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Author's Chapter Notes:

Chipper Pam


From: pbeesly@dundermifflin.com

To: jhalpert@dundermifflin.com

Subject: Fishing for Big Tuna

Dear Big Tuna,

I never thought I'd say this, but it's actually good to have Dwight back. Maybe we can send him on another CIA mission? It's been three months since the last one. I still have his confidential folder, and I think he's overdue. 

I guess the thing I'm trying to say is that I miss having fun with you. I SO missed pranking with you. I really had fun today, though. I feel a little bad about it, but at the same time, 1-fishing for Big Tuna? Andy totally brought it on himself. And 2-if he's really that unstable, he NEEDS to be in anger management.

Today was a good day. Also, you look really cute in a sombrero. Maybe I actually will send this email. After deleting this line, of course.





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