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Pam entered the break-room, where most of the office had followed Jim to find out about the situation. “We have to find Michael,” she said wearily. “Of course, Jan is convinced that I know where he is. At least, she thinks I might know of some special places “we” used to go together.” She shuddered dramatically as Jim frowned.


“Did you try calling corporate?” Phyllis asked. “Maybe he had to go up to New York for something.”


Stanley didn’t even look up from his crossword puzzle as he chimed in: “Did he know she was coming here? Maybe he ran away.”


“I always wanted to run away to join the circus,” Andy added.


Jim raised his eyebrows in a typical expression. “Did you call around to all the circuses, Pam?”


 “That’s ridiculous,” Dwight said shortly. “There are no circuses in Scranton.”


“That’s why it’s called running away to the circus, Dwight,” Pam said, straight-faced. She touched Jim’s arm lightly and turned back toward her own desk. “I think I will call Grace up at corporate. That was a good idea, Phyllis.”


Phyllis smiled, and turned to Jim. “Jim, don’t you think we should just call an ambulance?”


Jim shrugged. “Jan says she can’t afford it. But if she won’t go to the hospital soon, that’s what we’re going to have to do.”


“You should do it sooner than later, Jim,” said Kevin. “Me and Oscar were just googling childbirth, and it’s gross. It’s really, really gross. You don't want her doing that in the conference room.”

Chapter End Notes:
Disclaimer: I own nothing but I love them. No harm intended. Stay tuned...

nqllisi is the author of 87 other stories.
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