Rated: T
Categories: Jim and Pam, Past Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Secondary Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Completed: Yes
Word count: 11396 Read: 2921 ePub Downloads: 1
Published: November 11, 2023 Updated: December 31, 2023
1. I'll Be Home For Christmas by Thats what she said [Reviews - 1] 1 (263 words)
Each chapter will be either Jim or Pam's pov, starting with Pam.
2. I Believe In Father Christmas by Thats what she said [Reviews - 2] 3 (660 words)
Jim's Pov.
3. O Holy Night by Thats what she said [Reviews - 1] (673 words)
In my version, Pam's family lives in Scranton.
Pam's pov.
4. Someday At Christmas by Thats what she said [Reviews - 1] (1070 words)
This chapter deals a bit more with death and the aftermath, so if that's not your thing, best skip it.
Jim's pov
5. Last Christmas by Thats what she said [Reviews - 1] 1 (2325 words)
I like to think that Helene and William Beesly were still on good terms in this story. This chapter is a bit longer.
Pam's POV
6. Merry Christmas Darling by Thats what she said [Reviews - 1] 1 (1483 words)
Jim's POV
7. Christmas Time Is Here by Thats what she said [Reviews - 1] 2 (1391 words)
Pam's POV
8. Silent Night by Thats what she said [Reviews - 1] 1 (3289 words)
Jim's POV
9. All I Want For Christmas Is You by Thats what she said [Reviews - 1] (242 words)
Short chapter to finish things up.
Pam's POV