9 [Reviews - 10] Printer ePub eBook
Summary: Pam has a bad Christmas and Jim is there to help her out.
Rated: T
Categories: Jim and Pam, Past Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Secondary Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Completed: Yes
Word count: 11396 Read: 2921 ePub Downloads: 1
Published: November 11, 2023 Updated: December 31, 2023
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Story Notes:
Takes place during Benihana Christmas, but the storylines of the show don't take place. Sad story, but Jim and Pam always end up together in my stories.

1. I'll Be Home For Christmas by Thats what she said [Reviews - 1] 1 (263 words)
Each chapter will be either Jim or Pam's pov, starting with Pam.

2. I Believe In Father Christmas by Thats what she said [Reviews - 2] 3 (660 words)
Jim's Pov.

3. O Holy Night by Thats what she said [Reviews - 1] (673 words)

In my version, Pam's family lives in Scranton.

Pam's pov. 

4. Someday At Christmas by Thats what she said [Reviews - 1] (1070 words)

This chapter deals a bit more with death and the aftermath, so if that's not your thing, best skip it. 

Jim's pov 

5. Last Christmas by Thats what she said [Reviews - 1] 1 (2325 words)

I like to think that Helene and William Beesly were still on good terms in this story. This chapter is a bit longer.

Pam's POV 

6. Merry Christmas Darling by Thats what she said [Reviews - 1] 1 (1483 words)
Jim's POV

7. Christmas Time Is Here by Thats what she said [Reviews - 1] 2 (1391 words)
Pam's POV

8. Silent Night by Thats what she said [Reviews - 1] 1 (3289 words)
Jim's POV

9. All I Want For Christmas Is You by Thats what she said [Reviews - 1] (242 words)

Short chapter to finish things up.

Pam's POV