um,” Jim stuttered, straightening up, “well, we were hoping to talk to you in private maybe.  It’s personal.”


“Okay, sure.  Let me go get some paperwork and I’ll meet you in the conference room.”


“Thanks, Toby.  Pam said, smiling.


Jim and Pam weren’t sure when to start when they were seated across from Toby in the conference room.  Pam looked at Jim, expectantly.


“Well,” he began, taking Pam’s hand in his on the table.  “As you know, we went on vacation last week.”


“Uh huh.”


“Well, we, um-“


“We got married,” Pam said quickly, looking down at the table before looking back up at Toby.


“Oh, well, I didn’t even know you guys were engaged.”


“We weren’t until last Monday.  We got married on Thursday,” Jim said quietly.


“Oh, ok.  Well, I guess we’ll have to get some forms filled out.”


“Who all has to be notified?  I mean, we’d like to keep it fairly quiet for right now,” Pam said.


“Well, um, Ryan and David will be notified by these forms, but anyone else you tell is up to you.  I’m not required to tell anyone, neither are you.  Whether or not you tell the res of the office is up to you.”  He signed a few papers and slid them across the table to Jim and Pam.  They both signed and slid them back to Toby.  He frowned at Pam’s signature: Pamela Halpert.


“Thanks, Toby.”


“You’re welcome, Pam.  I’ll get these papers to corporate today.  There are some personal and family time papers and whatnot I’ll grab and get to you as well.  Not much changes for you, but there are a few small details about time off.  There’s also some things on insurance benefits, but we can deal with that this week some time,” he said, looking increasingly paler.


“We’ll need to update my address and our emergency contact information, too,” Pam added.


“Of course.  I can bring those to you.”  Toby refused to look at the couple, instead, busying himself with the papers in front of him.  He stood up and quickly started for the door.




He stopped at Pam’s voice.


“Are you okay?”


“I’m fine, it’s all just a big surprise, that’s all.”  He continued out of the conference room, shutting the door after him.


Pam and Jim spent their lunch filling out paperwork for Toby.  “Why exactly do you have Larissa as your emergency contact?”


Jim looked up from his forms, “Would you have me trust my health to my brother?”


“No,” Pam laughed, “but your sister is so young.”


“She’s almost 22, Pam.  Besides, she’s the closest one to us.  I’m her primary contact person too.”


“Wow, the responsible Halpert children.  I guess it makes sense since your parents moved away a few years ago, but now we don’t have to worry about it.”


Jim leaned over the table ad kissed her gently.


“What was that for?”


“Can’t I kiss my wife?”


“Of course you may.  So, I have to ask, should I say either of us are on any prescription medication?  I mean, now’s the perfect time to change things since I’m already filling out the forms.”


Jim raised his eyebrows, “Well, Pam, I’m not.  What about you?”


“Well, I have been, but I’m thinking about getting off of it.  Have been for a little while now.”


“Really, well, did you want to take it off of there and stop taking it,” Jim smirked.


Pam smiled back at him, “Yeah, I think I do.”


“Like you said, perfect time to change the forms since we’ve got them.”  He went to look back down at the forms when Pam surprised him with a giddy kiss on the cheek.  “How dare you.”


She smiled at him before going back to changing her medical forms.  She didn’t stop grinning the rest of the afternoon, knowing she had a few things to throw away when they got home.

Chapter End Notes:
Hope everyone still likes this.  I don’t want to continue it if people don’t like it so let me know!  Thanks to everyone who’s sticking with it.

lostfox555 is the author of 11 other stories.
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