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Author's Chapter Notes:
Regretful Pam


From: pbeesly@dundermifflin.com

To: jhalpert@dundermifflin.com

Subject: My wedding

Dear Jim,

I called off my wedding because of you. And now we're not even friends. And things are… weird between us. And that sucks. You were my best friend before you went to Stamford, and… I really miss you.

I shouldn't have been with Roy, and there were a lot of reasons to call off my wedding. But the truth is, I didn't care about those reasons until I met you. It's not that I didn't love Roy when I was with him. But when you came along, he gradually mattered less and less to me. And after you kissed me, he ceased to matter altogether. It was like graduating from high school love to the Real Thing™ (pat. pend. all rights reserved).

I wish I wasn't such a coward. I wish I could just say this to you. Or just press send and get it over with. Is it too much to ask the universe to just give me ONE freaking sign?




From: pbeesly@dundermifflin.com

To: jhalpert@dundermifflin.com

Subject: I'm in love with you

I'm in love with you, Jim.



P.S. SO in love with you.


From: pbeesly@dundermifflin.com

To: jhalpert@dundermifflin.com

Subject: Karen

If you dump Karen, could we pretend like the last 12 months never happened? What about the last 6 years? 


From: pbeesly@dundermifflin.com

To: jhalpert@dundermifflin.com

Subject: (no subject)

i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm so sorry

i hate me i hate me i hate myself

i love you i love you i'm so in love with you, jim




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